Pen & Paper - Spielsysteme > World of Darkness

WtF Teaser - Diskussionen

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Selganor [n/a]:
Dazu der Developer:

--- Zitat ---Originally Posted by ESkemp

I liked the Fera just fine for Apocalypse; heaven knows I worked on enough books supporting them (basically every one except the 1st ed. PG, but who's keeping track?).

But although I enjoyed them, that doesn't translate into "missing" them in the world of Forsaken, or being disappointed that we decided not to include them. They just wouldn't fit the new game, and I'd rather not see them in a game where they don't fit than watch them be forced to become much more of a fifth wheel than they were in Werewolf: The Apocalypse, or much less diverse of concept.

--- Ende Zitat ---

Ich fand sie schon für W:tA unpassend.

Selganor [n/a]:
...und ueberfluessig.

Irgendwie glaub ich's trotzem nicht - ich prophezeie Zusatzbände. 8)

Selganor [n/a]:

--- Zitat von: Douglas Netchurch am 15.12.2004 | 22:54 ---Irgendwie glaub ich's trotzem nicht - ich prophezeie Zusatzbände. 8)

--- Ende Zitat ---
Und ich prophezeihe dass diese Baende (wenn sie denn doch kommen sollten) NICHT das "OK" vom aktuellen Line Developer haben ;D


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