Murgon, level 16
Minotaur, Runepriest, Light Bringer
Str 20, Con 18, Dex 12, Int 9, Wis 20, Cha 11.
AC: 33 Fort: 29 Reflex: 25 Will: 28
HP: 115 Surges: 12 Surge Value: 28
Religion +12, Heal +18, Endurance +15, Athletics +16
Level 1: Armor Proficiency: Plate
Level 2: Bloodied Ferocity
Level 4: Toughness
Level 6: Lightning Reflexes
Level 8: Greathorn
Level 10: Great Fortitude
Level 11: Fleet-Footed
Level 12: Hammer Rhythm
Level 14: Improved Second Wind
Level 16: Weapon Expertise (Hammer)
Runepriest at-will 1: Word of Shielding
Runepriest at-will 1: Word of Exchange
Runepriest encounter 1: Flames of Purity
Runepriest daily 1: Rune of Endless Fire
Runepriest utility 2: Shield of Sacrifice
Runepriest encounter 3: Word of the Blinding Shield
Runepriest daily 5: Cage of Light
Runepriest utility 6: Rune of Meritorious Alacrity
Runepriest encounter 7: Word of BefuddlementRunepriest daily 9: Rune of Death's VergeRunepriest utility 10: Incredible Stride
Runepriest encounter 13: Word of Astral Defiance (replaces Word of Befuddlement)
Runepriest daily 15: Rune of the First Fortress (replaces Rune of Death's Verge)
Runepriest utility 16: Rune of Reinvigoration
PS: Hätte gerne den "Ring of the Radiant Storm" (Lvl 17), wenn es mal wieder magisches Zeuch gibt...

PPS: Jo, ich hab heute Zeit und bin dabei!