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Iron Heroes: News und Infos
« am: 16.03.2005 | 13:35 »
Unter gibt es ene Diskussion zu diesem neuen Buch (das GenCon erscheinen soll) von Malhavoc.

Hier mal die ersten Worte des Autors im Thread zu dem Thema:

I was wondering when the word would finally get out. Iron Lore will be officially announced at the GAMA trade show in Las Vegas. Technically, the show has already started, so I can answer a few questions.

Iron Lore is a game of high action and adventure. Like most fantasy games, it draws inspiration from a variety of classic sources - Robert Howard, Fritz Leiber, Clark Ashton Smith, and so on. However, if you were to ask me which movie most closely embodies Iron Lore's design, I'd say Die Hard. John McClain is the prototypical Iron Lore PC - he's tough, resourceful, clever, and he takes a beating but keeps on going.

Iron Lore is *not* low magic - there are plenty of powerful spellcasters in the world, it's just that not many (if any) of them are PCs.

The key design concept of Iron Lore is that you can use *any* D&D monster book with this game. 10th-level Iron Lore characters can fight demons, beholders, frost giants, and so forth, with the same lethality/resource curve as their D&D counterparts. While the PCs don't normally cast spells or carry a lot of magical gear, they're just as powerful as their D&D counterparts.

This has a variety of interesting changes for the system - Iron Lore combat tends to be much more tactically rich. Players have more options and class abilities that are more interactive than D&D ones.

As a consequence of the changes to the core d20 engine, you can now stat up an 18th-level NPC from any class in about 5 to 15 minutes, tops, once you're familiar with the system. I estimate that Iron Lore adventure prep takes about half, if not less, time than adventure prep for D&D. The time savings become even more pronounced at high levels. Yet, the game still supports all the cool, weird, fun action of D&D - trips to other planes, battles against dragons, demons, and other powerful monsters, and so forth.

We'll be doing a lot of previews, design diaries, and other stuff on the website leading up to the game's release.

Mehr dazu findet man wohl im Thread.

Nur noch ein paar Infos die am Anfang des Threads zusammengetragen wurden:

Imagine a world where a warrior's skill and training, rather then the potency of an enchanted blade, determines his fortune. A world where magic is a force too powerful for a mere mortal to control with any confidence. A world at the dawn of a new era, where human built cities are scarcely more then a century old. Welcome to Iron Lore

In Iron Lore, magic is still common in terms of weird monsters, enchanged locations...creatures other then humans can do magic...humans must create new talents to battle them

There are three key changes from the core rules. First, the book radically expands and alters feats...second your charecters traits (which replace race) have mechanic effects similar to a bonus for a race...Finally...the skill system is more flexible then ever, allowing you to try a whole range of new stunts

There are no spells such as fireball or cure light wounds. Instead a caster tries to create a general effect such as filling an area with searing flame...most of the time the Arcanist creates a surge of fire but it doesn't have exactly the effect she hope for.

Mist... Wird schon wieder teuer...

EDIT: Titel korrigiert und den tatsaechlichen Namen eingetragen
« Letzte Änderung: 15.03.2007 | 13:26 von Selganor »
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

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Re: Iron Lore: Neues System/Setting von Malhavoc
« Antwort #1 am: 16.03.2005 | 13:43 »
Hört sich interessant an, sehr sogar

Offline Kardinal Richelingo

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Re: Iron Lore: Neues System/Setting von Malhavoc
« Antwort #2 am: 17.03.2005 | 08:38 »

The key design concept of Iron Lore is that you can use *any* D&D monster book with this game.

wie aufregend.  ::)
"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids,
we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and
listening to repetitive electronic music."

Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989

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Re: Iron Lore: Neues System/Setting von Malhavoc
« Antwort #3 am: 17.03.2005 | 08:44 »
Es gibt zu Wenig Geld für die ganen Bücher! :-[
Ich würdas auch gerne haben!
Live and let rock!

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Offline Selganor [n/a]

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Re: Iron Lore: Neues System/Setting von Malhavoc
« Antwort #4 am: 17.03.2005 | 09:37 »
Im White Wold Quarterly/Insider ist ein Interview mit Mike Mearls dazu:

In 2002, Malhavoc Press made the roleplaying game industry stand up and take notice with the release of Monte Cook’s Arcana Unearthed . This variant player’s handbook presented a whole new venue for fantasy adventure, with new classes, a refreshing new take on the standard spell system, and exciting new races.
Arcana Unearthed took the core of fantasy gaming and tweaked it just enough to make things familiar yet wholly different.
Now, two year later, Malhavoc Press is set to do it again. Imagine a world where a warrior’s skill and training, rather than the potency of an enchanted blade, determines his fortune. A world where magic is a force too powerful for a mere mortal to control it with any confidence. A world at the dawn of a new era, where human-built cities are scarcely more than a century old.
Welcome to Iron Lore, Malhavoc Press’ next variant player’s handbook.
Recently we had a chance to ask Iron Lore designer Mike Mearls a few questions.
Insider: What’s at the heart of Iron Lore?
Mike Mearls: The key design conceit behind Iron Lore is relatively simple. What if you took a standard fantasy world, one with horrid monsters, demons, and other threats, but made magic an unstable, unpredictable resource that humans could barely control?
In other words, spells are no longer a reliable defense against a hydra or a troll incursion. If humanity wants to survive, it must develop its other abilities to new heights. A warrior can’t afford to lean on a shiny suit of enchanted armor and a vorpal blade. Instead, he needs to use smart tactics and a variety of fighting techniques to win.
In Iron Lore , magic is still common in terms of weird monsters, enchanted locations, and other standard tropes of fantasy roleplaying games. Creatures other than humans can and do bend magic to their will. Humanity must create new talents to battle them.

Insider: Monte Cook’s Arcana Unearthed presented new races, new classes, and a new take on the classic magic system. What sort of rules changes can we look forward to in this variant player’s handbook?
Mearls: There are three key changes from the core rules. First, the book radically expands and alters feats. Some of them improve over time, and many focus on specific fighting styles and tactical abilities.
For instance, if you want to focus on fighting with the warhammer, a variety of feats make you different from a warrior who specializes in the greatsword.
Second, Iron Lore creates wholly new options and abilities that open up new layers of customization and player choices. For example, character traits replace races. Rather than play a human, dwarf, or litorian, you can create a tall, rangy wanderer from the frozen north. Your character’s traits—his cultural background and his great height—have mechanical effects similar to the bonuses for a race.
And plenty of feats are designed for mighty characters. A highlevel
thief can talk someone into almost anything with the right skills and feats. A talented executioner can slice an opponent’s arteries with the precision and flair of a master artist. Since your character’s abilities and talents derive from his training and knowledge, you have more development paths to choose from than in standard d20.
Finally, Iron Lore is designed for fast-paced, exciting action.
The skill system is more flexible than ever, allowing you to try a
whole range of new stunts. You can willingly accept a higher Difficulty
Class or a penalty to your skill check to gain an additional benefit from a check. Combat, built with an emphasis on action, draws on the skill rules to form the basis of a stunt system.
Rather than maintain a static position and trade blows with an opponent, a character in Iron Lore might roll beneath a table to evade on ogre’s greataxe, or dive between the ogre’s feet then leap onto the brute’s shoulder to drive his dagger into its neck. The skills are fully integrated into the combat system, making almost any action and its
effects easy to adjudicate.
Even if the basic concept behind Iron Lore doesn’t appeal to you, the book has plenty of new rules material you can add to your existing game with minimal effort.
Iron Lore is designed for seamless integration with other d20 games. The expanded rules for skills and feats work in almost any fantasy campaign, as do the new options for fast-paced combat that focus on stunts, exciting battles, and tactical maneuvers.

Insider: What about magic? You talked about how it’s unreliable,
but what does that mean for players?
Mearls: The magic system in Iron Lore is built on the idea that
magic is tremendously difficult to control. There are no spells such
as fireball or cure light wounds.
Instead, a caster tries to create a general effect such as filling an
area with searing flames. She then tries to summon energy to her, shape it, and unleash the effect she wants. Sometimes it works. Other times it simply fizzles and nothing interesting happens. Most of the
time, the arcanist creates a surge of fire but it doesn’t have exactly the effect she hoped for. The flames may set the area on fire, or they could surge close to her allies. The key is that an arcanist has nothing more than a general idea of her spell’s effects. The exact result depends on her skill and a fair amount of luck.
That’s not to say that arcanists are useless characters.
They draw on other talents to even the gap with other classes. They master a variety of useful lore and knowledge, and having a reputation for consulting with spirits or unleashing the fires of hell can prove useful in social situations.
Much of the time, an arcanist can use the threat of a spell more effectively than an actual incantation.

Insider: When is Iron Lore due out in stores?
Mearls : It’s set to debut at Gen Con Indy this August. If
you want a taste of the game’s direction, check out the previews
We post a new preview each month, then flesh it out with Design Diary entries and related features. We’ll also have a preview in the next
issue of Insider!
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

Offline Selganor [n/a]

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Re: Iron Lore: Neues System/Setting von Malhavoc
« Antwort #5 am: 17.03.2005 | 14:12 »

The key design concept of Iron Lore is that you can use *any* D&D monster book with this game.

wie aufregend. ::)

Waere es dir lieber das du ein Buch kriegst mit dem du alle anderen d20-Sachen erst "konvertieren" bzw. aus die Besonderheiten des Systems/Settings konvertieren musst um sie nutzen zu koennen?

Dass ich ohne Probleme auch anderes Zeug einsetzen kann ohne dabei was konvertieren zu muessen ist schon ein Pluspunkt fuer mich.

Ausserdem ist folgende Aussage von Mike Mearls SEHR interessant:

As a consequence of the changes to the core d20 engine, you can now stat up an 18th-level NPC from any class in about 5 to 15 minutes, tops, once you're familiar with the system. I estimate that Iron Lore adventure prep takes about half, if not less, time than adventure prep for D&D. The time savings become even more pronounced at high levels. Yet, the game still supports all the cool, weird, fun action of D&D - trips to other planes, battles against dragons, demons, and other powerful monsters, and so forth.

DAS waere alleine schon ein Grund fuer mich evtl. meine High-Level-Runde zu "konvertieren" (wenn es geht)
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

Offline Kardinal Richelingo

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Re: Iron Lore: Neues System/Setting von Malhavoc
« Antwort #6 am: 17.03.2005 | 14:28 »
DAS waere alleine schon ein Grund fuer mich evtl. meine High-Level-Runde zu "konvertieren" (wenn es geht)

ok, der Punkt geht an Dich ! das ist in der Tat mal interessant. Warten wir es ab :)
"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids,
we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and
listening to repetitive electronic music."

Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989

Offline Selganor [n/a]

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Re: Iron Lore: Neues System/Setting von Malhavoc
« Antwort #7 am: 18.03.2005 | 09:26 »
In dem Thread fragte jemand Mike Mearls wie er diesen Charakter in IL beschreiben wuerde.

Dabei kam folgendes raus:

He looks like a single classed berserker. Probably has the Arctic Born or Mighty Build trait, one of those and the Savage Appearance trait, all excellent picks for a berserker. I'd lean towards Mighty Build because of the axe.

In terms of feats, probably Two-Weapon Fighting and Power Attack, with Power Attack taken to the higher mastery. For skills, definitely the Athletics skill group, with Intimidate, Survival, and maybe some Perform thrown in if he's the type of warrior that uses his personality to bludgeon his foes into submission.

He has an orc head on his spear, so I think his basic strategy in battle is to intimidate foes, lure them into focusing on him with Savage Appearance and Perform checks, reaping lots of fury tokens from that, and cashing them in as fast as possible. Meanwhile, his allies swoop around to flank or take out anyone who doesn't get bogged down with him.

He probably adventures with a hunter, a thief, and maybe an archer. His chosen spread of abilities would work really well with those classes, depending on their builds.

OTOH, he could just as easily be a harrier or a hunter who doesn't wear armor. In that case... well, I'm not sure I can start detailing all the possibilities here. Suffice to say, that guy screams Iron Lore to me.

And no, I can't detail any of that stuff until we start doing more previews. I probably raced ahead of schedule by three months in this post alone. Still, I hope it shows you what you can do with an Iron Lore PC.
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

Offline Selganor [n/a]

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Re: Iron Lore: Neues System/Setting von Malhavoc
« Antwort #8 am: 19.03.2005 | 09:19 »
Die naechsten Previews sind da. Eine Intro Brochure bei der dich z.B. den "aufgebohrten" Whirlwind Attack interessant finde:
You swing your mighty weapon in a deadly pattern, surrounding yourself with flashing
steel. He who draws close to you shall feel the bitter sting of your weapon.
Prerequisite: Power weapons only.
Base Mastery: 3
Benefit: As a full attack action, you whirl your heavy weapon about you in a deadly
pattern. If an opponent begins or ends his action in an area you threaten, you gain
an immediate attack against him at your highest base attack bonus. You can attack a
given opponent in this manner only once per round. Resolve these attacks at the
beginning or end of your foe’s action, as appropriate.
Expanded Mastery: 6. You may now activate this ability as a standard action, allowing
you to move before or after you use it. Remember that you resolve your attacks
on your foe’s actions, not during your own.
Expanded Mastery: 9 You may now activate this ability as a free action. While others
rely on armor and shields to ward off attacks, you use your maul, greatsword, or
other power weapon to hack them down before they can strike.
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

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Re: Iron Lore: Neues System/Setting von Malhavoc
« Antwort #9 am: 21.03.2005 | 15:56 »
Das klingt mal extrems interessant! :D
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Re: Iron Lore: Neues System/Setting von Malhavoc
« Antwort #10 am: 29.03.2005 | 00:09 »
Das erste Design Diary ist online
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

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Re: Iron Lore: Neues System/Setting von Malhavoc
« Antwort #11 am: 29.04.2005 | 17:40 »
In diesem Design Diary ist eine der neuen Charakterklassen (der Hunter) beschrieben.

Gefaellt mir wirklich SEHR gut...
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

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Re: Iron Lore: Neues System/Setting von Malhavoc
« Antwort #12 am: 12.05.2005 | 23:42 »
Keine Kommentare dazu?

Dann ist vielleicht der Archer interessanter?
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

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Re: Iron Lore: Neues System/Setting von Malhavoc
« Antwort #13 am: 13.05.2005 | 12:41 »
Ich finde diese Klasse ziemlich gut designed, was ich aber noch nicht weiß, ist: diese Tokengeschichte. Für die Spieler ist das ok, obwohl auch da nicht ohne, denn als Spielleiter muss man ja zumindest ein Wenig darauf aufpassen, das alles mit rechten Dingen zugeht bei der Tokenzählerei. Zudem dieses Zählen noch bei NPCs? Uiuiui, da muss man schon ganz gute buchhalterische Fähigkeiten haben. Was meint ihr?

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Re: Iron Lore: Neues System/Setting von Malhavoc
« Antwort #14 am: 13.05.2005 | 12:50 »
Ist nicht mehr "Buchhalterei" als man bei Magiebenutzern mit ihren Spruechen (welche hat man vorbereitet, welche schon gesprochen) auch hat. Nur dass man die recht einfach mit Punkten notieren kann.

Im neuesten Malhavoc-Produkt (Transcendence) ist auch noch eine "Werbung":

Meet Karrak Bloodtooth
If you're polite, you won’t have to face his axe.

In Iron Lore, a character's traits represent his background and his defining qualities. Karrak hails from the rugged northern mountains, granting him more hit points than usual. Long years on the barren,
forbidding slopes also allow him to recover quickly from injuries.

16 (ACTIVE +6, PASSIVE +0)
Karrak may shun armor, but he isn't defenseless. In Iron Lore, your character's fighting style determines his ability to avoid attacks. Karrak isn't very good at avoiding them, so he focuses on smashing his foes into bloody pulps. Other classes wear armor to gain damage reduction, but Karrak's battle madness allows him to partially shrug off most attacks.

Berserkers gain 4 skill points per level, yet Karrak has six maxed-out skills and an average intellect.
Thanks to Iron Lore's rules for skill groups, a small investment gives you mastery in all the core skills your class needs. Each point Karrak spends on the Athletics skill group grants him a rank in Climb, Jump, and Swim.
No more cross-class skills!

That sure is a lot of hit points, isn't it? You'll need them in Iron Lore, and Karrak doubly so, since there aren't any clerics around to take care of you. Luckily, the reserve pool allows you to heal up between fights. Just don't count on it in the middle of a battle.

Remember Karrak's 90 hit points? Berserkers have more hit points than
anyone else in Iron Lore because the more you hit them, the angrier they get. When Karrak suffers damage, he builds up fury tokens. He
can spend those tokens to transform from a bloodthirsty warrior with a big axe into a screaming, frothing, unstoppable warrior with a big axe.

Characters in Iron Lore gain more feats, while the rules for mastery allow you to grow your favorite feats along with your character. Not only can Karrak use Power Attack to inflict more damage, his vicious, wild attacks might knock an opponent prone.

Who needs magic items when you're one of the greatest warriors in the world? From the deadly executioner to the crafty hunter, Iron Lore characters rely on their talents rather than arcane gizmos. Fight all the same cool monsters without all of the budgeting and bookkeeping.
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

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Re: Iron Lore: Neues System/Setting von Malhavoc
« Antwort #15 am: 14.05.2005 | 16:06 »
Das mit den Token klingt mehr als nur genial! :o

Behält man die, für änger als eine Runde, oder sind die wie Temporäre DramaDice der Aldana zu verstehen (7th Sea) die bleiben (beim Schnörkel) auch nur für diese Kampfphase bestehen.

Halte die Token nur eine R, oder einen Encounter, oder kann ich die auch über 3 Kampagnien mit mir rumschleppen?!
Live and let rock!

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Re: Iron Lore: Neues System/Setting von Malhavoc
« Antwort #16 am: 14.05.2005 | 16:14 »
Details gibt's noch nicht (saemtliche Infos die bisher veroeffentlicht wurden duerften in diesem Thread sein), aber es scheint drauf anzukommen... Der Archer behaelt seien Tokens so lange bis er den Gegner wechselt (und muss dann wieder neu anfangen seine "Aim Tokens" zu sammeln, der Hunter kriegt bei jedem Encounter "Tactical Tokens" dazu und der Berserker kriegt wohl "Fury Tokens" jedesmal wenn er Schaden kriegt.
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

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Iron Lore noch vor Druck eingestellt
« Antwort #17 am: 27.05.2005 | 15:32 »
Keine Angst... nicht wirklich, nur weil eine "Iron Lore"-Softwarefirma der Meinung ist man koennte die beiden verwechseln hat Malhavoc (anstelle den Erscheinungstermin unnoetig rauszuzoegern) einfach von "Iron Lore" auf "Iron Heroes" gewechselt.

Bei der Gelegenheit sei auch nochmal der neue Erscheinungstermin (25.Juli) genannt, der wohl eingehalten werden sollte (da das Buch gerade zum Drucker geht)

Und um neben Ankuendigungen noch etwas ueber den Inhalt zu sagen ist ein Artikel zur Feat Mastery auch noch on
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

Offline Selganor [n/a]

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Re: Iron Lore: Neues System/Setting von Malhavoc
« Antwort #18 am: 29.05.2005 | 20:03 »
Ein paar Infos aus einem Chat:

CR Equivalence

Stalker0 (May 26, 2005 8:27:27 PM)
Question: Iron Heroes are apparantely able to go toe to toe with an equivalent CR encounter. How do high level Iron Hero characters deal with creatures that can make you fly, turn you to stone, or send you to another plane without the great deal of magic items that typical Pcs enjoy?

Mike Mearls (May 26, 2005 8:28:41 PM)
There's a variety of ways you can deal with this. In many cases, the question applies equally to D&D. If the party wizard can't do planar travel, and you don't have a cleric, you might be stuck in either game. So, on some level the DM has to work around such things.

Mike Mearls (May 26, 2005 8:29:58 PM)
The key from a mechanical perspective lies in a few minor, but important, changes to th system. For example, who says that level drain has to work the same in all d20 games? Stuff like that. There is also some advice on working with such abilities in, I believe, the monster book. For instance, if a PC is turned to stone by a medusa, the PCs might have to go on a quest to find the elixir to cure him.

Token Use by Class

cupchurch (May 26, 2005 8:33:22 PM)
Do all of the IH classes use the token mechanic?

Mike Mearls (May 26, 2005 8:34:28 PM)
Nope, just most of them. IIRC, men-at-arms, the harrier, and the arcanist do not use tokens. The harrier just didn't fit with tokens, while the man-at-arms was consciously developed for players (likely casual gamers) who wanted to keep their character as close to a D&D one as possible. It's a sort of bridge class, though it still has plenty of fun options.    

Wealth vs. Experience Awards

wizofice (May 26, 2005 8:51:42 PM)
Mike, there's a thread in the Iron Heroes forum where people are making guesses as to (since there's not much in the way of magic items), where does all the gold go? Care to comment?

Monte Cook (May 26, 2005 8:52:17 PM)
That's a topic well-handled in the Mastering Iron Heroes book.

Mike Mearls (May 26, 2005 8:53:29 PM)
That's covered in the DM's book. I give a few options and ideas, particularly with the alternate XP systems. For instance, let's say you want to run a game where the PCs are criminals, and maybe they don't trust each other. In that sort of game, you might award XP for the gold they recover. If a PC steals something without the rest of the party knowing about it, he might get bonus XP for that. When you pull money away from its current place in D&D (it's basically your point total for the point-buy/magic item part of character creation) you can do some really interesting stuff.    

Spell Recipes

Mike Mearls (May 26, 2005 8:58:50 PM)
The arcanist gains access to spell methods and a set of arcane class abilities. For example, you can create an arcanist who can blast his enemies with bolts of energy at will. The spell system takes a little getting used to. In essence, you gain access to a few spell recipes that you use to build spell effects. So, for an attack spell you choose the damage, area of effect, and energy type, then cast the spell. The more options a spell has, and the more abilities it features, the harder it is to cast and the more mana it costs.    

The Implied Setting

Mike Mearls (May 26, 2005 9:00:48 PM)
There really isn't an implied setting, per se. There's a sample setting called the Swordlands that touches on a lot of classic, pre-Terry Brooks/Tolkien clone sword & sorcery. Gamers are familiar enough with the style of play in Iron Heroes that I think an implied setting would just get in the way.
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

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Re: Iron Lore: Neues System/Setting von Malhavoc
« Antwort #19 am: 9.06.2005 | 21:53 »
Und der naechste Teil des Design Diary's: Power Attack und Weapon Finesse

Damit werden Kaempfende mal echt "taktisch".
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

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Re: Iron Heroes: Neues System/Setting von Malhavoc
« Antwort #20 am: 16.07.2005 | 01:42 »
Der naechste Sneak Peek: Skill Groups

Laufen genau wie ich gedacht habe.

Gefaellt mir so ;)
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

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Re: Iron Heroes: Neues System/Setting von Malhavoc
« Antwort #21 am: 30.07.2005 | 13:37 »
In etwas mehr 48 Stunden sollte ich Iron Heroes haben...

Hier aber schonmal Inhaltsverzeichnis

Stuntsystem (daran koennten sch Systeme wie 7th Sea noch eine Scheibe abschneiden ;) )


Frage/Antwortthread von jemandem der das Buch schon hat
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

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Re: Iron Heroes: Neues System/Setting von Malhavoc
« Antwort #22 am: 30.07.2005 | 14:59 »
Ich weis schon mal, was ich mir als nächstes D&D buch bestelle! :D
Live and let rock!

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Re: Iron Heroes: Neues System/Setting von Malhavoc
« Antwort #23 am: 30.07.2005 | 17:48 »
Dir ist aber schon klar dass das nicht so wirklich kompatibel mit normalem D&D ist?

Iron Heroes Charaktere sollten nicht Seite an Seite mit D&D Charakteren unterwegs sein da in Iron Heroes die Faehigkeiten die D&D Charaktere nur durch ihre Ausruestung kriegen schon "eingebaut" sind.

Wenn IH Charaktere dann auch noch magische Gegenstaende benutzen wuerden waeren sie unter Umstaenden "ueberpowert".
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

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Re: Iron Heroes: Neues System/Setting von Malhavoc
« Antwort #24 am: 30.07.2005 | 18:14 »

Stuntsystem (daran koennten sch Systeme wie 7th Sea noch eine Scheibe abschneiden ;) )

Naja. Prinzipiell sind die Stunts ja nur Beschreibungen von Aktionen, die bestimmte Boni geben, wenn man einen dazugehörigen Skillwurf schafft. Das mag zwar für D&D eine Neuerung sein, aber ansonsten doch nichts wirklich Aufregendes.   
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