(Fortsetzung von oben)Das GRW an sich und die neue sechste WeltHere are some examples from the book:
Halloweeners Street Gang (Professional Rating 1) - Body 3 Agility 3 Reaction 3 Strength 3 Charisma 2 Intuition 2 Logic 2 Willpower 2, Skills: Clubs 2, Etiquette (Street) 3, Pistols 1, Unarmed Combat 2, Cyber - Hand Razors
Sec Guard (Professional Rating 2) - Body 3 Agility 3 Reaction 4 Strength 3 Charisma 3 Intuition 3 Logic 2 Willpower 3, Skills: Dodge 2, Pistols 1, Shortarms 3 (?? This isn't an actual SR4 skill... I'm guessing it's "Automatics"), Unarmed Combat 2
Lone Star Cop (Professional Rating 3) - Body 3 Agility 4 Reaction 4 Strength 3 Charisma 3 Intuition 4 Logic 3 Willpower 3, Skills: Clubs 3, Law Enforcement 3, Perception 2, Pistols 3, Unarmed Combat 3
Triad Posse (Professional Rating 4) - Body 3 Agility 5 Reaction 4 Strength 3 Charisma 3 Intuition 4 Logic 3 Willpower 4, Skills: Blades 3, Dodge 3, Intimidation 3, Pistols 3, Shortarms 3, Unarmed Combat 3
Red Samurai (Professional Rating 5) - Body 4 Agility 5 Reaction 5(6) Strength 4 Charisma 3 Intuition 4 Logic 3 Willpower 4, Skills: Athletics Group 2, Blades 3, Dodge 4, Etiquette (Corp) 3 (+2), Firearms Group 5, Infiltration 3, Perception 3, Unarmed Combat 4, Cyber: Wired Reflexes 1, Cybereyes with Flare Comp, Smartlink
Tir Ghost (Professional Rating 6) - Body 4 Agility 6 Reaction 5(7) Strength 4 Charisma 5 Intuition 6 Logic 4 Willpower 5, Skills: Athletics Group 3, Demolitions 3, Dodge 4, Firearms Group 5, Perception 4, Stealth Group 6, Unarmed Combat 5, Cyber: Wired Reflexes 2, Flare Comp, Smartlink, Commlink
Ares, Aztechnology, Evo Corp, Horizon, Mitsuhama, NeoNet, Renraku, Saeder-Krupp, Shiawase, Wuxing
[Die neuen/alten Megas]
Who's President of the UCAS?
Angela Colloton
What happened to Cross ?
Lucien Cross died in a plane crash the very day of Crash 2.0. Damien Knight bought up Cross assets while Horizon group went after its Corp Court seat.
Btw, the first piece of fiction uses fuck, fuck, fuck and asshole instead of frag or other expletives like hoophead. So much for garnering that younger audience if parents skim that part, or the topless chick on page 44 wearing a couple band-aids across her nipples.
RegelnAthletics - Climbing, Gymnastics, Running, Swimming
Biotech - Cybertechnology, First Aid, Medicine
Close Combat - Blades, Clubs, Unarmed Combat (Note: Exotic Melee Weapon is NOT in any group. Also, Cyberimplant combat has been folded into the other weapon skills, like Unarmed and Blades)
Conjuring - Banishing, Binding, Summoning
Cracking - Cybercombat, Electronic Warfare, Hacking
Electronics - Computer, Data Search, Hardware, Software
Firearms - Automatics, Longarms, Pistols (Note: Exotic Ranged Weapon is NOT in any group)
Influence - Con, Etiquette, Leadership, Negotiation
Mechanic - Aeronautics Mechanic, Automotive Mechanic, Industrial Mechanic, Nautical Mechanic
Outdoors - Navigation, Survival, Tracking
Sorcery - Counterspelling, Ritual Spellcasting, Spellcasting
Stealth - Disguise, Infiltration, Palming, Shadowing
Tasking - Compiling, Decompiling, Registering
No Skill Group - Archery, Armorer, Artisan, Assensing, Astral Combat, Demolitions, Diving, Dodge, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gunnery, Instruction, Intimidation, Locksmith, Parachuting, Perception, Pilot Aerospace, Pilot Aircraft, Pilot Anthroform, Pilot Exotic Vehicle, Pilot Ground Craft, Pilot Watercraft, Throwing Weapons, and all Knowledge Skills.
Not a use of Edge, but if the dicepool is large enough, you can get automatic successes. 4-7 is one, +1 per 4 there after.
How does Regeneration work now? Does it heal stun damage? Regeneration rapidly heals any damage. A Magic + Body test is made at the end of the combat turn, and any hits on this test regenerates 1 point of Physical OR Stun damage (I don't know how one would decide, other than picking the "best" configuration based on wound penalties). If a critter takes Physical damage into Overflow, they still get to make a Regeneration test at the end of the combat turn. After the Regeneration test is made, if the overflow is greater than the Body attribute, the critter dies (this is the same as any PC, NPC, or critter).
Damage to brain or spinal cord cannot be healed, and magical damage from weapon foci, combat spells, critter/adept powers, or other magic cannot be healed. If the critter is affected by an Allergy, they cannot regenerate until the allergen is removed (so start blowing that sawdust at Vampires).
Zur Availability: Fehlt nurnoch der Zeitraum den der Schieber warten muss bevor er erneut würfeln darf, bzw die Periodendauer der Extended Tests bei Beschaffung. Ist das in dem "R" hinter der Availability versteckt ?
Das R steht für ein restricted item...
die Zeitabstände bestimmen sich je nach extendend test unterschiedlich, bei Availability ist es AFAIR der Preis des Gegenstandes.
If negative modifiers reduce the dice pool to 0 or less, Edge dice can be rolled and explode on a 6. A threshold of 4 is the highest listed as "extreme" difficulty.
Edge renews as GM sees fit, suggested every session.
No Rating - unaware
Rating 0 - untrained
1 - beginner
2 - novice
3 - Professional - college athlete, firearms as beat cop, tech as college grad, social as Mr Johnson, vehicle as cabbie, knowledge as 2 year degree (Kind of conflicts with college grad)
4 - Veteran - minor league ball player, marine or airborne, tech as 4 year experience, social as diplomat, vehicle as NASCAR driver, bachelors degree (again I see this conflicting)
5 - Expert - pro athlete, SWAT team member, top scientist, VP, vehicle as Ancients go-ganger(

), master's degree
6 - Elite - Athletic superstar, superstar among elite forces, The Wright Brothers, President, Blue Angel stunt pilot, doctorate degree
7 - Legendary - Athletic legend Babe Ruth, Wild Bill Hickock, Edison, Fastjack, Reagan, Damien Knight, Red Baron, Einstein, Dr. Raven
Human Attribute Ratings
1 - weak
2 - underdeveloped
3 - typical
4 - improved
5 - superior
6 - maximum unmodified human
kay, next question. What is the general guideline for Karma awards at the end of the run?
They looked the same as third edition.
Edge up to all edge dice to a roll. All dice explode.
After a roll, may use edge dice to roll for added successes, only edge dice explode.
Spend a point of edge and re-roll all failures.
Just saw a footnote that the rule of 6 does not apply to the longshot test in previous post. They do not explode.
Spend a point and go first in an initiative pass. If multiple people spend edge they go according to initiative score.
Spend a point and gain 1 extra initiative pass for the combat turn.
Negate one glitch or critical glitch.
Invoke dead man's trigger rule (iirc involves acting after full condition monitor.)
Do the modificators for bad vision still differ for natural, cybernetic or external vision enhancers?
No, modifiers apply equally.
Can specializations exceed the skill cap of 6? As in Firearms Skill Group 6 (spec:Pistols +2) for 8 dice?
Specialization is a modifier to the dice pool, not an increase in skill, or that's the way it looks. Your example is wrong about the skill group, but is on target if applied to Pistols 6, specialization semi-automatics for 8 dice + Agility as base dice pool.
Extended tests are written up in the following manner:
Dice Pool (Threshold, Time)
For example, Strength + Swimming (5, 1 hour). You roll multiple times, tallying up hits until you exceed the threshold. Each roll represents the time period listed. For example, in the previous test, if you were swimming across a lake, and you rolled three times (finally accumulating 5 hits after three rolls), you would take 3 Hours to do that task.
The GM, at his/her discretion, may limit the amount of rolls made to a number (they suggest a maximum of rolls equal to the number of dice in the dice pool). If a glitch occurs, the GM may decide to inconvenience the PC in some way (represented by "removing" the hits by 1d6). On a critical glitch, the whole thing is a bust, and the character has to start over.
PCs can also attempt to do a "rush job" and cut the interval time in half. However, this makes it so that 1s AND 2s can trigger a glitch.
Glitch, just for reference, is having half or more of your dice come up as 1s. All 1s is a Critical Glitch (which is just like the old Fumble rule)