habe ich gemacht. und das swex-kauf-pdf besitze ich ebenfalls. bringt mich das nun weiter?

edit: habe diese errata gefunden. das wird sich wohl auf die 2. auflage beziehen.
Oficial Errata for "Savage Worlds Explorers Edition" [PEG10010]
* P49: Chainshaw damage is 2d6+4.
* P49: Bayonet should say Str+d6 instead of Str+2 when affixed to a rifle.
* P91: The descriptive text for Greater Healing should read:
Greater healing restores wounds more than one hour old. This use of the power requires 10 Power Points, and otherwise works exactly like the healing power. It can also be used to neutralize poison and disease after the first 10 minutes has passed.
Greater Healing can also heal Permanent Crippling Injuries.
This requires an arcane skill roll at –4, 1d6 hours of time, and 20 Power Points. Only one casting is permitted per injury—if it fails, the injury really is permanent.
* P94: The last paragraph under Telekinesis should say:
Victims who are bashed into walls or other solid objects suffer the caster’s Spirit+d6 as damage. If a caster with a d12 Spirit smashes an orc into a wall, for example, the orc suffers d12+d6 damage.