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[MtAw] Infos zum neuen Mage

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Selganor [n/a]:
Inzwischen sind ein paar Infos zu Mage: the Awakening bekannt:

--- Zitat ---Okay, so that last post was kind of mean. I'll make it up to you. Hereafter, five non-setting or -system details regarding Mage, just to give you a peek behind the curtain.

[*] It's freaking huge. Two hundred and seventy-five thousand words huge. For comparison, Vampire and Werewolf came in at about 210,000 and 220,000 words, respectively.

[*] It's the least like its predecessor of all three of the core games. As we've gone forward, we've pushed the comfort envelope of familiarity (and will continue to do so in supplementary material). While Mage's overarching theme will remain true to what we've always seen as the core Mage idea, the implementation of that idea via setting is very different.

[*] Here's confirmation: The setting appendix covers Boston as Mage's signature city. The Boston sourcebook will be the first supplement for the game, and is currently scheduled for an October release.

[*] You're going to see a familiar trait name in the Mage environment, but it's not going to be a trait name that's been used in Mage before. What does that mean? You'll find out later. For now, let the speculation begin.

[*] We're already working on the index. Right now, we're actually planning on having two indices, one for the basic book/game topics and a separate one for [undisclosed].

Okay; there you go. Some good stuff and some stuff to make you say, "Hey! What does that mean?" More from us soon.

--- Ende Zitat ---

Uff, da hat sich ja jemand in Leerformeln ergangen....
Viel Veränderung, ok, aber das sollte man von der nWoD sowieso erwarten können.
Ansonsten ist das ein einziger Haufen nutzloser Müll, in den man alles reininterpretieren kann...

Das wird schon noch. :)

Selganor [n/a]:
Naja... wenn sie jetzt schon zu viel verraten geht ihnen bis zum Erscheinen im August evtl. das Material aus ;)

Allerdings finde ich Boston als Setting schon interessant...

Ich hab's mir lange überlegt, und ich Tippe darauf, dass Conviction den alten Trait Arete ersetzt.  8)


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