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Wird bestimmt über kurz oder lang nen Splatbook zu den Pure Tribes geben ... ist WW.  ;D

Selganor [n/a]:
Ethan Skemp (Developer) zu den Totems:

At every point that the story of Father Wolf and Pangaea is mentioned, it is described with "according to legend" or "the Forsaken say" qualifiers.

A tribal totem is not your friend, nor is it your mommy. It does not love you, and did not stretch out its taloned paw out of mercy and compassion. It had to be bested in order to realize that you were worthy, and it will not coddle you and tell you reassuring things about the universe when you are stricken with doubt. It does not manifest to your pack to deliver pronouncements. It is the Wolf that watches over you so long as you are worthy, that was bound to be the patron of your tribe.

You've read what the tribes had to go through in order to subdue and bind their totems. Red Wolf lies. Destroyer Wolf doesn't nurture. Death Wolf is cold and aloof. And none of them keep manifesting every generation to tell the story all over again so that the latest generation can be freed from doubt. If they were that micro-managing, tribes wouldn't be a matter of choice — but they are. An excellent warrior can join the Iron Masters instead of the Blood Talons, and Fenris-Ur won't step in and try to claim him.

The legend of Father Wolf is one of those things that makes a lot of sense and has a lot of adherents, but is taken on faith by those who choose to take it on faith. It can be reconciled with human religion or interpreted differently. You won't be seeing detailed alternate takes on the legend in the core book, but to be honest, there's a lot of stuff that would have been nice to put in the core book had it been roughly double the size it is. And it's overstuffed right now.

Selganor [n/a]:
Naechste Infos:

Nature of the Beast
This week we reveal some of the most fundamental effects of lycanthropy. Having undergone the First Change, a werewolf stops being a human being and becomes Uratha — let's see just what that means.


Let's Get Primal — The heart of an ancient predator beast within every werewolf's chest. Her own preternaturally primal nature grants her an inherent bond with the mystical that only absolute neglect and self-indulgence can suppress. The power of the werewolf's spirit half is measured in a trait called Primal Urge, and it compels werewolves in all aspects of their existence. Gaining dots in this advantage indicates a character's rising potency among her own kind and spirits, and it increases the power she can bring to bear through Gifts and rites. She also becomes a formidable warrior, better able to fuse the strengths of spirit and flesh within her own form. Notably, Primal Urge determines how much Essence (the spiritual "fuel" that powers many Gifts) a werewolf can draw upon.

Primal Urge is a double-edged sword, however. All werewolves have some difficulty relating with ordinary humans; their innate predatory nature disturbs and unsettles humans around them. As a werewolf draws on more of her primal nature by increasing her Primal Urge, this unsettling predatory aura increases in strength. All werewolves suffer a penalty to Social rolls made to sway ordinary humans (except through pure intimidation). In addition, as a werewolf's Primal Urge increases, the power of her spirit half begins to exceed the heritage of flesh. A character with Primal Urge of 6 or more becomes subject to Essence bleed — after she spends a certain amount of time in the material world, she loses a point of Essence, and can eventually be driven into a deep sleep.

Klasse: Je hoeher Primal Urge desto "geisterhafter" wird der Werwolf. Gefaellt mir.

Ich weiß nicht. Irgendwie steh ich nicht so auf dieses Fleisch-gewordener-Geist-Zeug. :(

Selganor [n/a]:
Als das wurden Werwoelfe aber schon seit WtA1 bezeichnet (nur dass es bisher nie "relevant" wurde)


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