Autor Thema: [nWoD] Small Talk  (Gelesen 79751 mal)

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RE: [nWoD] Small Talk
« Antwort #100 am: 23.06.2010 | 19:08 »
Sie sagen es sind Wartungsarbeiten:

As part of our datacenter maintenance, the White Wolf store will be down for approximately three hours from 5am Eastern to 8am Eastern tomorrow, Wednesday June 23rd. Thanks for your patience!
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RE: [nWoD] Small Talk
« Antwort #101 am: 23.06.2010 | 19:09 »
Naja, ein Indiz ist, dass die Pressestelle, also Kelley Barnes, sich kaum zurückmeldet und wenn, dann hat sie nur Ausflüchte und keine Releasedates. Sie sagte auch ganz klar, man wolle sich erstmal auf die Camarilla konzetrieren.
Kurze Erinnerung an das Mantra: Wir spielen, um Spaß zu haben!


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RE: [nWoD] Small Talk
« Antwort #102 am: 24.06.2010 | 02:20 »
Das mit dem Shop war wohl Zufall und ist inzwischen behoben (wäre es Absicht, so hätte es länger gedauert - wie bei F&S, welche (natürlich rein zufällig *g*) während der Lizenzverhandlungen für D&D3 mit Amigo, ihr Forum für Wochen(!) wegen "technischen Schwierigkeiten" geschlossen haben).

Allerdings steht "Mirrors" noch immer nicht unter Future Releases.


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RE: [nWoD] Small Talk
« Antwort #103 am: 24.06.2010 | 09:55 »
Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, daß da noch irgendwer an dem WoD RPG arbeitet. So viele waren es in der jüngeren Vergangenheit eh nicht mehr.
WW ist Vergangenheit - "I work at CCP Games, and was at White Wolf before the merger." Justin Achilli

Mit ein bisschen Glück werden sie noch Mirrors veröffentlichen, weil es eh schon geschrieben ist und CCP die Kosten egal sein können, aber damit wird es das auch gewesen sein.

Was soll's? Wer die nWoD mag, kann auch noch in den nächsten Jahren damit reichlich Spaß haben. Was für die oWoD gilt, gilt auch für die nWoD.

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RE: [nWoD] Small Talk
« Antwort #104 am: 24.06.2010 | 13:17 »
Ja, aber schade is schon!
Kurze Erinnerung an das Mantra: Wir spielen, um Spaß zu haben!


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Re: NWoD - Small Talk
« Antwort #105 am: 24.06.2010 | 13:34 »
Ja, aber schade is schon!

Achwas, halb so wild ... kennst du z.B. den Changeling the Dreaming Bereich im SnE Forum? Die sind seit mindestens 7 Jahren super kreativ und aktiv für ein Spiel, dass vor Urzeiten veröffentlicht wurde und deren Publikationen schon lange eingestellt sind. Im Gegensatz zur nWoD sind nicht mal alle Bücher (legal) erhältlich. Und trotzdem ist da mächtig was los und die Szene sehr lebendig. Jeden Monat wird dort ein Schwerpunktthema gewählt ("Month of ...") das intensiv bearbeitet wird, das nie erschienen Kithbook Boggan wurde aus ihrem Kreis in Form eines Fanprojekts nachgereicht, Kleingruppen arbeiten zu bestimmten Themen etc....

Das zeigt doch, daß - und das wissen wir ja schon längst - es nur auf Phantasie und Kreativität der SpielerInnen (incl. ST) ankommt und nicht auf irgend ein neues Buch.

Quelle zum obigen Beispiel:


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Re: [nWoD] Small Talk
« Antwort #106 am: 24.06.2010 | 21:20 »
Nuechtern gesehen, hoeffentlich schaffen sie zumindest noch Mirrors in den Druck zu geben..

Was hab ich denn jetzt wieder verpasst? WWs P&P Division ist kurz vorm Exitus?

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Re: [nWoD] Small Talk
« Antwort #107 am: 24.06.2010 | 21:42 »
Was hab ich denn jetzt wieder verpasst? WWs P&P Division ist kurz vorm Exitus?
Wenn man Nin und Kermit glaubt dann wohl schon ^^;
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Re: [nWoD] Small Talk
« Antwort #108 am: 25.06.2010 | 00:30 »
Kopiert vom Forum:
Mr. Webb's explicitly said in a recent Blogcast that their plan for nWoD is to release PDF books like Compacts and Conspiracies or Mysterious Places when they have good ideas, and otherwise avoid the supplement treadmill.

Ich kann dem Blogcast von Eddy Webb leider nicht folgen ... auf der einen Seite die miese Tonqualität und sein Genuschel - auf der anderen Seite meine nicht ausreichende Englischkenntnisse ... aber hört selber:

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Re: [nWoD] Small Talk
« Antwort #109 am: 25.06.2010 | 06:57 »
Die Aussage klingt aber schon extrem nach Einstellung aller Arbeiten an der nWoD. :-\
-> Projekte: PDQ# - FreeFate - PtA Zapped - Fiasko - FateCore - Durance - SRAP (mit Diary) - Mothership 0e (dt) - Romanze der  Gefährlichen Lande
-> Diaries 212 (nWoD) - Cypher Suns (Fadings Suns/Cypher) - Anderland (Liminal) - Feierabendhonks (DnD 5e) - DSA mit Shadowdark

Ich sitze im Bus der Behinderten und Begabten und ich sitze gern darin.

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Re: [nWoD] Small Talk
« Antwort #110 am: 25.06.2010 | 09:07 »
Eigentlich klingt es imho eher nach:
Something ist coming, something ist coming, it's big! Can't tell you more. But it's great.
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Re: [nWoD] Small Talk
« Antwort #111 am: 25.06.2010 | 09:37 »
Einstellung aller Arbeiten an der nWoD.
Something ist coming, something ist coming, it's big! Can't tell you more. But it's great.

Das muss ja kein Widerspruch sein.  ;)

Offline Vash the stampede

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Re: [nWoD] Small Talk
« Antwort #112 am: 25.06.2010 | 09:48 »
Das muss ja kein Widerspruch sein.  ;)

Das stimmt. Und solange es keinen Rückschritt gibt, ist auch alles gut. >;D
-> Projekte: PDQ# - FreeFate - PtA Zapped - Fiasko - FateCore - Durance - SRAP (mit Diary) - Mothership 0e (dt) - Romanze der  Gefährlichen Lande
-> Diaries 212 (nWoD) - Cypher Suns (Fadings Suns/Cypher) - Anderland (Liminal) - Feierabendhonks (DnD 5e) - DSA mit Shadowdark

Ich sitze im Bus der Behinderten und Begabten und ich sitze gern darin.

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Re: [nWoD] Small Talk
« Antwort #113 am: 25.06.2010 | 10:15 »
Nu, ohne ihn wirklich gruendlich gehoert zu haben, nur so kurz bei dem aufstehen nebenher, aeussert er sich doch sehr positiv gegenueber kreativen Fan Input der zu Veroeffentlichung fuehrt. Gut der Fan Input fuehrt nicht zu neuen Core Regelwerke und wenn ich das richtig verstehe wollen sie das das naechste Core Regelwerk etwas besondereres wird als Yet another Good Vs. Evil Szenario, aber sie duerfen quasi versuchen Supplements zu schreiben, werden ordentlich bezahlt und haben die Chance als richtiger Autor zu enden.
Klingt nicht so schlecht ^^;

Das einzigz was ich meinte rauszuhoeren ist das man trotz Kontakt zu CCP und deren SF Flagschiff Eve Online nicht plant ein SF RPG System auf den Markt zu werfen..
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Re: [nWoD] Small Talk
« Antwort #114 am: 25.06.2010 | 18:48 »
Hier die neuste Info zum Thema:

White Wolf Product Release Schedule Through June 2011
So what are you looking forward to?
Posted: 2010-06-25
White Wolf’s release schedule for the next 12 months is now being distributed to industry channels. Included in the schedule are several books that have been previously only available through digital download, now reformatted for print. As we continue to develop our PDF initiative, we’re certainly aware of fan enthusiasm for having previously PDF-only titles in printed form. Rather than wait any longer, a selection of titles has now been put into full print run status, and we’ll be announcing a new PDF product line-up in early August that complements this print schedule.

Book of Mirrors (World of Darkness)
Mage Chronicler's Guide (Mage the Awakening)
Core rulebook restock (Exalted, Mage, Vampire, Werewolf, WOD, Changeling)

Return of Scarlet Empress (Exalted)
Signs of the Moon (Werewolf the Forsaken)

Glories of the Most High (Exalted)

New Wave Requiem (Vampire the Requiem)
Danse Macabre (Vampire the Requiem)

The Fear-Maker's Promise (Changeling SAS book: The Fear-Maker's Promise, The Rose-Bride's Plight. Ready-made Lost PCs)

Thousand Correct Actions (Exalted)

Block by Bloody Block (Hunter the Vigil)

Yazata: Gods of Persia (Scion)

Testament of Longinus (Vampire the Requiem)

The Harvesters (World of Darkness SAS book: Chicago Workings, The Harvesters. Ready-made WoD PCs)

The Patchwork Scroll (Exalted collection of: Debris from the Fallen Races, Splinters of the Wyld, Lost Arts of the Dead, and The Imperfect Lotus)

Invite Only (Vampire the Requiem)

« Letzte Änderung: 25.06.2010 | 18:53 von Nin »


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Re: [nWoD] Small Talk
« Antwort #115 am: 25.06.2010 | 18:55 »
Mit anderen Worten, ein Teil der PDFs wird als Buch rauskommen, aber (komplett) neue WoD Bücher stehen ab August nicht mehr in den Startlöchern, oder?

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Re: [nWoD] Small Talk
« Antwort #116 am: 25.06.2010 | 19:18 »
Invite only evtl?


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Re: [nWoD] Small Talk
« Antwort #117 am: 25.06.2010 | 22:21 »
Invite only evtl?

Ja, da hast du recht. Bis Juni 2011 ist aber noch ganz schön lange hin.  ;)

eddyfate   replied on  Sat, Jun 26 2010 12:34 AM

I posted these on, but since at a skim there are similar questions here, I decided to cross-post my quick comments before I dive back into my insane workload (13 days straight and counting!)

* The listed schedule is not only PDF products being printed. As per the initial paragraph: "White Wolf’s release schedule for the next 12 months is now being distributed to industry channels. Included in the schedule are several books that have been previously only available through digital download, now reformatted for print." This schedule accounts for books that we had previously hinted to or referenced, in order to be all-inclusive (or at least, as inclusive as we can be at this stage). Which leads me to...

* There is still more coming. Also from the announcement: "... we’ll be announcing a new PDF product line-up in early August that complements this print schedule."

* The restock is just what it says -- a restocking of the current books, as they are. It's not a reprint, nor will there be any errata incorporation. (Edit: I just realized that doesn't make sense. Yes, we are making more copies of these books, so it is a reprint in the literal sense, but it's not a new edition in any way -- as I understand it, it's just taking the same files and sending them back to the printer for another run.)

* Goblin Markets was only removed because the page count was too small for a print run, and it didn't seem to work with another of the other products for a bundle (I debated the pre-generated characters, but they seemed to work better with the SASs). As things evolve and change, if there's a place for me to stick in Goblin Markets and make it work, I'm all for it.

* I am assured that there are more announcements coming at GenCon and at our Grand Masquerade event in September, and I'm hoping to have more roundtables on my White Wolf Blogcast, so please stay tuned for more information in the coming months.

On a personal note, I'm glad that something we've been wrestling with for quite a long time now is finally in a place where we can talk about it. My thanks to the folks in CCP Marketing who were able to craft a great announcement for everyone after much badgering from me. ;)

Eddy Webb
Alternative Publishing Developer
White Wolf Publishing
« Letzte Änderung: 26.06.2010 | 00:47 von Nin »


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Re: [nWoD] Small Talk
« Antwort #118 am: 26.06.2010 | 10:58 »
Und dann habe ich noch einen älteren Beitrag von Carl Bowen (Freelancer/Autor) gefunden:

Carl Bowen   replied on  Sat, Jun 12 2010 1:10 AM

Honestly, RotSE (it's so weird to not be calling this thing Sekrit Projekt) is not exactly a high priority for the guys at White Wolf -- or rather, the guys who used to be White Wolf but are now part of CCP.  It hasn't been a high priority since the day the developer finally finished developing it, if then.  It's not even a priority, probably, to say nothing of its relative height.

Those guys have all got other, more important and more pressing work they're doing, none of which has anything to do with Exalted or even with pen-and-paper RPGs.  If they even know when they'll be able to ship the finished product (something the developer was never exactly keen to stay on top of in the first place), they certainly care about that information less than they care about the work that's right in front of them.  I dare say the fans care about it more.  Truth be told, the freelancers who worked on it probably care even more than the fans, because not only do freelancer not get contributor copies until the book comes out, but freelancers don't get the last check the company owes until then.


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Re: [nWoD] Small Talk
« Antwort #119 am: 26.06.2010 | 17:11 »
Und noch was von Eddy Webb:

I posted these on, but since at a skim there are similar questions here, I decided to cross-post my quick comments before I dive back into my insane workload (13 days straight and counting!)

* The listed schedule is not only PDF products being printed. As per the initial paragraph: "White Wolf’s release schedule for the next 12 months is now being distributed to industry channels. Included in the schedule are several books that have been previously only available through digital download, now reformatted for print." This schedule accounts for books that we had previously hinted to or referenced, in order to be all-inclusive (or at least, as inclusive as we can be at this stage). Which leads me to...

* There is still more coming. Also from the announcement: "... we’ll be announcing a new PDF product line-up in early August that complements this print schedule."

* The restock is just what it says -- a restocking of the current books, as they are. It's not a reprint, nor will there be any errata incorporation. (Edit: I just realized that doesn't make sense. Yes, we are making more copies of these books, so it is a reprint in the literal sense, but it's not a new edition in any way -- as I understand it, it's just taking the same files and sending them back to the printer for another run.)

* Goblin Markets was only removed because the page count was too small for a print run, and it didn't seem to work with another of the other products for a bundle (I debated the pre-generated characters, but they seemed to work better with the SASs). As things evolve and change, if there's a place for me to stick in Goblin Markets and make it work, I'm all for it.

* I am assured that there are more announcements coming at GenCon and at our Grand Masquerade event in September, and I'm hoping to have more roundtables on my White Wolf Blogcast, so please stay tuned for more information in the coming months.

On a personal note, I'm glad that something we've been wrestling with for quite a long time now is finally in a place where we can talk about it. My thanks to the folks in CCP Marketing who were able to craft a great announcement for everyone after much badgering from me. ;)


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Re: [nWoD] Small Talk
« Antwort #121 am: 28.06.2010 | 01:27 »
Scheiss Kopfschmerzen - man kann sich nicht richtig konzentrien und vergisst alles


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Re: [nWoD] Small Talk
« Antwort #122 am: 28.06.2010 | 01:58 »
Kommt vor. :)


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Re: [nWoD] Small Talk
« Antwort #123 am: 29.06.2010 | 01:42 »
06-25-2010, 03:20 PM
EddyFate's Avatar    

Re: [White Wolf] You wanted a print release schedule? Have a print release schedule.
A few quick comments before I dive back into my insane workload (13 days straight and counting!)

* The listed schedule is not only PDF products being printed. As per the initial paragraph: "White Wolf’s release schedule for the next 12 months is now being distributed to industry channels. Included in the schedule are several books that have been previously only available through digital download, now reformatted for print." This schedule accounts for books that we had previously hinted to or referenced, in order to be all-inclusive (or at least, as inclusive as we can be at this stage). Which leads me to...

* There is still more coming. Also from the announcement: "... we’ll be announcing a new PDF product line-up in early August that complements this print schedule."

* The restock is just what it says -- a restocking of the current books, as they are. It's not a reprint, nor will there be any errata incorporation. (Edit: I just realized that doesn't make sense. Yes, we are making more copies of these books, so it is a reprint in the literal sense, but it's not a new edition in any way -- as I understand it, it's just taking the same files and sending them back to the printer for another run.)

* Goblin Markets was only removed because the page count was too small for a print run, and it didn't seem to work with another of the other products for a bundle (I debated the pre-generated characters, but they seemed to work better with the SASs). As things evolve and change, if there's a place for me to stick in Goblin Markets and make it work, I'm all for it.

* I am assured that there are more announcements coming at GenCon and at our Grand Masquerade event in September, and I'm hoping to have more roundtables on my White Wolf Blogcast, so please stay tuned for more information in the coming months.

On a personal note, I'm glad that something we've been wrestling with for quite a long time now is finally in a place where we can talk about it. My thanks to the folks in CCP Marketing who were able to craft a great announcement for everyone after much badgering from me.
Eddy Webb
Alternative Product Developer
CCP North America | White Wolf Publishing
« Letzte Änderung: 29.06.2010 | 01:44 von Nin »


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Re: [nWoD] Small Talk
« Antwort #124 am: 29.06.2010 | 02:00 »
(Warum finden sich eigentlich mehr Beiträge der WW-Festangestellten im Forum von als im hauseigenem Forum?)