Welches sind Eure TOP5 der bekanntesten Fantasy-Settings?
- Forgotten Realms
53 (8.7%)
- Dark Sun (Athas)
25 (4.1%)
- Ravenloft
16 (2.6%)
- Planescape
16 (2.6%)
- Dragonlance (Krynn usw.)
15 (2.5%)
- Eberron
22 (3.6%)
- Aventurien
45 (7.4%)
- Myranor
11 (1.8%)
- Tharun
3 (0.5%)
- Uthuria
1 (0.2%)
- Midgard (Midgard Rollenspiel)
14 (2.3%)
- Golarion (Pathfinder)
10 (1.6%)
- Earthdawn
31 (5.1%)
- Talislanta (Archaeus)
4 (0.7%)
- Harnworld
10 (1.6%)
- Mittelerde (MERS/TOR usw.)
62 (10.2%)
- Hellfrost
9 (1.5%)
- Sundered Skies
6 (1%)
- Harmundia (Agone)
5 (0.8%)
- Symbaroum
9 (1.5%)
- Iron KIngdoms
5 (0.8%)
- Glorantha (Runequest & Co.)
14 (2.3%)
- Shadow World (Rolemaster)
1 (0.2%)
- Mythgart (Midgard 5e)
1 (0.2%)
- Magnamund (Einsamer Wolf)
3 (0.5%)
- The Ninth World (Numenera)
8 (1.3%)
- Die ALte Welt (Warhammer)
54 (8.9%)
- Oerth (Greyhawk)
8 (1.3%)
- Tellene (Kalamar)
2 (0.3%)
- Midnight D20
4 (0.7%)
- Yrth (GURPS)
1 (0.2%)
- Westeros (IaF RPG)
17 (2.8%)
- The Young KIngdoms (Elric, Stormbringer)
4 (0.7%)
- Ravnica & weitere Magic t.G.-Welten
3 (0.5%)
- Aborea
3 (0.5%)
- Kreijor (Arcane Codex)
2 (0.3%)
- Hyboria (Conan)
16 (2.6%)
- Rokugan (L5R)
16 (2.6%)
- Theah (7te See)
6 (1%)
- Malmsturm
8 (1.3%)
- Aveon (Nornis)
- 0 (0%)
- Pyramos
1 (0.2%)
- Ruf des Warlock / Tanaris
1 (0.2%)
- Seelenfänger
1 (0.2%)
- Lorakis (Splittermond)
19 (3.1%)
- Was ganz anderes (siehe Text)
14 (2.3%)
- Nehwon
5 (0.8%)
- Palladium Welt (Palladium Fantasy RPG)
2 (0.3%)
- Birthright
3 (0.5%)
- Spelljammer
- 0 (0%)
- Audakia(Elyrion)
1 (0.2%)
- Tri-Kazel (Shadows of Esteren)
2 (0.3%)
- Scondera(Desolation)
- 0 (0%)
- Creation (Exalted)
3 (0.5%)
- Mystara
3 (0.5%)
- Witcher
9 (1.5%)
Stimmen insgesamt: 127