Das Tanelorn spielt > [Ironsworn] Der Eisenschwur

[DEs] Your World Truth Workbook Abstimmungs Thread

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We are the first humans to walk these lands.

Quest Starter: In the writings of one of the first settlers, there is a description of a glade in the heart of the Deep Wilds. The
spirits of this place are said to grant a miraculous blessing. What boon does it bestow?

Other humans sailed here from the Old World untold years ago, but all that is left of them is a savage, feral people we call the broken. Is their fate to become our own?

Quest Starter: You find a child—one of the broken. It is wounded, and hunted by others of its kind. Do you protect it, even at the risk of inviting the wrath of the broken tribes?

Before the Ironlanders, before even the firstborn, another people lived here. Their ancient ruins are found throughout the Ironlands.

Quest starter: Miners uncovered an underground ruin. Thereafter, the people of the settlement are haunted by strange dreams. The ruins call to them, they say. Several have disappeared in that dark, ancient place—including someone important to you.

Ausgewählten punkt hervorgehoben.

Hier wäre ich für Punkt 3.
Alte Ruinen sind immer gut.


--- Zitat von: Jinx am 18.02.2020 | 21:00 ---Hier wäre ich für Punkt 3.
Alte Ruinen sind immer gut.

--- Ende Zitat ---


Nächster Punkt:


We are few in number in this accursed land. Most rarely have contact with anyone outside our own small steading or village, and strangers are viewed with deep suspicion.

Quest Starter: In the dead of winter, a desperate man arrives at a snowbound steading. He is wounded, hungry, and nearly frozen to death. His family has been taken. By whom? Will you brave the merciless winter to save them?

We live in communities called circles. These are settlements ranging in size from a steading with a few families to a village of several hundred. Some circles belong to nomadic folk. Some powerful circles might include a cluster of settlements. We trade (and sometimes feud) with other circles.

Quest Starter: A decades-long feud between two circles has flared into open conflict. What is the cause of this dispute? Do you join in the fight, or swear to put a stop to it?

We have forged the Ironlands into a home. Villages within the Havens are connected by well-trod roads. Trade caravans travel between settlements in the Havens and those in outlying regions. Even so, much of this land is untamed.

Quest Starter: Caravans are forced to pay for passage along a trade road. This payment, one-quarter of the goods carried, leaves several communities without sufficient winter stores. Who is making these demands? How will you set things right?

Finde Option 2 mit den Kreisen am besten. So bleiben die Eisenlande noch etwas wild aber man hat trotzdem Variation und Optionen.


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