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Raiders of Arismyth - Ein moderner West Marshes Dungeoncrawler

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Mir gefallen Deine Gedanken soweit, bin gespannt auf die weitere Entwicklung.  :d

Mr. Ohnesorge:
Abo.  :d


--- Zitat von: JollyOrc am 12.04.2023 | 09:33 ---Wie hat man Spaß damit?

Als Spielende:

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Am Spielende?

Genauso wichtig!

Sorry, der blöde Wortwitz muss noch sein...

Ich wurde auf die "feindliche SL" angesprochen, die ja unter Umständen fürchterlich unfair daherkommen könnte. Hier mal einige lose Gedanken dazu:

--- Zitat ---At certain points, at the very least once combat begins, the game should turn from “this is your friendly GM who wants you to succeed” to “this is your opponent player who wants to win this conflict”.

Adversarial in this sense means that the GM, within this predefined corset of rules and resources should not pull any punches: The creatures under their control want to win, and in order to do this believably, the GM should want to “win” this encounter.

But in normal circumstances, the GM has too many options to play unfair, to fudge the inventory of the NPCs, to let reinforcements come in early, and so on.

So, it is very important that the GM becomes as limited as the players. The GM controlled NPCs and monsters are fixed entities, the terrain is set, and there should be no way of adding things in an impromptu manner, just because the PCs seem to be winning.

How this could be achieved:

* prepared notecards for all creatures in this encounter
* tables and mechanics for reinforcements, uncertain events, etc.
* open dice rolling
* absolutely minimize GM interpretation and leeway. (hard and fast rules for combat modifiers etc.)
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Macht nicht das Brettspiel "Descent" genau das? (Und hat zumindest mir als "SL" viel Spaß gemacht).
Evtl als Inspiration gut geeignet.


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