Wormhole: You can place two "holes" somewhere in space. One hole leads to another. Velocities of passing objects are constant.
Spiritwalk: Your (invisible, invincible) spirit can travel everywhere, to spy and to observe everything you want.
Your body stays unconcsious until your spirit reenters it. (à la Prey)
Phaseshifting: You are invisible and every solid, non-phaseshifted object will pass right through you without effecting you. However, you don't fall through the floor...

Eidetic Memory: You can remember almost everything in perfect detail, once you had a glance. (Useful at passing exams)
Body Control: You can control your heart-beat, body temperature, breathing, brain waves and other organs without negative effects for yourself. (useful against lie detectors, feign dead, peeing napalm)
Endurance: You never get tired, you don't need sleep. (Let's party!)
Lingua automatica: You learn different languages by hearing and speaking them in tremendously short times, you are able to learn them within a few days. Once learned, you are able to speak these languages fluently.
Silence: You can do things without cause any noise. (like breaking doors, shooting guns...)
Balance: You don't lose your balance EVER!
Mimikry: You can imitate looks/vocals of one/some/any person you met or create fake sounds like gunshots, sirens, door bells...
PS: Englisch wegen der Coolness