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Ultima in Unisystem (light)
« am: 11.01.2005 | 17:08 »
Auf hat jemand mal die Idee aufgebracht Britannia (sprich die Welt der Ultima-Reihe) rollenspieltechnisch umzusetzen.

Mehrere Leute sind da bereits "aufgesprungen"

Inzwischen hat man sich wohl auf das Unisystem "geeinigt".

Gibt es ausser mir noch Fans der alten Reihe (ich denke da an Ultima IV-VI, wobei die fast 200 Jahre zwischen VI und VII noch am Besten als Setting sein duerften) die daran "mitwerkeln" wollen?

Evtl. findet sich ja auch auf Hessenstein eine "Testrunde"
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

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Re: Ultima in Unisystem (light)
« Antwort #1 am: 11.01.2005 | 17:29 »
Generelles Interesse daran hätte ich schon. Ich habe mir mal die rpgnet-Diskussion angesehen. Ich werde einfach mal noch ein Weilchen abwarten und schauen, wie sich das entwickelt. Eventuell steige ich da noch mit ein.

PS:  :d für eine Ultima-Unisystem Runde in Hessenstein
What were you doing at a volcano? - Action geology!

Most people work long, hard hours at jobs they hate that enable them to buy things they don't need to impress people they don't like.

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Re: Ultima in Unisystem (light)
« Antwort #2 am: 21.01.2005 | 13:05 »
Hier hat sich mal jemand eine Muehe gemacht und die Sprueche von U6 "konvertiert"

I finally got off my butt and did a Unisystem conversion of the spell list from Ultima 6 (I think). It's very simple, and all the combat spells of a given circle are now basically the same except aesthetically. I have to work out the Mana (aka Essence) costs, but I think a First Circle spell would cost 1, a Second would cost 2, and so on, with Essence calculated based on (Willpower + Sorcery) x 10 or something. Suggestions?

Anyway, here's the spell list:


Create Food
Incantation: In Mani Ylem
Reagents: Garlic, Ginseng, Mandrake Root
Effect: A fine bounty of food will be added to your pack. A single meal is created. (Mutton, Ham, Cheese, Bread and Dry Rations are the usual choices)

Detect Magic
Incantation: Wis Ort
Reagents: Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash
Effect: Discerns the magical nature of special objects and the specific magical charge currently in an item. Allows the detection of magic and determines the number of uses left in an item such as a magic wand, etc.

Detect Trap
Incantation: Wis Jux
Reagents: Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash
Effect: Discovers concealed traps in suspicious chests and doors.

Dispel Magic
Incantation: An Jux Ort
Reagents: Garlic, Ginseng
Effect: Removes a sorcerous enchantment or poison which causes illness and bondage. Also awakens a person under a Sleep spell.

Incantation: An Flam
Reagents: Garlic, Black Pearl
Effect: Extinguishes flames.

Incantation: An Mani
Reagents: Nightshade, Spider's Silk
Effect: Inflicts moderate damage on your opponent. Will + SL life points are inflicted.

Incantation: In Mani
Reagents: Ginseng, Spider's Silk
Effect: Applies healing energy to one who is injured. Will + SL life points are regained.

Incantation: Kal Lor
Reagents: (none are required)
Effect: Quickens the user's demise and resurrects him and his party near the nearest Shrine of Virtue.

Incantation: In Flam
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Black Pearl
Effect: Ignites a lifeless torch, fireplace or brazier.

Incantation: In Lor
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash
Effect: Illuminates a darkened area for 5 x SL minutes.


Incantation: Quas Lor
Reagents: Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash
Effect: Detects the presence of living, warm-blooded beings in the dark. Range = SL x 20 meters.

Magic Arrow
Incantation: Ort Jux
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Black Pearl
Effect: Fires a moderately damaging missile at your opponent. [Will + SL] x 2 life points.

Incantation: In Nox Por
Reagents: Nightshade, Blood Moss, Black Pearl
Effect: Poisons your opponent with toxic venom.

Incantation: In Ylem
Reagents: Spider's Silk, Blood Moss, Black Pearl
Effect: Undoes the effect of the Vanish spell, making the vanished object return to this world.

Incantation: In Zu
Reagents: Nightshade, Spider's Silk, Black Pearl
Effect: Induces unconsciousness in the chosen victim. Opposed by Con + Con.

Incantation: Ort Por Ylem
Reagents: Blood Moss, Mandrake Root, Black Pearl
Effect: Moves objects near the user without physical contact. SL = TK 'Strength', one use per spell.

Incantation: In Jux
Reagents: Spider's Silk, Nightshade
Effect: Places a concealed trap on a chest or door.

Unlock Magic
Incantation: Ex Por
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Blood Moss
Effect: Negates magical traps on chests and doors.

Incantation: An Ylem
Reagents: Garlic, Blood Moss, Black Pearl
Effect: Makes simple objects disappear from this world.


Incantation: An Sanct
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Nightshade, Garlic
Effect: Reduces the effectiveness of a foe's armour, prowess and intelligence. Will + SL subtracted from Brains, Combat and Muscle for duration of combat.

Dispel Field
Incantation: An Grav
Reagents: Black Pearl, Sulfurous Ash
Effect: Neutralizes magic fields generated by field spells.

Incantation: Por Flam
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Black Pearl
Effect: Hurls a mighty flaming missile at your opponent. [Will + SL] x 3 life points.

Great Light
Incantation: Vas Lor
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Mandrake Root
Effect: Provides long lasting illumination. 10 x SL minutes.

Magic Lock
Incantation: An Por
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Blood Moss, Garlic
Effect: Applies a magical lock to a chest or door.

Mass Awaken
Incantation: An Vas Zu
Reagents: Ginseng, Garlic
Effect: Awakens all nearby sleepers with an explosion.

Mass Sleep
Incantation: Vas Zu
Reagents: Ginseng, Nightshade, Spider's Silk
Effect: Induces sleep in all beings in the area targeted by the caster. Resisted by Con + Con.

Incantation: Vas Wis Ylem
Reagents: Nightshade, Mandrake Root
Effect: Reveals the world and the caster's place in it as though peering through an eagle's eye. Field of one square mile.

Incantation: In Sanct
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Ginseng, Garlic
Effect: Increases the effectiveness of armour as well as the target's prowess and intelligence. Will + SL added to Brains, Combat and Muscle (or Dex, Str and appropriate combat skill, or Will + Mystic Lore for spellcasting)

Repel Undead
Incantation: An Xen Corp
Reagents: Garlic, Sulfurous Ash
Effect: Causes all undead in the caster's field of vision to flee.


Incantation: Ort Ylem
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Mandrake Root, Blood Moss
Effect: Causes inanimate objects to come to life and wander about, though not under caster's control.

Incantation: Kal Xen
Reagents: Spider's Silk, Mandrake Root
Effect: Summons a wild beast to your side to aid in combat.

Incantation: An Vas Mani
Reagents: Nightshade, Spider's Silk, Mandrake Root
Effect: Inflicts a grievous wound, nearly killing the target. [Will + SL] x 4 life points.

Fire Field
Incantation: In Flam Grav
Reagents: Black Pearl, Sulfurous Ash, Spider's Silk
Effect: Creates a searing wall of fire. [Will + SL] x 4 life points inflicted to anybody who tries to cross it.

Great Heal
Incantation: Vas Mani
Reagents: Ginseng, Spider's Silk, Mandrake Root
Effect: Restores one's health fully.

Incantation: In Wis
Reagents: Nightshade
Effect: Reveals the caster's location like a magical sextant.

Mass Dispel
Incantation: Vas An Jux Ort
Reagents: Garlic, Ginseng
Effect: Dispels all magic in the area targeted by the caster. Spells, fields, etc.

Poison Field
Incantation: In Nox Grav
Reagents: Ginseng, Nightshade, Spider's Silk, Black Pearl
Effect: Creates a wall of noxious gas. [Will + SL] x 4 life points inflicted to anybody who tries to cross it.

Sleep Field
Incantation: In Zu Grav
Reagents: Ginseng, Spider's Silk, Black Pearl
Effect: Creates a wall of sleep-inducing energy. Those who try to cross it must make Con + Con - SL roll to resist falling asleep.

Wind Change
Incantation: Rel Hur
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Blood Moss
Effect: Allows caster to alter the prevailing direction of the wind.


Energy Field
Incantation: In Sanct Grav
Reagents: Mandrake, Root, Spider's Silk, Black Pearl
Effect: Creates an impassable wall of energy.

Incantation: Vas Por Flam
Reagents: Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash, Black Pearl, Blood Moss
Effect: Creates a powerful explosion, injuring those caught in its blast. [Will + SL] x 5 life points, radius of SL feet.

Insect Swarm
Incantation: Kal Bet Xen
Reagents: Blood Moss, Spider's Silk, Sulfurous Ash
Effect: conjures up a swarm of insects to aid you in combat.

Incantation: Sanct Lor
Reagents: Nightshade, Blood Moss
Effect: Causes beings to become unseen. Duration of SL x 5 minutes.

Incantation: Ort Grav
Reagents: Black Pearl, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash
Effect: Hurls a powerful bolt of lightning at your opponent. [Will + SL] x 5 life points.

Incantation: An Xen Por
Reagents: Spider's Silk, Sulfurous Ash, Nightshade, Black Pearl
Effect: Momentarily paralyzes your opponent, thus disabling him. Duration of SL minutes.

Incantation: Por Ylem
Reagents: Blood Moss, Spider's Silk, Nightshade
Effect: Lets the caster take one of the target's belongings.

Incantation: An Sanct Lor
Reagents: Spider's Silk, Nightshade, Mandrake Root
Effect: Makes invisible beings in the area become visible again.

Incantation: Kal Mani Corp
Reagents: Blood Moss, Mandrake Root, Nightshade, Spider's Silk, Sulfurous Ash
Effect: Lets the caster speak with the dead as though they still lived.

Incantation: Wis Ylem
Reagents: Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash
Effect: Allows the caster to see places otherwise obscured by walls and obstacles.


Incantation: An Xen Ex
Reagents: Black Pearl, Nightshade, Spider's Silk
Effect: Changes the alignment of the target to match that of the caster. Duration of SL minutes.

Incantation: In Quas Xen
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Spider's Silk, Blood Moss, Ginseng, Nightshade, Mandrake Root
Effect: Creates an identical, though not controllable, replica of any being.

Incantation: Vas Quas
Reagents: Mandrake Root, Nightshade
Effect: Sends opposing foes into disarray.

Flame Wind
Incantation: Flam Hur
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Blood Moss, Mandrake Root
Effect: Sends a gale of flaming wind in the direction of your foes. [Will + SL] x 6 life points. Range of SL x 4 yards.

Hail Storm
Incantation: Kal Des Ylem
Reagents: Blood Moss, Black Pearl, Mandrake Root
Effect: Brings down a storm of hailstones upon the caster's enemy and the surrounding area. [Will + SL] x 6 life points. Area of SL x 4 square yards.

Mass Protect
Incantation: Vas In Sanct
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Ginseng, Garlic, Mandrake Root
Effect: Increases the effectiveness of armour, as well as the prowess and intelligence of nearby beings. Will + SL added to Brains, Combat and Muscle (or Dex, Str and appropriate combat skill, or Will + Mystic Lore for spellcasting); affects up to SL x 2 people.

Negate Magic
Incantation: An Ort
Reagents: Garlic, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash
Effect: Temporarily prevents the casting of spells and magic. Duration of SL x 10 seconds.

Poison Wind
Incantation: Nox Hur
Reagents: Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash, Blood Moss
Effect: Sends a gale of noxious wind in the direction of your foes. [Will + SL] x 6 life points initial damage, SL life points every ten minutes thereafter until cured. Range of SL x 4 yards.

Incantation: In Quas Ylem
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Spider's Silk, Blood Moss, Ginseng, Nightshade
Effect: Produces a duplicate version of simple objects.

Incantation: In Des Por
Reagents: Spider's Silk
Effect: Lays a fine, sticky web upon the ground to hinder a foe's progress. Duration of SL minutes.


Chain Bolt
Incantation: Vas Ort Grav
Reagents: Black Pearl, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash, Blood Moss
Effect: Causes a bolt of damaging energy to leap from one being to another. [Will + SL] x 7 life points, affects all enemies in sight.

Incantation: In Ort Ylem
Reagents: Spider's Silk, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash
Effect: Empowers special items with magical energy.

Energy Wind
Incantation: Grav Hur
Reagents: Mandrake Root, Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash, Blood Moss
Effect: Sends a gale of wind in the direction of foes. [Will + SL] x 7 life points damage.

Incantation: Quas Corp
Reagents: Nightshade, Mandrake Root, Garlic
Effect: Causes all evil foes in the area to flee in terror. Resisted by Will + Will.

Gate Travel
Incantation: Vas Rel Por
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Black Pearl, Mandrake Root
Effect: Teleports the caster's party to a moonstone location determined by the moonphase.

Incantation: In Corp
Reagents: Black Pearl, Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash
Effect: Sends a lethal bolt of energy towards an opponent. Con + Con to avoid effects, otherwise instantly

Mass Curse
Incantation: Van An Sanct
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Nightshade, Garlic, Mandrake Root
Effect: Reduces the effectiveness of armour, as well as the prowess and intelligence of all nearby beings, friend and foe alike. Will + SL subtracted from Brains, Combat and Muscle (or Dex, Str and appropriate combat skill, or Will + Mystic Lore for spellcasting); Will + Will to resist.

Mass Invisibility
Incantation: Vas Sanct Lor
Reagents: Mandrake Root, Nightshade, Blood Moss, Black Pearl
Effect: Causes all nearby beings to become unseen, though still present.

Wing Strike
Incantation: Kal Ort Xen
Reagents: Blood Moss, Spider's Silk, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash
Effect: Sends a powerful dragon's wing against your opponents. Inflicts [Will + SL] x 7 life points of damage.

Wing Eye
Incantation: Port Ort Wis
Reagents: Blood Moss, Nightshade Root, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash, Black Pearl, Spider's Silk
Effect: Allows the caster to see otherwise obscured objects.


Death Wind
Incantation: Corp Hur
Reagents: Mandrake Root, Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash, Blood Moss
Effect: Sends a gale of lethal wind in the direction of foes. Range of SL x 6 yards, all enemies must make Con + Con or die.

Incantation: Vas An Lor
Reagents: Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash, Nightshade, Garlic, Blood Moss
Effect: Causes the moons to block the sun's rays for a brief time. Duration of SL x 8 minutes.

Mass Charm
Incantation: Van An Xen Ex
Reagents: Black Pearl, Nightshade, Spider's Silk, Mandrake Root
Effect: Changes the alignment of nearby foes to match that of the caster.

Mass Kill
Incantation: Vas Corp
Reagents: Black Pearl, Nightshade, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash
Effect: Sends lethal bolts of energy toward all nearby beings. Con + Con or be slain instantly, area of SL x 6 square yards centered on the caster.

Incantation: In Mani Corp
Reagents: Garlic, Ginseng, Spider's Silk, Sulfurous Ash, Blood Moss, Mandrake Root
Effect: Restores life to a being who was dead.

Incantation: Vas Rel Xen
Reagents: Blood Moss, Nightshade, Mandrake Root
Effect: All evil creatures are changed to slime. Resisted by Will + Will.

Incantation: Kal Xen Corp
Reagents: Mandrake Root, Garlic, Blood Moss, Spider's Silk
Effect: Calls forth a spirit from the Deep Ether who may assist you in combat.

Time Stop
Incantation: An Tym
Reagents: Mandrake Root, Garlic, Blood Moss
Effect: Temporarily suspends time while the caster continues his journey. Duration of SL x 10 seconds, from caster's perspective.

Incantation: Var Por Ylem
Reagents: Blood Moss, Sulfurous Ash, Mandrake Root
Effect: Causes the ground to shake, injuring all beings in the affected area. Inflicts [Will + SL] x 8 damage in area of SL square yards centered on caster.
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

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Re: Ultima in Unisystem (light)
« Antwort #3 am: 21.01.2005 | 13:28 »

In the Original System Truth=Int, Love=Dex, Courage=Str, so just add another "fitting" attribute to each virtue.

STR in Ultima would influence Health (i.e. Unisystem->Con)
INT in Ultima would influence Mana (i.e. Unisystem->Willpower)
That would leave Per for Love (this would help noticing anything that is "wrong")

Str and Con would be influenced by Courage
Dex and Per would be influenced by Love
Int and Willpower would be influenced by Truth

Hier noch eine Idee zur Attributsverteilung:

Die Online-Version des Virtues-Test der Zigeunerin

If you choose a Virtue that maps to only 1 Principle, you get 2 points each in the two related attributes. So choosing Valor (Courage) gets you 2 points of Str and 2 points of Con.

If you choose a Virtue that's a combination of 2 Principles, you get 1 point each in the 4 related attributes. Choosing Justice (Truth tempered by Love) gets you +1 in Dex, Per, Int, and Willpower.

Spirituality is a tricky one, as it's the combination of all 3 Principles. I'd say give them 4 points, allocated one at a time, and each time it has to go into the lowest attribute. The idea here is that Spiritual characters are supposed to be well-rounded. Giving +1 to each attribute like the computer game would mean it'd be unbalanced unless you made every virtue worth 6 points. This is probably too much (though I won't know until I consult a Unisystem book) and it's also hard to distribute 6 points evenly for the virtues that affect 4 attributes.

For Humility I'd say give around 2 points wherever the player wants, and a helping of Drama Points to compensate for the lower stats.

Koennte sein dass man evtl. noch einen Punkt von jedem Attribut abziehen muss um das Ergebnis in der 1-6 Skala zu halten, aber das muesste man mal testen.
« Letzte Änderung: 21.01.2005 | 13:58 von Selganor »
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

Offline Selganor [n/a]

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Re: Ultima in Unisystem (light)
« Antwort #4 am: 29.08.2005 | 11:28 »
Und hier ein "Sourcebook" zu Ultima 7: Part 2 - Serpent's Isle
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."