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WtF Teaser - Diskussionen

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Selganor [n/a]:
Now the People have the tools and the encouragement to walk the Gauntlet as Father Wolf walked the Border Marches. Luna’s intercession and blessing has kindled a new hope that the Uratha will not always be Forsaken.

Irraka (The New Moon, The Stalker)

When Luna cannot be seen at all, then the Irraka hunt. The Irraka are the scouts and stalkers, the cunning hunters who elude the worst threats only to strike at those threats’ vulnerable spots from behind. They ply their wits socially as well, testing the dedication of other Forsaken to their packs, their tribes and the Oath of the Moon. The Irraka are forever on the boundary, sometimes stalking the borders of their pack’s territory, sometimes wandering the boundaries between Uratha and human society.

Auspice Ability: Pathfinder’s Sense. As scouts for the Forsaken, the Irraka have an easier time recognizing spirit influence. Irraka receive two bonus dice on the roll to look from one world to the next or to perceive ephemeral spirits or on the roll to determine in which direction a locus lies while within its area of influence.

Next Week: Gifts, You Got Me Gifts! — Next week we take a look at the Gifts of the Uratha.

Sie haben den Charakterbogen veröffentlicht. Das war das Montagsupdate.  ;)

Hmmm. War ja ganz interessant:

- Wolfies haben immer noch persönliche Totems oder Rudeltotems.
- Geister haben immer noch Numina.

- Es gibt, wie vermutet, die fünf Rufkategorien, wobei jeweils eine von jedem Stamm und jedem Vorzeichen bevorzugt wird. Ruf hängt wohl auch direkt mit Gaben zusammen.

Ich bin mal gespannt wie sich primal urge im Spiel auswirkt.

Selganor [n/a]:
Wohl so wie die Blood Potency bei den Vampiren


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