Pen & Paper - Spielsysteme > AGONE

English Question about Agone

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Kardinal Richelingo:
So, here is the place to pose questions to our french friends.

1. Les Acrobates Assissins

Really, I didn`t understand much, why are the Acrobates Assisns in League with plants ? Or did I get that totally wrong ?

2. Les GRos (The Obese)

Where do they come from ? What are they like ?


--- Zitat ---1. Les Acrobates Assissins

Really, I didn`t understand much, why are the Acrobates Assisns in League with plants ? Or did I get that totally wrong ?

--- Ende Zitat ---

Sorry but i don't understand the question...

--- Zitat ---2. Les GRos (The Obese)

Where do they come from ? What are they like ?

--- Ende Zitat ---

The arrival of the "Gros" brought the time of prosperity.  People found strange babies splashing in some immondes ponds of the city.  Between a larva and a human small child, these creatures, in the Abyssal environment of Abyme, became true mascots.  Not very many, they made proof, while growing, of attractive capacities.  They formed a unit with the city.  The citizens took them in affection, involved their obesity.

Kardinal Richelingo:
Hey GDF,

tahnx for answering ! :)

--- Zitat von: Le_GDF am 12.12.2004 | 16:44 ---
--- Zitat ---1. Les Acrobates Assissins

Really, I didn`t understand much, why are the Acrobates Assisns in League with plants ? Or did I get that totally wrong ?

--- Ende Zitat ---

Sorry but i don't understand the question...

--- Ende Zitat ---

I thought so ! Could you summarize what the whole Acrobates Assissins are all about ? I didn`t get it, the part in "Les Organisations" is very hard to understand. Thanx ! There is something about pollen and assissins vertes I don`t really follow !

The "Pollen" is a kind of magic dust. it use by lutins to make magical effects, praticular to their "Décan".
You can see the picture page 61. It's "Pollen" which leaves the trunk.
The green murderers (diables verts) are the futur "Acrobates Assassins".
The principal goal of the AA is to bring back "modéhenne" splendour. They protect the "Empire Modéhen". It disapears with the "Feu des Origines" which destroys forests of the "Empire Modéhen". Now, it subdivided : "Terres Veuves", "République mercenaire", "Empire de Keshe" and the heritage of the "Empire Modéhen", "Les Marches modéhennes".
AA protect the Druids, "lord" of "Les Marches Modéhennes" and they try to bring back the Empire.

All questions are answered, so I might perhaps ask a small question wich has nothing to do with Agone: Is it true, that threre is the word "le waldsterben" in French?

Please excuse my bad enlish (even if i don't think that there's a mistake in the sentence above). I'm still going to school (10. class now).


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