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WtF Teaser - Diskussionen

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Selganor [n/a]:
Und noch was vom Developer selbst:

"Gauru" may not be instinctive, but I would bet money that "Guru" — pronounced "guh-roo" or "guhr-oo", in accordance with the "ur" sounds of Urhan, Urshul and Urfarah, and not "goo-roo" like the far more common word — would have caused infinitely more confusion. And the "Garou" spelling wouldn't have fit the First Tongue, nor would a "Garu" variant.

The thing about the First Tongue, though, is that it's largely optional. For people who want to use it a lot, it's there — but the only things for which you really are expected to use First Tongue terms instead of English (or whatever) are the stuff for which English doesn't have convenient terms for anyway, like form names. The word "Uratha" is used throughout the core book, but not nearly as frequently as "werewolf" or "werewolves." The spirit world is called the Hisil, but usually as "the spirit world," "the Shadow Realm" or simply (as most werewolves would be inclined) "the Shadow."

The main issue, of course, is that we wanted all the specialized not-English terminology to come from one place: not a mix of French (Garou, metis), bastardized Latin (Glabro, Crinos, Hispo), less bastardized Latin (homid, lupus), obscure English (Galliard, Ragabash), Gaelic (brugh, fomori), and made-up stuff (Ahroun), to say nothing of the mishmash that was Fera terminology. In a few cases we bent the First Tongue rules to become their own things instead of following the original patterns, mostly when devising mnemonics (like the similarities of the auspice names to the previous auspices); tweaking our own rules to make it easier, not more difficult.

So I stand by the inclusion of the First Tongue over the loaded terminology of W:tA because it gives greater consistency. And as I say, there's maybe a dozen terms that you might use every session, and they're pretty easy to learn; read the book, make a sample character, and use makes it easy. There's more than a dozen terms for people who enjoy using them, of course, but most werewolves aren't going to be casually slipping First Tongue words into ordinary human-talk just to sound exotic.
Ethan Skemp

Das sind allerdings gute Argumente.  :)

Selganor [n/a]:
Naechster Teil:

Many Uratha see the First Tongue as primarily a convenience for communicating across forms, but werewolves truly utilize it in negotiations with the denizens of the Shadow Realm. The First Tongue is the native tongue of all spirits, so any form of spirit communication (and certainly any diplomacy) takes place in the First Tongue. All werewolves understand enough to figure out whether a spirit is asking a question, making a threat or pleading for mercy, but actual discussion requires greater fluency. At least one dot in the Language Merit (First Tongue) is required.

Lexicon (Part 3):

Cahalunim (kuh-hall-oo-nim): The choir of Lunes tied to the gibbous moon; patron spirits of the Cahalith. Also, the Fertile Choir.

Elunim (ell-oo-nim): The choir of Lunes tied to the half moon; patron spirits of the Elodoth. Also, the Cloven Choir.

Irralunim (ir-rah-loo-nim): The choir of Lunes tied to the new moon; patron spirits of the Irraka. Also, the Moonless or Silent Choir.

Ithalunim (ih-thah-loo-nim): The choir of Lunes tied to the crescent moon; patron spirits of the Ithaeur. Also, the Oracle Choir.

Ralunim (rah-loo-nim): The choir of Lunes tied to the full moon; patron spirits of the Rahu. Also, the Fury Choir.

zur: Chiminage, an offering made to a spirit in order to curry its good will or appease its anger.


Kann man sich auch vor der First Tongue als SL drücken?
Habe bei WtA auch so wenig wie möglich mit der sprache der Garou gearbeitet.

Oder würde das ein Teil des Spiels, makaber gesagt, "töten"

Selganor [n/a]:
Hat der Developer doch schon geschrieben:

--- Zitat ---The thing about the First Tongue, though, is that it's largely optional. For people who want to use it a lot, it's there — but the only things for which you really are expected to use First Tongue terms instead of English (or whatever) are the stuff for which English doesn't have convenient terms for anyway, like form names.
--- Ende Zitat ---


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