Autor Thema: In this RPG...  (Gelesen 12287 mal)

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #50 am: 25.09.2008 | 21:54 »
Na ich weiss nicht. Länger als 5 Minuten konnte mich das nicht fesseln.
Der :T:-Sprachführer: Rollenspieler-Jargon

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #51 am: 25.09.2008 | 22:26 »
until they storm out in disgust.

Besonders diesen Teil ...

Offline Smendrik

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #52 am: 26.09.2008 | 01:17 »
The PCs are pistol-packing sandwiches surfing in Hawaii who, with broken bottles, fight the Devil himself for reasons of their own. Based on the novel by Jane Austen. 


The PCs are remarkably stupid bartenders on the wrong side of the law who, with spit and bailing wire, fight snuff film producers for profit in the Jurassic Period.

The PCs are lactose intolerant Trekkies all living in the same apartment complex who, with two-by-fours, fight slave traders for charity because honestly, what else are they going to do?

Den letzten könnt ich mir so gar richtig vorstellen  ;D
Was nützt alle Magie der Welt, wenn man damit nicht mal ein Einhorn retten kann?

Sleep is like the unicorn - it is rumored to exist, but I doubt I will see any

Offline Yvo

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #53 am: 30.09.2008 | 14:42 »
The PCs are the world's worst explorers waiting in line for a movie who, with nothing on except a smile, fight each other for doubloons because honestly, what else are they going to do?
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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #54 am: 30.09.2008 | 15:18 »
The PCs are grim and gritty starship captains in hotpants who, with rhythmic gymnastics, fight Stalin for the One True Faith and the next thing you know, everything's on fire.

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #55 am: 30.09.2008 | 16:17 »
Auch nett:

The PCs are evil conquistadors balancing family and career who, with crossbows, fight flying monkeys for the glory of Rome in 2150 A.D.

The PCs are humorless folk singers atop a mountain who, with grace and dignity, fight the Great Old Ones for an unlimited expense account in the Ice Age.
« Letzte Änderung: 30.09.2008 | 16:19 von Niniane »
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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #56 am: 30.09.2008 | 16:35 »
The PCs are humorless folk singers atop a mountain who, with grace and dignity, fight the Great Old Ones for an unlimited expense account in the Ice Age.

Sollte ich nochmal Magus: Die Erleuchtung spielen, kann man das auf jeden Fall hervorragend für eine Turmspitze benutzen.

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #57 am: 1.10.2008 | 22:27 »
The PCs are mild-mannered Lego minifigures in a Playboy pictorial who, with brass knuckles, fight OPEC for lack of anything better to do until they have a change of heart.

Awesomeness ist eine Krankheit, bei mir chronisch!
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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #58 am: 1.10.2008 | 22:48 »
The PCs are Disco-dancing valkyries running for Congress who, with cellular phones, fight otherworldly doppelgangers for a fraternity initiation in the Jurassic Period.

The PCs are alcoholic barnyard animals of various sizes who, with Venusian aikido, fight like, a million ninjas for market shares (weather permitting).

Ich könnte schwören schonmal eine solche Shadowrunkampagne geleitet zu haben...
« Letzte Änderung: 1.10.2008 | 22:50 von ChaosAptom »
"The bacon must flow!"

Offline Smendrik

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #59 am: 1.10.2008 | 22:59 »
The PCs are Disco-dancing valkyries running for Congress who, with cellular phones, fight otherworldly doppelgangers for a fraternity initiation in the Jurassic Period.

The PCs are alcoholic barnyard animals of various sizes who, with Venusian aikido, fight like, a million ninjas for market shares (weather permitting).

Ich könnte schwören schonmal eine solche Shadowrunkampagne geleitet zu haben...

Könntest du dann bitte, bitte so eine Runde am Treffen wiederholen..? ;D
Was nützt alle Magie der Welt, wenn man damit nicht mal ein Einhorn retten kann?

Sleep is like the unicorn - it is rumored to exist, but I doubt I will see any

Offline pharyon

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #60 am: 2.10.2008 | 16:02 »
The PCs are orthodox slayers at Disneyworld who, with their power to control the weather, fight clowns for the last time after school.

The PCs are tap-dancing superheroes on a space station who, with Swiss army knives, fight the Devil himself for electrum pieces, but nobody seems to care.

The PCs are underground jewel thieves by day and crime-fighting vigilantes by night who, with shoulder-mounted missile launchers, fight this one guy for the One Ring...and one will die!

The PCs are Lego elves (or so they claim) who, with the power of friendship, fight their rivals for the Stanley Cup in a big misunderstanding.
"Natürlich werden sie ihn foltern - es sind PRAIOS-Geweihte!" (vielen Dank, Kristin ^^)

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #61 am: 3.10.2008 | 20:49 »
The PCs are unintentionally hilarious celebrities stuck in a pit who, with chainsaws, fight off unwanted advances for gold because honestly, what else are they going to do?

The PCs are reality-warping asteroid miners jumping in and out of an infinity of parallel dimensions who, with kung fu, fight flying monkeys for the hell of it in a tragic tale of loss.

The PCs are primitive polygons who have been handcuffed together and who, with orbital mind-contol lasers, fight bullies for smokes because today is a good day to die.
"The bacon must flow!"

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #62 am: 4.10.2008 | 00:24 »
The PCs are kinky bikers attending a magical boarding school who, with torches and pitchforks, fight whoever they want to for the last time as part of a conceptual art project.

Harry Potter in Bizarro-World  wtf?
Visne mecum ire?
O volo | O nolo | O panem tostum amo

Offline Smendrik

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #63 am: 4.10.2008 | 23:34 »
The PCs are unlikely Amazons in hotpants who, with a punch to the babymaker, fight random passersby for the government in fin-de-siecle Vienna.

Noch nie war der Block in der Maschine so logisch ;D
Was nützt alle Magie der Welt, wenn man damit nicht mal ein Einhorn retten kann?

Sleep is like the unicorn - it is rumored to exist, but I doubt I will see any

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #64 am: 5.10.2008 | 00:22 »
Wäre das nichtmal was für die GFF-Challenge?
Oder eine pseudo-Challenge? A la: zeigt uns mal, was für Müll ihr innerhalb von 48 Stunden zu einem RPG verarbeiten könnt!  ~;D
Das FERA ist sich für nichts zu schade...
« Letzte Änderung: 5.10.2008 | 00:42 von Neckerei »

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #65 am: 5.10.2008 | 00:38 »
jcgames - meine freien Rollenspiele

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #66 am: 5.10.2008 | 01:09 »
Warum nicht? Jeder darf teilnehmen!
jcgames - meine freien Rollenspiele


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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #67 am: 5.10.2008 | 01:24 »
Schade, ich darf auch nicht teilnehmen. Und die bisherigen Teilnehmerinnen haben offenbar die Regeln nicht gelesen ;-)

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #68 am: 5.10.2008 | 01:26 »
(Kann man diesmal auf eine Erklärung hoffen, wieso hier eine Abkehr stattgefunden hat?)
Liegt an mir. Mir ist's halt so lieber? Bin ich deshalb ein Teufel? Oder der Wettbwerb schlecht?
aber es wird offtopic :D

p.s.: wusste gar nicht, dass es eine "hinwendung" zum generischen Maskulin gab...

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #69 am: 5.10.2008 | 05:00 »

Macht doch einfach mit und gut is! ;D
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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #70 am: 5.10.2008 | 22:35 »
der wettbewerb ist mitten in der planung, also kann die anmeldung noch garnicht zu spät sein :)
jcgames - meine freien Rollenspiele

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #71 am: 6.10.2008 | 00:20 »

The PCs are the last surviving chickens wearing a variety of silly hats who, with their winning smiles, fight Stalin for Snausages until it's time to go home.

Hmm - ich glaub ich muß mich auch im FERA anmelden.  ~;D
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Enjoy your fucking chains.

Edition wars are like telling your best friend exactly why his prom date is ugly. You may have your reasons, you may even be right. But at the end of the day you're still a dick!
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