Autor Thema: Was, wenn man keinen Anfang findet?  (Gelesen 718 mal)

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Was, wenn man keinen Anfang findet?
« am: 25.08.2006 | 17:24 »
Das hier bezieht sich zwar auf einen Geschäftsbrief, aber das Beispiel ist sicherlich auch auf andere Schreibsachen übertragbar:

I can’t tell you how many times people have come to me, holding an empty piece of paper, saying, “I have to write this letter and I don’t know how to begin.”

Whenever I sit down with someone to help them write, the first thing we do is talk. That helps the writer organize and focus on what he wants to say. So if you can’t get started writing, perhaps you can start by talking. When you can explain something clearly to another person, you’ve got the basis for writing it. If you happen to be all alone, that’s okay. Nobody will report you for talking to yourself.

Before we begin, I like to break the task into smaller steps - “doable doses,” as James Taylor calls them in one of his early songs. If writing doesn’t come easily to you, then thinking about the whole thing is too daunting. One little step is “doable.”

So what are the steps? Let’s talk about writing a business letter.

Hier gehts weiter:
When You Can’t Get Started Writing