Autor Thema: Starting Wealth auf höherem Level - D20 Modern  (Gelesen 971 mal)

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Offline Spicy McHaggis

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Die Charaktere in meiner Sifi-Runde fangen auf Level 6 an. Wie kann ich das beim berechnen des Wealth-Bonus einbeziehen ohne für jeden Level zu Würfeln? Wie würdet ihr das machen? Einfach pauschal WB+5 z.B.?
"Neugier ist die Mutter der Weisheit"

Offline Selganor [n/a]

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Re: Starting Wealth auf höherem Level - D20 Modern
« Antwort #1 am: 13.02.2006 | 23:43 »
Ist im Bullet Point #2 schon gesagt (inklusive Erratum):

How do you determine starting Wealth for high-level characters? Table 7-2 seems to be inaccurate.

First of all, Table 7-2 is misprinted -- 1st-level NPCs should determine Wealth normally. For 2nd-level NPCs, the bonus should be +6. The rest of the table is correct.

Secondly, the bonus given on Table 7-2 is just the starting point. To that number, add any additional Wealth bonus for the character's starting occupation, feats, and so forth. Also add a bonus equal to the number of ranks the character has in a Profession skill.

The result of these calculations is the Wealth bonus for an NPC of the appropriate level. When creating a high-level hero, add +2 to that total.

As a shortcut, you can simply equip an NPC with a reasonable assortment of gear, then give him the value shown on the table as his current Wealth bonus (ignoring the benefits of feats, occupation, Profession skills, and so forth.). That's a quick-and-dirty way of using the table, but it produces reasonable results.
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

Offline Spicy McHaggis

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Re: Starting Wealth auf höherem Level - D20 Modern
« Antwort #2 am: 14.02.2006 | 12:00 »
Danke! :D
"Neugier ist die Mutter der Weisheit"