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Naja dann mache ich meinen Spielleiter, DEUS EX MACHINA, es wird norm weiter gesprochen jedoch die Charas reden in ihrer Fantasy Volkssprache.

( Selbst Geissel ) Sehr schwach ich weiß. Jedoch möchten meine Mitspieler etwas Spass haben ohne eine neue Sprache gelernt zu haben. ( Bezug auf die Garou Namensendungen, um Erfahrene Krieger zu ehren, dei schwer Auszusprechen und zu merken waren. )


Selganor [n/a]:
Diese Woche - Auspices:

Moon Matters

This week we look at the auspices of werewolves, the phase of the moon under which they undergo the First Change. This moon sign grants a werewolf special abilities and affinities, as well as signifying the Forsaken’s special connection to Mother Luna. Every day this week, we’ll reveal one of the auspices as well as part of the werewolves’ story of when Mother Luna granted them this gift.


When our ancestors slew Father Wolf so that a stronger hunter could take his place, they fell to fighting among themselves almost immediately. Each powerful chieftain or alpha vied for the right to inherit the full measure of Father Wolf’s strength and duties. Blood fell on the earth as the fighting grew fiercer, and Mother Luna wept to see it.

Nobody knows how long this lasted, but however long they fought one another instead of the enemies they claimed to oppose, it was too long. We might still be fighting even today, with the world suffering for it all the more, were it not for the descent of the Lunes.

Rahu (The Full Moon, The Warrior)

The Rahu is a howler at the full moon, a reflection of Luna’s warrior face. Rahu take the lead in war, be it quiet war against neighboring packs or open combat against their enemies. Rahu reflect every aspect of the warrior archetype. They are the ravening berserkers and the calculating generals. The two contrasting styles can even be found in the same werewolf. Forsaken warriors pass down lore of combat ranging from Caesar’s battle tactics in Gaul to up-to-the-minute tactical manuals stolen from elite armed forces.

Auspice Ability: Warrior’s Eye. Once per session, a Rahu can attempt to “read” a foe, determining who is the superior warrior. The player rolls Wits + Primal Urge, and success indicates that the werewolf can roughly tell whether the threat is stronger or weaker than he is. An exceptional success grants more understanding of the gap between the two. (“He’s much more powerful than me.”) The warrior’s eye takes into account only those abilities that might affect a direct fight. A werewolf might read a skilled vampire assassin as “weaker,” even though the vampire is much more deadly when it can choose the time of engagement.

Selganor [n/a]:
Naechster Auspice

Why did Mother Luna intervene? We don't know. Nobody can know her mind. Some believe that she acted from benevolence, as a long-suffering but still loving mother. Others say it was self-interest: that we were simply the best choice to keep an eye on the world, and this was the best way to set us to that task. Still others claim that she was obeying some obscure ban of her own, that she walked on the earth only when permitted by some cryptic celestial alignment and that granting us our auspices was merely an afterthought. And some say she did not intervene at all — that the Lunes did not offer blessings, but rather were brought into submission. Nobody will ever know for sure, but such is the nature of our fickle, ever-changing mother.

Cahalith (The Gibbous Moon, The Visionary)

The Cahalith is a storyteller, vision-quester and lorekeeper among the People. If the gibbous moon is "pregnant," the Cahalith who reflect that moon are pregnant with ideas, emotions and creative energy. They are the visionaries of the Forsaken, frequently lost in reveries that echo the distant past or chasing faint glimpses of the future. As the moon waxes toward full, a Cahalith looks to the next night; as it wanes, she glances into the past. Cahalith also know many epic howls and histories.

Auspice Ability: Prophetic Dreams. Once per story, the player may ask the Storyteller for a dream of prophecy, providing some clue about the challenges facing the Cahalith. The Cahalith must sleep for at least four hours in order to dream of the future. The dream is always veiled in symbolism that the character must interpret. In addition, the Cahalith automatically gains one die to any Occult rolls made to interpret omens or solve occult riddles.

Und...schwupps...sind die Barden weg ;D

Selganor [n/a]:
Aller guten Dinge sind drei:

At the behest of Luna, Lunes from the five choirs descended. They told us that although Father Wolf's full power was too great to be held by any single being limited by flesh, each of us could inherit an equal share of his duties. They coaxed forth memories of Father Wolf's five roles — warrior, visionary, judge, wise man and stalker — and the magics that Father Wolf used in each of those roles. From these wisps of memory, the five lunar choirs taught each Uratha to adopt one of Father Wolf's five roles. Luna had seen the First Change of each of this generation of Uratha, and she saw into each werewolf's inner nature, so she knew which of Father Wolf's roles was most appropriate. She promised to give an obvious sign to future generations of Uratha, so that every werewolf would know what his role would be.

Elodoth (The Half Moon, The Walker Between)

Every werewolf's personality changes slightly over the course of the month, but Elodoth feel that ebb and flow more strongly than other auspices do. They take their role as the bridger of gaps very seriously and many spend half their time in each native form, experiment with sexual partners of either gender or otherwise deliberately choose to walk in two worlds. This ever-changing perspective gives Elodoth unique insight into the other auspices. As a result, Elodoth are trusted as judges and arbiters throughout the Forsaken territories and lead negotiations. They are also excellent diplomats where the fickle and hostile spirit world is concerned. Many Elodoth believe they understand Luna better than other Uratha do, so they're the ones most often nominated to stand in judgment over violations of the Oath of the Moon, Luna's sacred law.

Auspice Ability: Spirit Envoy. An Elodoth automatically gains two dice to any Empathy, Expression, Persuasion or Politics roll made to negotiate with spirits. This bonus does not apply to rolls made to threaten or bully spirits. The Elodoth is expected to offer the proper words and appeasement, demonstrating his ability to perceive the issue from the spirit's side as well.

Selganor [n/a]:
Every one of us — save the heretics who call themselves "pure" — experiences his First Change under Luna's watchful eye. The First Change is not only a moment of terrible transformation, but a brief flicker of communion with the lunar choir attuned to the night's moon phase. Those born with the souls of warriors and killers reach their full potential under the full moon, while those with the fortitude to face the maddening trials of the spirit world come into their own while the crescent moon shines.

Ithaeur (The Crescent Moon, The Spirit Master)

The children of the crescent moon are the occultists of the Forsaken, those who learn the secrets of mastery over the spirits. Where an Elodoth sways a spirit with sophisticated reasoning that appeals to its very nature, an Ithaeur decisively binds it through magic or strikes at its ban. Ithaeur cannot walk away from the shadowy terrors of the Shadow Realm, and they strive to master those spirits who would as soon destroy an Uratha as bandy words with it.

Auspice Ability: Ritual Master. Ithaeur purchase the Rituals trait and rites at reduced experience cost.

Mal sehen ob ich den 5. Auspice auch noch posten kann ohne dass jemand was sagt ;)


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