Pen & Paper - Spielsysteme > Fading Suns
FS News
Ich trau mich fast nicht, das hier als "News" zu posten... aber trotzdem: Bill Bridges auf der englischen Yahoo!Group:
--- Zitat ---We're still here, but we are busy with outside projects. The latest news:
Andrew has finished developing Arcane Tech this week (and I finished the
Alustro's Journal!), so now it's a matter of getting it into the lay-out
program and then off to the printer.
Ed's right (except about Andrew, who isn't working with WW but does have
other projects). I'm doing Mage at WW (and a new game called Promethean),
Ken is doing cell phone games and Chris is colonizing Belize in his spare
time. But Andrew and I are still working on FS, as is my bro, John. It's
just slow going due to other projects. Next up: FS 3rd edition, then WiH
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Und noch mehr (wieder Bill Bridges):
--- Zitat ---I'm afraid SathraNet is on hold until after FS3. We'll re-examine the project then. Frankly, working on a near-future cyberpunk dystopic setting was just getting too depressing in Bush's America.
FS3 will be VPS, with a revised ruleset. Arcane Tech (in layout now) is probably our last d20 book.
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Bill schrieb in der Sathranet-Mailinglist:
>>>> I think SathraNet is indefinitely postponed until we get FS3rd edition done.
>>>> Sorry.
Ich schrieb daraufhin:
> Heya Bill,
>> It`s a bit off topic, but when will that be? (My interest is more FS
>> than SN, though, and I grow more and more worried, which is basically
>> how all the remaining German active fans feel).
Bill schrieb:
Well, come March I hope to get back to the system work for FS, then post
that to the forums for comment. My thinking on it has changed back and forth
from my original desire for a new system, to my more realistic desire now
for a revised VPS that still allows for easy compatibility with all the
published stuff.
I'm swamped this month with getting another game (Promethean, for WW) done.
I also have to do the layout for Arcane Tech, which Andrew has completed
developing. I'll post my Alustro's Journal for that up on the site once I
get the layout done. I don't know if Andrew has contacted all the authors
yet (I think you're one of them), but if not, he will real soon.
Arcane Tech is our last dual system VPS/d20 book. I think it might be a PDF
release, rather than print, since our sense is that the market isn't good at
the moment for a print release, at least not until we have a new 3rd ed HC
book to support it.
Also: Arcane Tech als PDF (*kotz*), Bill schreibt lieber noch mehr für die WoD (*kotz*) und irgendwann (!) bekommen wir dann dasselbe alte VP-System, nur ein bisschen hübscher (*gähn*). Betonung liegt auf "irgendwann".
Manchmal, liebe Holistiker, macht ihr es mir mit der Liebe echt nicht leicht...
Enkidi Li Halan (N.A.):
Seit heute ist das Revised Second Edition GRW von Fading Suns wieder bei Drivethru als PDF erhältlich – bald gibt's das Buch auch über LULU als Soft- bez. Hardcover zu bestellen.
Hier der Link zu Drivethru:
<nitpick>"wieder" stimmt nicht ganz, es ist ja ein neues Produkt, das sich von der alten Second Edition unterscheidet (nicht viel, aber immerhin). </nitpick>
Eine Liste der Änderungen poste ich später noch.
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