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The Stygian Library / Bewertung & Rezensionen
« am: 26.01.2023 | 11:54 »
Hier könnt ihr eure Meinung zu The Stygian Library abgeben und nach Punkten bewerten.

The Stygian Library

Hier gelangt ihr zu der Auswertung und Übersicht bereits bewerteter Regel- und Quellen-Bände:


The Stygian Library is a creepily genteel dungeon set in an infinite extradimensional library. Each expodition generates its route as it explores, resulting in new locations being iscovered with every visit. Included within:

Systems for generating locations within the library, including Entrance Foyers, Map Galleries, Tea Rooms,  Planetariums, Calculation Engines, Phantom Databanks, Paper Beehives, Phantom Pumps, Jarred Brains and the Sheol Computer.
40 monsters tailored to the Library, including Lantern Bearers, Skeleton Crew, Origami Golems, Guardian Shades, Lost Souls, Ink Elementals, Animate Spells, Archivist-Liches, Infernal Merchants, Escaped Fictions, Educated Rodents, Conceptual Wells and the orders of Librarians themselves.
A system for searching for specific knowledge within the library's depths, as well as 30 unusual books and the secret knowledge they contain.
Tables for generating treasure, dreams, rumors, and various other useful details.
A unique class of Mummified Sages, post-human accademics who've dwelled in the Library for decades or more.
It's a big spooky library full of dangerous knowledge, spiritual automata and ghost-fueled computers.

This got a Judge's Spotlight Ennie, which is nice.