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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1425 am: 21.03.2019 | 13:58 »

[Tricky Troll Games] The Interdimensional Companion: A Savage Guide to Alternate Earths
Author: Bill Ogden, Nathan Carmen
Pages: 61
Prices: €5,34 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Prepare for worlds of endless adventure!

The Interdemensional Companion is a guide for the Savage Worlds Adventurers Edition that helps the Game Master build worlds like our own, but with a key difference. Perhaps dinosaurs have been domesticated, or Rome never truly fell. This book contains a slew of card based generators to help a GM create whole new realms with a few quick draws.

This book includes:

3 New Hindrances and 6 new Edges

4 new Setting Rules

Rules for encountering doubles or "mirror" versions of the player characters

Alpha Defenders: An example setting of military exploration

Interdimesnional Gear

A Host of strange creatures and enemies

And much more!

So step through a gateway of unlimited adventure with the Interdimensional Companion!
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1426 am: 21.03.2019 | 14:01 »

[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: Adventure Deck
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 9
Prices: €7,11 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Savage Worlds Adventure Deck has 54 cards for use with the Savage Worlds roleplaying game to give your heroes a little more control of their fate.

Adventure Cards let you find romance, make enemies, eliminate or increase your damage, spot clues, and even betray your friends!

For use with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (#SWADE). You may also be interested in the Savage Worlds Status Cards or Savage Worlds Power Cards.
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1427 am: 21.03.2019 | 14:03 »

[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: Status Cards
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 9
Prices: €3,55 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Track the status of characters, Extras, and villains in the best-selling Savage Worlds roleplaying game! Included are cards for:

12 x Shaken
11 x Wounded
11 x Fatigue
5 x Distracted
5 x Vulnerable
2 x Entangled
2 x Bound
2 x Stunned
2 x Hold
1 x Aim
1 x Defend

For use with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (#SWADE). You may also be interested in the Savage Worlds Power Cards or Savage Worlds Adventure Deck.

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1428 am: 21.03.2019 | 14:05 »

[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: Power Cards
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 9
Prices: €3,55 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

These print and play cards contain the most important information from all the powers available in the core Savage Worlds Adventure Edition rules. Use them to sort out your options during combat, pick your abilities during character creation, or hand out at convention games for new players to reference!

For use with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (#SWADE). You may also be interested in the Savage Worlds Status Cards or Savage Worlds Adventure Deck.
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1429 am: 21.03.2019 | 14:06 »

[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: Status Tokens
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 1
Prices: free (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This SWADE Status Token PDF includes token images for:

Print and cut from high-quality cardstock, or order die-cut cardboard counters directly from the Pinnacle website.
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1430 am: 21.03.2019 | 14:07 »

[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: Bookmarks
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 2
Prices: free (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This set of four bookmarks contains handy reference information for playing the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. Use them with your printed copy, or just hand them out to your players as needed!
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1431 am: 21.03.2019 | 14:09 »

[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: Action Deck
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 25
Prices: € 3,55 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Savage Worlds core rules uses a tradiational deck of playing cards for initiative, and certain settings use them for encounter tables, Adventure Generators, and more.

This beautiful deck by three-time Hugo Award-winning artist Cheyenne Wright is presented in both regular poker-size, and the larger size the print version comes in (for easier use across large game tables, available at the Pinnacle website).

Each suit features iconic characters from four core genres: fantasy, pulp, diamonds, and horror. On the back of each card is a reminder of the suit order as well (Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs) for resolving ties.
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1432 am: 21.03.2019 | 14:11 »

[Pinnacle Entertainment] SWAG Art Monsters
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 57
Prices: free (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A collection of monster icons and illustrations from Savage Worlds you may use in your Savage Worlds Adventurer's Guild settings and adventures.

For the newer pieces (the PSDs), please credit the individual artists when you do so. Their names are listed in the file name.

Please remember all documents published under this agreement are subject to the Savage Worlds Adventure's Guild agreement and must display the following text:

This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.

This artwork is intended only for use within Savage Worlds Adventurer's Guild products. It may not be resold individually or in groups otherwise.
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1433 am: 21.03.2019 | 14:12 »

[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: Character Folio
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley, Karl Keesler
Pages: 5
Prices: € 2,66 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Character Folio includes a form-fillable portrait style character sheet, space for background, vehicles, friends and allies, casting modifiers for powers, and a list of Setting Rules so you can check off which apply to your current game.

It also includes print friendly layers and options to print Traits as blanks or dice you can color in to show your hero's ability.

This product requires the Savage Worlds core rules to play.
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1434 am: 21.03.2019 | 14:13 »

[Blessed Machine] Secret Agents of CROSS Mission: Vididiots
Author: Michael Chumbler
Pages: 3
Prices: € 2,67 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The video game market is a 78 billion dollar industry and the competition to design the next monster franchise is cutthroat beyond most human comprehension. One of the most important elements of the gaming craze is the vast numbers of individuals these games can reach out and touch. These fascinating business facts are nonetheless usually far outside the area of concern for the average CROSS agent, but for once, this Halloween, it seems that the gaming industry’s business and the Vatican’s business are one and the same.
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1435 am: 21.03.2019 | 14:16 »

[Knight Errant Media] Titan Effect RPG: GM's Screen Inserts
Author: n/a
Pages: 9
Prices: € 3,55 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Gamemaster Screen Inserts contain awesome arts, combat options summary, and important charts and tables for Titan Effect RPG. Including both Savage Worlds Deluxe and Savage Worlds Adventure Edition versions.

These files were designed to work with the Savage Worlds Customizable Game Master’s Screen, available at or through your local game store.

You are authorized to print this PDF for your own personal use.

*** About Titan Effect ***

Titan Effect RPG is an espionage and science fiction setting for Savage Worlds.

Take on the role of a trained operative gifted with psychic abilities and fight against genetically enhanced soldiers, and shadowy organizations in a secret war in which the future of human evolution is at stake.

Titan Effect RPG requires the Savage Worlds core rules and the Super Powers Companion (2nd edition) to play.

You think you can make a difference? Find out now!

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1436 am: 23.03.2019 | 00:04 »

[BPB Games] GenePals: A Monster Taming Ruleset for Savage Worlds
Author: Kyle Carty
Pages: 13
Prices: Pay What You Want, Suggested Price €4,45 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

In a far flung galaxy filled with magic and incredible technology, influencers and clout reigns supreme. Holo-Net streamers do whatever it takes to bring in viewers while broadcasting their adventures for all to see. The mundane is surreal and the fantastic is bland as the tastes of the people flicker from streamer to streamer, subject to subject.

GenePals is a monster creating and training ruleset by BPB Games, the creators of Savage Tokusatsu. This Pay-What-You-Want document details the creation of tiny collectable monsters that players can capture, train, trade, and battle. A simple ruleset to quickly create any number of monsters is included, in addition to detailing Sugimori Station, a tourist attraction located in the StarStreamers setting.

GenePals is designed from the ground up for use with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. With a bevy of new ideas and a fresh take on science fantasy, StarStreamers is perfect for groups looking for something out of the ordinary or looking for easy to adapt rules to run popular monster training settings.

StarStreamers is also a livestreamed campaign that you, the viewer, can interact with on Twitch! Check out the BestPalBrigade as they explore this setting and release new material for it each and every game!
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1437 am: 24.03.2019 | 00:21 »

[FeralGamersInc] Ghost Ops - Random Mission Generator
Author: FeralGamersInc
Pages: 3
Prices: €0,89 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A quick Random Mission Generator for the Ghost Ops RPG.
The Generator allows Handlers to quickly create missions or side missions on the fly, perfect for those one-shots or quick impromptu games.
Created by request from the Community
You will need either Ghost Ops or Savage Ghost Ops to use this, but I guess it would work for any modern day military RPG
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1438 am: 26.03.2019 | 10:34 »

[High Level Games] Archons of Nikud Jumpstart
Author: Joshua Heath, Quinn C. Moerike, David Horwitz, Rui Ramalho
Pages: 30
Prices: Pay What You Want, Suggested Price €1,78 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Eras of the Archons

Welcome to Archons of Nikud. In this setting for Savage Worlds Adventure Edition you’ll take the role of anthropomorphic beings from the world of Nikud. These demi-god like beings are the rulers, heroes, and villains of their homeland. We hope to release Archons of Nikud as a full-setting book in late 2019. For now, enjoy this Jumpstart as it gives you the tools to take up the legacies of the Archons. The world of Archons of Nikud is designed to be a series of stories set in various eras of import to the people of their world. Our first is Era of Unrest, where the squid-like Grimpotex rise out of the sea and take to the land. Will you join the Empire of the Chatoulim? Take to the sky as a Sokoli? Or, perhaps, you’ll care for the world as a spider-like K’Krax? Regardless of the internecine conflicts these species face, they are also harried by horrible demons that live on the edges of civilization. Will they unite against these creatures or will they lay themselves to waste before disease or demon can wreak havoc?

Are you ready to fight for the fate of the world?
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1439 am: 26.03.2019 | 18:49 »

[Just Insert Imagination] Wiseguys: The Savage Guide to Organized Crime (KICKSTARTER)
Author: Eric Lamoureux, Scott W., Pete Spahn, Gilbert Gallo, John Riggs
Pages: between 170-200 pages
Estimated Delivery: September 2019

Wiseguys: The Savage Guide to Organized Crime is a crime setting inspired by the movie Casino by Martin Scorsese, and crime fiction movies by Quentin Tarantino of the 90s such as Reservoir Dogs. It includes character options, setting rules, and a robust bestiary that can be used to run campaigns featuring organized crime protagonists or antagonists.

Daring heists, high-speed chases, turf wars, networking shenanigans, hijackings, mob hits, and desert hole digging await you in Wiseguys as you retake the city that was once yours – all the while dealing with the tribulations of your personal and professional life!

Pledge NamePledgeReward
Associate (digital)US$ 5 or moreWiseguys Player's Guide PDF
Goodfella (digital) (Limited to 50)US$ 15 or moreWiseguys PDF, All Unlocked Stretch Goals (digital), Wiseguys Player's Guide PDF, Comp Package
Wise Guy (digital)US$ 20 or moreWiseguys PDF, All Unlocked Stretch Goals (digital), Wiseguys Player's Guide PDF, Comp Package
CaporegimeUS$ 25 or moreWiseguys PDF, All Unlocked Stretch Goals (digital), Wiseguys Player's Guide PDF, Voucher for a Print on Demand of Wiseguys, Voucher for a Print on Demand of Wiseguys Player's Guide, Comp Package, Voucher for a Print on Demand Denizens of Wiseguys card deck
Consigliere (limited to 50)US$ 50 or moreAll Unlocked Stretch Goals (digital), Wiseguys Player's Guide PDF, Become a Wiseguys personality, Voucher for a Print on Demand of Wiseguys, Comp Package, Voucher for a Print on Demand of Wiseguys Player's Guide, Voucher for a Print on Demand Denizens of Wiseguys card deck
Underboss (limited to 10)US$ 150 or moreAll Unlocked Stretch Goals (digital), Wiseguys PDF, Wiseguys Player's Guide PDF, Become a major Wiseguys personality, Voucher for a Print on Demand of Wiseguys, Voucher for a Print on Demand of Wiseguys Player's Guide, Poster of your created character, Comp Package, Voucher for a Print on Demand Denizens of Wiseguys card deck
Boss (limited to 5)US$ 250 or moreAll Unlocked Stretch Goals (digital), Wiseguys PDF, Wiseguys Player's Guide PDF, Become a major Wiseguys personality, Voucher for a Print on Demand of Wiseguys, Voucher for a Print on Demand of Wiseguys Player's Guide, Poster of your created character, Comp Package, Voucher for a Print on Demand Denizens of Wiseguys card deck

Additional cost for POD copies:
Wiseguys: The Guide to Organized Crime Premium Color Softcover: $16-19
Wiseguys: The Guide to Organized Crime Premium Color Hardcover: $21-24
Wiseguys: Player's Guide Premium Color Softcover: $7
Denizens of Wiseguys Card Deck: $11 (with a plastic deckbox available at checkout for $1)
« Letzte Änderung: 26.03.2019 | 19:06 von ManuFS »
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1440 am: 26.03.2019 | 19:34 »
Rifts® for Savage Worlds Worldbooks Set 1 Kickstarter Launches April 16th!
In 2016, Pinnacle Kickstarted Palladium Books’ popular setting of Rifts® using the award-winning Savage Worlds system.

Launching April 16th, 2019, at noon Eastern, we’re bringing three new worldbooks to round out the continent of North America for Savage Rifts® via Kickstarter:

Rifts® North America: Arcana & Mysticism
Rifts® North America: Blood & Banes
Rifts® North America: Empires of Humanity
And for fans of the new Savage Worlds Adventure Edition, we have great news! Not only are the new worldbooks compatible with the new core rules, we’re updating and reprinting these previous releases for Savage Rifts®:

Rifts® The Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide
Rifts® Game Master’s Handbook
Rifts® Savage Foes of North America
Rifts® GM Screen + The Garnet Town Gambit
We’ll announce more details soon about special deals for previous Rifts® for Savage Worlds Kickstarter backers. For now though, make plans to be there for the launch on April 16th!
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1441 am: 29.03.2019 | 10:59 »

[SWAG][Donavon Bailey] Expanded Wealth
Author: Donavon Bailey
Pages: 3
Prices: € 1,77 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This small supplement gives players and GMs a more tangible way to interact with the new Wealth system introduced in Savage Worlds, with clear and simple modifiers for prices, improved Gambling rules when using Wealth, and even a Lifestyle system that can be easily used to track how your player's are living within their world, and if they're trying to live within their means.

This product requires a copy of Savage Worlds Adventure Edition to use.
« Letzte Änderung: 25.04.2019 | 15:15 von ManuFS »
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1442 am: 29.03.2019 | 11:07 »

[SWAG][James Walls] An Unexpected Wedding
Author: James Walls
Pages: ?
Prices: € 2,66 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A celebratory adventure, with a fiendish twist!
One of your player characters is ready to tie the knot, and it’s up to the rest of your adventuring party to plan the perfect day. Within these pages a randomly generated, nuptial-inspired romp awaits our guests. We’ve provided a wickedly romantic venue, and invite you and your players to fill in the details.
An Unexpected Wedding uses the Blank Shot adventure format, which resides somewhere between improvisational adventure design and zany party game. The basic adventure outline is complete, however much of the backstory, locales, and even NPC names await the players’ input. Before starting the adventure, the players and their game master weave together all of these components. Given most players’ tendencies to aim for unexpected and outlandish details, you and your friends are in for a wild ride!
This adventure is setting-neutral, and with just a little tweaking could fit into just about any Savage Worlds campaign, from medieval fantasy to far-future.
Designed to be completed within a 4-hour time slot, An Unexpected Wedding is great for one-shots, convention events, and public games at your friendly local game store.
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1443 am: 29.03.2019 | 14:28 »

[Fainting Goat Games] Loathsome Souls
Author: Jacob Blackmon, AP Klosky, James Thomson
Pages: 8
Prices: €2,23 €1,77 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Within these pages, you will find a collection of villains themed with supernatural and magical backgrounds. These characters can serve as enemies or rivals for any group of heroes; whether or not the heroes have a magical theme.

We have two sets of statblocks. The first one uses Savage Worlds Adventure Edition in conjunction with the Savage Worlds Super Powers Companion (2nd Ed). The second uses only SWADE
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1444 am: 1.04.2019 | 08:56 »

[Battlefield Press] The Dinosaur Protocol
Author: Chris Halliday, Jonathan M. Thompson
Pages: ?
Prices: $10 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

65 million years have separated the ages of man and dinosaur. Until now.

"Some time in the 21st Century, something broke the world. No one knows for sure what happened. Solar flares, war, global warming, pollution and environmental collapse, or perhaps a combination of all of them. Perhaps it was something much stranger. All we know is that mankind fled the surface, retreating into vast underground shelters where they could wait out the centuries until the earth was habitable once more. But when we emerged from the darkness and prepared to retake our world, it was not as we remembered it. Something had happened to the world that once was. In the centuries without man, nature wound back the clock, returning the planet to an earlier, cleaner, more primal age. An age of dinosaurs.

Now humanity must choose – do we fight to reclaim our past, or do we make peace with the present and embrace a simpler future? Armed with the skills and technologies of our ancestors, do we struggle to recreate former glories, or will we use the second chance we have been given to avoid the mistakes of the past? Will human nature even give us the choice? Will we exterminate the reborn dinosaurs, enslave them, or something else? What will be our Dinosaur Protocol?”
- From the journals of Archivist Roebuck
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1445 am: 2.04.2019 | 16:42 »

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[FeralGamersInc] Savage League of Seekers
Author: FGFantasy
Pages: 226
Prices: €17,81 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

As you step from the carriage the sound of your feet striking the cobbles echoes down the dark empty street. 
“It’s going to be a cursed moon tonight”. The carriage driver claims, and you follow his gaze to the red ringed moon hanging above the rooftops. “Be careful”. He continues.
As if on cue a blood-wrenching howl fills the night. The hairs on the back of your neck rise and the shadows seem to grow longer. You pull up your collar, grab your musket from the carriage and head into the darkness.
You are a seeker. and It’s time to hunt.

The League of Seekers is a roleplaying game that combines Lovecraftian terror with folklore to create an alternate 18th century Europe living under the fear of the blood curse. A plague that turns normal people into monsters.
Events over the last 1000 yrs. have unlocked the spheres that hold the gates closed to cosmic horrors and dark gods, which in turn has led to cults and secret societies spreading across the known world.
The League of Seekers RPG introduces you to a world of dark horror, where players can make characters that carry the blood of the Nodens in their veins giving them powers beyond mortal men, or a secret Muslim sect that has been fighting the evils betwixt the angles since Abdul al Hazred stumbled into the city of Damascus in 740 AD, or even as sires of Vlad Tepes, known as Count Dracul, who holds back the forces of the Ottoman’s in the East with his army of Vampyrs.
The League of Seekers uses the Savage World Adventures Edition rule system with new Edges and Hindrances, new Skills like Dark Knowledge and Psychology, and rules for Insanity.
The game also covers Europe via London and Paris and Germany and crosses the ocean to the New World and the American Colonies, before delving into the Dreamlands.
If you love Lovecraft, and movies like Brotherhood of the Wolf or video games like Bloodborne then check out League of Seekers.
« Letzte Änderung: 17.04.2019 | 12:36 von ManuFS »
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1446 am: 4.04.2019 | 11:35 »

[Misfit Studios] Darwin's World, Nuclear Edition: Feeding Grounds (Jumpstart)
Author: Charles Rice, Steven Trustrum
Pages: 51
Prices: $3,99 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Darwin's World, Nuclear Edition: Feeding Grounds JumpStart Adventure
Get a look at Darwin's World, Nuclear Edition before the core rules are released!.

Welcome to a world gone insane.

Brave soldiers ready to fight and die for America, you and your unit have awoken in a future gone mad. Thousands more still sleep within the facility that kept you safe through the centuries, awaiting a time to rebuild the world. But now it is being preyed upon by hideous cannibals who are farming humanity's future. Only one thing stands in their way: you and your unit.

They call it the feeding grounds. You are the food.

Originally released for GenCon 2006 and using the d20 system, this latest version of the Feeding Grounds has been re-visited, re-edited, and re-vamped for Savage Worlds. In addition to the adventure itself, this product includes races, Edges, weapons and more to serve as an overall introduction to Darwin's World, Nuclear Edition.

Both a color and print-friendly version of the product are included.

Darwin's World, Nuclear Edition products are published by Misfit Studios under license from RPGObjects.

All Darwin's World, Nuclear Edition products are designed using the SWADE edition of the Savage Worlds game system.

This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1447 am: 6.04.2019 | 20:22 »

[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Tabletop Gaming Guide to the: Pinkertons
Author: Aaron T. Huss
Pages: 99
Prices: $6 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

When considering the history of law enforcement, there is one name that stands above the rest – Pinkerton. A precursor to any federal law enforcement agency, the Pinkerton Agency set an amazing precedent for detective and security work along with establishing (or at least influencing) a number of benchmarks that are still in use today.

Tabletop Gaming Guide to the: Pinkertons is a delve into the complete history of Pinkerton’s National Detective Agency from its roots to its modern-day incarnation.

Tabletop Gaming Guide to the: Pinkertons includes:

The building and growth of the Agency.
Major exploits of its many operatives.
A look at the many facets of the Agency throughout its life.
Write-ups of several prominent Pinkertons.
Guidance for using the sourcebook in your games.
An extensive timeline of events.
... and more!
Tabletop Gaming Guide to the: Pinkertons includes the following How to Use guides for incorporating the source material quickly into your games:

Shadowed Earth
Savage Worlds (SWADE-compatible)
Five Points (a Dark Streets setting)
Entropic Gaming System
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1448 am: 6.04.2019 | 20:24 »

[BPB Games] StarStreamers: World Killer One Sheet
Author: Kyle Carty, BPB Games
Pages: 2
Prices: PWYW, Suggested Price €0,89 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

No Weapon of This World Can Stop It

In a far flung galaxy filled with magic and incredible technology, influencers and clout reigns supreme. Holo-Net streamers do whatever it takes to bring in viewers while broadcasting their adventures for all to see. The mundane is surreal and the fantastic is bland as the tastes of the people flicker from streamer to streamer, subject to subject.

StarStreamers: World Killer is a One Sheet adventure by BPB Games, the creators of Savage Tokusatsu. This Pay-What-You-Want adventure places the streamers into a sensitive situation where a conservation agency that prevents external interference on underdeveloped planets has blockaded the planet of Solomon-IV. Solomon-IV is currently facing an apocalyptic event. Zalamel the Ender, the beast fortold in the Prophecy, has awoken and is wreaking havoc on the world. It is impervious to all weapons of this world except the Blade of Arandor! Heroes have set out to find the blade but off-world projections, mostly from gambling planets, do not favor their chances of success. Can the streamers navigate bueracracy and save a planet from utter annihilation.

StarStreamers: World Killer is designed from the ground up for use with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. With a bevy of new ideas and a fresh take on science fantasy, StarStreamers is perfect for groups looking for something out of the ordinary.

StarStreamers is also a livestreamed campaign that you, the viewer, can interact with on Twitch! Check out the BestPalBrigade one as they explore this setting and release new material for it each and every game!
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1449 am: 7.04.2019 | 23:04 »

[SWAG][Veiled Fury Entertainment] Distant Journeys
Author: Manuel "ManuFS" Sambs
Pages: 2
Prices: $1 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Journeys in fantasy or post-apocalyptic games are lengthy and often dangerous ordeals. Most commoners prefer to stay in their home city, town, or collection of farms. Adventurers and merchants, however, spend as much time traveling as they do staying in civilized areas. Distant Journeys provides you with a simple system for Savage Worlds to provide a more detailed experience for those long days on the road (or hills, if you prefer to travel cross country).

This product requires a copy of Savage Worlds Adventure Edition to use.
« Letzte Änderung: 14.04.2019 | 17:21 von ManuFS »
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