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WtF Teaser - Diskussionen

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Ist auf jeden Fall der Widerstandsbonus gegen magische Einflussnahme.

So ein erster Blick auf die Gifts:

--- Zitat ---Gifts From Beyond

The inherent power to change shapes, to walk like a human and run like a wolf, is the key power of any werewolf. But the Uratha have many other abilities, Gifts granted them by those spirits they have convinced of their worth or dominance.

For game-play ease, Gifts are grouped into lists — thematic series of Gifts ranked from • to •••••. Unlike Kindred Disciplines, the earlier Gifts in a list are not requisite to learn later Gifts. Werewolves do have an easier time learning Gifts in lists they have an affinity for (determined by tribe and auspice) and also need to attain sufficient Renown to earn them.

Two-World Eyes (Crescent Moon •)

Although they’re creatures of two worlds, the Uratha can exist fully in only one or the other. They can look from one to the other or cross the boundary that separates them, but doing so is still an all-or-nothing proposition. Ithaeur, however, can peer across the line between worlds without sacrificing their perception of either. In one eye, the werewolf sees the physical world, while in the other eye, she sees what happens in the corresponding area of the Shadow. The eye that sees the world that the werewolf does not currently inhabit films over with the deep indigo of the night sky, lit by pinpoints of starlight.

Cost: None

Dice Pool: Wits + Occult + Wisdom

Action: Instant

--- Ende Zitat ---

Das wirklich interessante ist, das Renown jetzt direkt in den Wurf mit reinspielt. Also nicht mehr nur, wie in W:tA, bestimmt, was für eine Gabe man auf welchen Level haben kann.

Wieder ein Update:

--- Zitat ---Blending (Stealth ••)

An expert hunter knows the value of not being seen. A werewolf with this Gift may "hide in plain sight," blending into her surroundings by remaining motionless, even if she isn't directly behind any cover. Casual observers roll Wits to contest the character's roll as a reflexive action; active searchers contest with Wits + Composure as an instant action. If the werewolf wins the roll, she cannot be distinguished as anything other than a landscape feature. (If a supernatural power of observation is used to find the werewolf, successes rolled to activate that effect must exceed those rolled for this Gift.) Even the slightest movement is recognized by an observer, negating the Gift.

Cost: None
Dice Pool: Wits + Stealth + Cunning (versus Wits + Composure)
Action: Instant or contested

--- Ende Zitat ---

Selganor [n/a]:
Die drei "Pure Tribes" (wohl nur fuer NPCs) sind draussen:

Fire-Touched (Izidakh)

The Fire-Touched are the spiritual leaders of the Pure Tribes, getting their name from the ugly brands on their pelts. They label the Forsaken heretics who venerate Luna when they should have honored Father Wolf. As long as a single descendant of Father Wolf’s murderers remains alive and unrepentant, they say, the bloodstain on their race will never be forgiven. Despite their zealotry, Fire-Touched are happy to accept converts from among the Uratha. Indeed, when they choose to address their prey as a preface to a feud, their words are carefully twisted appeals that can strike doubt into the hearts of the Forsaken.

Totem: The Fire-Touched follow Rabid Wolf, and their Gifts draw on the power of disease and religious conviction.

Tribal Ban: Rabid Wolf’s ban is that he may not let a false statement lie. The Izidakh must challenge lies the moment they are uttered, even if doing so forces them to lose face in front of other werewolves.

Ivory Claws (Tzuumfin)

Where the Fire-Touched rage with passion and fanaticism, the Ivory Claws are almost cold in their fury. They seem to possess the greatest foresight among the Pure and are frequently the ones who make the farthest reaching plans. They are the Pure most prone to maintain some semblance of a human life, though the humans who fall under their power are said to endure dire fates. They are the "purest of the pure" and only those with strong bloodlines rise to positions of power and influence among the Tzuumfin. Power passes hereditarily among them, rather than being based on merit through challenges, as it is with the Forsaken.

Totem: The Ivory Claws follow Silver Wolf, a harsh and haughty purist who will not accept a pledge of service and brotherhood from any werewolf who has served "Luna's weaklings."

Tribal Ban: The Ivory Claws use blood magic of their own to discern a werewolf's lineage. If the recruit descends from the Forsaken, rather than a Pure werewolf, she is not permitted to join the Ivory Claws. Only the "purest of the pure" are granted Silver Wolf's Gifts of blood absolution.

Predator Kings (Ninna Farakh)

The Predator Kings are primitive monsters who vehemently eschew the soft human lives of modern convenience. They routinely hunt down opponents as enormous, ferocious dire wolves, and stand as the most feared warriors of the Pure Tribes. Even their allies give them plenty of room once a fight begins. Unlike the other Pure, the Predator Kings do not hate the Forsaken for the alleged slaying Father Wolf — anything that cannot defend itself has no innate right to live. What the Predator Kings cannot forgive is the loss of the hunter's paradise that was Pangaea. Generally they seem to follow the Ivory Claws' lead, but it's uncertain as to whether the Ivory Claws could actually truly control the Predator Kings if it came to it.

Totem: The Predator Kings follow Dire Wolf, oldest and most savage of the Firstborn.

Tribal Ban: Dire Wolf's ban is that he may not choose to touch anything made by the hand of humans except to destroy it. His children suffer a less stringent ban, but still tend to wear only clothes they have made themselves — often from the skins of prey.


Jetzt stellt sich mir nur noch die Frage: Wo krieg ich den GttPure her?

Ich find die Reinen Stämme eigentlich fast interessanter als die Parias.


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