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Offline Andropinis

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Erzählt mir von Dice & Glory
« am: 13.08.2024 | 07:14 »
Bin zufällig drauf gestoßen, das System ist ja schon 15 Jahre alt, wurde aber hier soweit ich sehe noch nie besprochen. Das Setting buch sieht recht intrressant aus, der Preis für 200 Seiten Umfang mit Illus ist auch akzeptabel.

The Second Edition Core Rulebook for the Dice & Glory tabletop role-playing system, a game system for those not afraid to be imaginative. This book provides all of the basic parts of the D&G system to craft your own unique worlds. This pen & paper dice based system uses reduced character classes, a stylized turn-based combat system, a simplified skill system, a skill-based psionics system, and a unique and detailed skill-based magic/spell system. This allows Game Masters and Players near complete freedom to craft worlds and characters to their personal tastes and needs in any game setting imaginable.

The overall D&G system consists of:

    A unique "cash-in" Experience point system where players can build fully customized characters bit-by-bit and gain points for such actions as playing in character. Experience points are used to buy such things as feats, and combat bonuses which have attached experience point costs.

    Characters are built from initial basic character classes which generalize the character's role in the campaign and from there the player evolves them by spending experience points. The simplified character classes are Brick, Fighter, Adventurer, Rogue, Mage, Psychic, and Clergy even Classless! Character classes determine bonus HD, your primary saving throw, and single class ability.

     A detailed but easy-to-use Combat system using its own class-like level system. Combat is turn-based using a melee round system where a player gets a set number of attacks/actions per melee round and where 4 melee rounds equal 1 minute. It also uses a D20 + modifiers for resolution and defined combat maneuvers to allow customization of fighting style.

     A skill system that is easy to use and adapt to any situation. Skill definitions are general and allow for their narrowing to a specialized purpose. Skills use points to raise their rank, are dependent on a given base attribute, and use a D20 + modifiers for resolution.

     A unique and in-depth Magic system that uses a magic source system that determines if casting a spell is a skill-based check, point expenditure or limited by a number of spells per day. Spells are composed of well defined modular parameters that allow for Game Masters and players to easily learn to write their own.

     And the skill-based Psionics distinguishes itself from the magic system no longer relegating psionics to "a poor man's magic system"! Psionic powers are skill-based rolls where the difficulty is determined by a flexible list of modifiers for distance, targets, and area of effect.

     As with all Ranger Games publications this book is illustrated throughout.

The system also incorporates a detailed uncanny abilities system used for creature abilities or for use as powers in a super-hero campaign and a full chapter on constructing monsters and races for GamesMasters. For those GamesMasters and Players yearning for more creativity and flexibility, the D&G system is what you are looking for!


Das Setting ist ja scheinbar recht gut ausgearbeit (s. Vorschau bei Dricethru) - Arvan : Land of Dragons:

Kennt das jemand?

A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.

George R.R. Martin

Offline Runenstahl

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Re: Erzählt mir von Dice & Glory
« Antwort #1 am: 13.08.2024 | 07:29 »
Ist mir nicht bekannt.

Bei folgender Stelle richten bei mir allerdings die Nackenhaare auf:
...and gain points for such actions as playing in character.

Ist vielleicht nur sehr unglücklich formuliert, aber das klingt für mich wie "Ui, da ist was ganz besonderes passiert was wir extra belohnen müssen: Er hat seinen Charakter ausgespielt !". Ich dachte immer "playing in character" ist die Norm. Heißt das gute Rollenspieler kriegen alle paar Minuten die Punkte ?

Wie gesagt, ist vielleicht völlig anders gemeint, aber die (unglückliche ?) Formulierung alleine reicht erstmal aus damit ich um das System einen Bogen mache.
"Reading is for morons who can't understand pictures"
   Gareth (aus der Serie "Galavant")

Offline Raven Nash

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Re: Erzählt mir von Dice & Glory
« Antwort #2 am: 13.08.2024 | 08:58 »
Ich dachte immer "playing in character" ist die Norm.
Definiere "in character". Darunter versteht jeder wohl durchaus unterschiedliche Abstufungen. Und dazu muss ich mir nur Actual Plays ansehen. Von Critical Role abwärts ist da eine ganze Palette, von denen ich viele schon nicht mehr als "in character" bezeichnen würde.

Abgesehen davon, ist die "Belohnung für gutes RP" doch in vielen Systemen mit Gummipunkten ganz normal.
Aktiv: Dragonbane
Vergangene: Runequest, Cthulhu, Ubiquity, FFG StarWars, The One Ring, 5e, SotDL, LevelUp! A5e, Vaesen
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Offline Andropinis

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Re: Erzählt mir von Dice & Glory
« Antwort #3 am: 13.08.2024 | 10:38 »
Savage Worlds bspw. vergibt auch Bennies für gutes Rollenspiel. Vielleicht hole ich mir mal das Setting als Print.
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.

George R.R. Martin