Autor Thema: Open Mythos: frei nutzbares Cthulhu-Material  (Gelesen 815 mal)

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Open Mythos: frei nutzbares Cthulhu-Material
« am: 24.04.2023 | 08:30 »

In his fiction, H.P. Lovecraft began to build a complex intermeshed web of weird-sounding extra-dimensional, alien, and otherwise weird beings. He also invented obscure tomes of forbidden lore and nefarious cults of misguided worshippers. He also encouraged fellow horror writers to borrow his strange creations and add them into their own stories; in return, Lovecraft baked some of his friends’ alien names into his later stories.

In the century since this vast game of collective myth-building began, the so called “Cthulhu Mythos” — a name coined long after Lovecraft’s death in 1937 — has grown to become a patchwork of creations that is both expansive and problematic from an Intellectual Property perspective. While there are undeniably some parts of this Mythos that are firmly in the Public Domain, other parts have been added by more recent writers (some still alive) who retain IP rights to their creations.

When building a cool game scenario or campaign, the last thing anyone wants to be thinking about is whether the inclusion of this or that alien name might trigger a nasty email from lawyers representing a fiction author or the estate of a dead author. To make things easier for creators, the German Lovecraft Society invested an enormous amount of time and effort to isolate the “open” parts of the Mythos — effectively the elements invented by Lovecraft himself for stories that have now fallen into the Public Domain. They also built game statistics for those creations.

If you’re looking for familiar Lovecraftian horrors to add to your game or scenario … and you DON’T want to get bogged down in the legalities of which author/estate to contact about which odd-sounding god, creature, or tome … these are your go-to Mythos elements. We have taken the work by our esteemed German colleagues and partnered with them to translate them to English and tweak the statistics so they work with our Cthulhu Eternal and APOCTHULHU RPGs.

The Open Mythos is divided into Rituals, Artifacts, Tomes, Cults, and Unnatural Entities.

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For those who are curious about the details of what is in the Open Mythos write-ups, here’s a quick summary. The full gory details can be obtained via the link above.

40 Lovecraftian Entities: Azathoth, Beings of Ib, Bholes, Bokrug, Cats of the Dreamlands, Colour Out Of Space, Cthulhu, Creeping Corpses, Dagon & Hydra, Deep Ones, Elder Things, Formless Hunter, Ghasts, Ghouls, Gnorri, God of the Sunken Temple, Great Race of Yith, Gugs, Hounds of Death, Hypnos, Keziah Mason, King in Yellow, Leng Folk, Mi-Go, Moon Beasts, Night-gaunts, Nodens, Nyarlathotep, Polyp Horrors, Rat Things, Resurrected Abominations, Resurrected Corpses, Shantaks, Shoggoths, Shub-Niggurath, Spiders From Leng, Star Spawn, Winged Servant, Yog-Sothoth, Zoogs

21 Unnatural Rituals: Accelerated Healing, Aklo Sabaoth, Annihilation, Banish Entity, Body Swap, DHO-HNA Formula, Dominate Will, Elder Sign, Elixir of Life, Erase Memories, Essential Saltes, Forge Ancestral Bond, Inflict Harm, Music of the Spheres, Open Dimensional Rift, Powder of Ibn-Ghazi, Prolong Life, See Through The Ages, Sign of Koth, Summon Entities, Voorish Sign

14 Terrible Tomes: Azathoth and Other Horrors, Book of Azathoth, Book of Dzyan, Brick Cylinders of Kadatheron, CTHULHU CULT (Angell’s Files), Daemonolatreia Libri III, Ilarnek Papyri, The King in Yellow (play), Liber Damnatus Damnationum, The Nameless Book, The Necronomicon, Pnakotic Manuscripts, Scientific Notes of Dr. Herbert West, Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan.

8 Strange Artifacts: Cthulhu Idol, Golden Tiaras of the Deep Ones, Great Race Mental Projection Apparatus, Jade Soul-Amulet, Mi-Go Brain Cylinder, Mi-Go Communication Implant, The Shining Trapezohedron, The Silver Key

8 Mythos-related Cults: Cannibal Cult of Leng, The Cthulhu Cult, Cult of the Wise Ones, Cult of the Worm, Esoteric Order of Dagon, Shepherds of Hastur, Starry Wisdom Sect, Witches Covens
"These things are romanticized, but in the end they're only colorful lies." - This Is Hell, Polygraph Cheaters

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Re: Open Mythos: frei nutzbares Cthulhu-Material
« Antwort #1 am: 24.04.2023 | 08:41 »
Schöne Auflistung!

Im deutschsprachigen Raum hat sich die dLG dieses Themas schon vor einiger Zeit angenommen und für "FHTAGN" die entsprechende "White-List" gemeinfreier Inhalte erstellt.

Offline Katharina

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Re: Open Mythos: frei nutzbares Cthulhu-Material
« Antwort #2 am: 24.04.2023 | 08:46 »
Die Liste der DLG findet sich hier:
Leitet derzeit: Symbaroum, Cthulhu und (unregelmäßig) Oneshots in Indie-Systemen
Spielt derzeit: Cthulhu, Monster of the Week, City of Mist und (unregelmäßig) Oneshots in Indie-Systemen

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Re: Open Mythos: frei nutzbares Cthulhu-Material
« Antwort #3 am: 5.09.2023 | 06:07 »
Die englischsprachige Veröffentlichung von Cthulhu Eternal beruht auf der Übersetzung der FHTAGN Spielwelt.