Autor Thema: Kreel Manor: The Dungeon Crawl Card Game  (Gelesen 190 mal)

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Online Andropinis

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Kreel Manor: The Dungeon Crawl Card Game
« am: 13.10.2024 | 21:10 »
Sieht ja ganz interessant aus.

Kreel Manor, the Citadel of Horrors is filled with twisting passages, chilling traps, desperate souls and deadly enemies, yet it is your destination.
You will have to bribe, threaten, sneak, deceive and fight your way through hordes of enemies to reach your goal and confront the deadly Lord of the Manor.
If you fail, the pernicious tide of toxic gloom that threatens to engulf the beautiful lands of Kilforth will be unleashed.



A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.

George R.R. Martin