Pen & Paper - Spielsysteme > OD&D/AD&D/Klone & OSR
Zusätzliche Klassen und Abstammungen für OSE / Classic D&D
Ich dachte eine Sammlung wäre nicht unpraktisch.
Zuerst alte, offizielle D&D-Bücher bei DM's Guild.
Hier gibt es zusätzliche Charakteroptionen der ausgefalleneren Art:
PC1 Tall Tales of the Wee Folk
* Brownie (Redcap)
* Centaur
* Dryad
* Faun
* Hsiao
* Leprechaun
* Pixie
* Pooka
* Sidhe
* Sprite
* Treant
* Wood Imp
* Woodrake
* Woodland Spellcaster
PC2 Top Ballista
* Faenare
* Gnome
* Gremlin
* Harpy
* Nagpa
* Pegataur
* Sphinx
* Tabi
PC3 The Sea People
* Aquatic Elf
* Kna
* Kopru
* Merrow
* Nixie
* Sea Giant
* Shark-Kin
* Triton
PC4 Night Howlers
* Werebat
* Werebear
* Wereboar
* Werefox
* Wererat
* Wereseal
* Wereshark
* Weretiger
* Werewolf
* Devil Swine
Und hier eine schöne Liste von Fan-Kreationen:
Failsnailkompatible Klassen
Ist leider nicht mehr alles live.
Das gehört noch detailierter eingearbeitet: Reddit "Book of Races"
Damit wir zum Thema zurück kommen können:
Die Rules Cyclopedia enthält in Anhang 2 (S.291ff) Regel, wie man AD&D-Charaktere nach Basic D&D konvertieren kann. Dies kann man auch zur Konvertierung von Klassen verwenden.
--- Zitat von: Rules Cyclopedia S.293 ---Optional Class Conversions
Many AD&D class and race options will not convert directly to the 0&0 system, especially multiclass and dual-class options. If the DM wants to experiment with allowing AD&O game individuals to keep their special abilities, the following guidelines recommended. We strongly
recommend that only characters transferring from AD&O campaigns use these conversions.
Combination Single Classes
These are single-classed demihumans who are clerics, mages, or thieves. Possible combinations are given in the AD&D rules.
• Hit dice are the same as humans of these classes.
• XP tables are the same as the human class.
• Advancement limits are those of the demihuman type. No spells or thief abilities increase past the last level , but the demihuman rank abilities arc gained normally.
• Racial abilities are the same as the race.
Multidass Demihumans
These are treated as combination single classes except:
• The Elf class is the equivalent of an AD&D fighter/ mage. An AD&D elf fighter/ mage convens as a standard Elf.
• Hit dice for all human and demihuman classes are both rolled and the results are averaged (round down).
• The XP table of the class that gives the slowest advancemem beyond name level is used.
• Earned XP is halved.
Dual-Class Humans
These humans can operate in two classes, subject to the following:
• They advance only in their active class; the inactive class can be used but never improves.
• They get the most advantageous saving throw, considering class and level.
• They can usc any magical item available to either of their classes.
• They make attacks based on their class and level - a fighter / thief 7/5 could allack as a 7th level fighter or backstab as a 5th level thief.
Druids and Paladins
These can be allowed in D&D play at less than 9th level, if desired.
The following optional rules can be used:
• Gnomes use halfling details unless olherwise noted.
• Gnomes have: the attacks and saving throws of dwarves.
• Gnomes speak gnome, dwarf, goblin , and kobold.
• Instead of the hiding ability, gnomes have the dwarf detect trap and infravision abilities.
--- Ende Zitat ---
Daneben enthalten einige der Gazeteer und der Hollow World-Bände ebenfalls weitere Klassen.
Die allgemeine Diskussion zum Rasse-Begriff habe ich hierher verschoben:
Rollenspiel & Gesellschaft - Rasse - alternativer Begriff
In der Zeit der Kaiser-Box gibt's den Weidmann (Sic!), praktisch ein menschlicher Elf - oder so. ;D
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