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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1525 am: 4.07.2019 | 09:16 »
[Savage Mojo] Dungeonlands JumpStart
Author: MMK
Pages: 15
Prices: free (Watermarked PDF)

You've slain the beast, rescued the villagers, and done your first heroic act. Congratulations - you're about to step it up a whole league, by stepping into the sentient pocket realm of Dungeonlands.

One day you, and other heroes just like you from across the universe, are signing autographs when you get a very special request….

It's time for true heroes to Awaken.

Product contains: A 15 page PDF including a full adventure. There's also setting background information and new character options available to any hero.
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1526 am: 6.07.2019 | 13:52 »
[Legendary Games] Islands of Plunder: Spices and Flesh (SWADE)
Author: Matt Goodall with James F.D. Graham
Pages: 22
Prices: $4.99 (Watermarked PDF)

Treachery on the Waves

While sails on the horizon can be reason to fear in pirate-infested waters, sometimes they bring good cheer and companionship on the lonely journeys across the endless blue. A chance encounter with Captain Craw and the good ship Tamarind seems like the latter, a friendly crew of spice traders offering warm hospitality. Yet all is not as it seems, as the Tamarind trades in a far different and more terrible cargo on a dangerous course into the hands of the legendary Shayonna the Gaunt and her desolate reef! Can your heroes uncover the Tamarind's deadly secret before they become the latest prizes sent to the clutches of the sea witch?

Islands of Plunder: Spices and Flesh is a 22-page Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SWADE) adventure setting for Novice heroes who are almost Seasoned, full of mystery and peril upon the high seas and below the waves, incorporating investigation and negotiation alongside deadly danger on board ship and among the deadly reefs below. It includes two sets of maps, one for the GM and an unkeyed set for players. Pick up this adventure today and Make Your Game Legendary!

Spices and Flesh is the second in a series of pirate-themed Islands of Plunder adventures by superstar author Matt Goodall, collaborating on this adventure with James F.D. Graham, with amazing artwork by Ivan Dixon and Chris Smith and marvelous maps by Pedro Coelho. This adventure can be easily dropped into any seafaring campaign, though it also harmonizes beautifully with the official Pirate Adventure Path from Paizo, Inc. (issues #55 to 60). The Islands of Plunder series continues Legendary Games’ tradition of bringing you outstanding content by the best authors in the business, combined with amazing art and production values and innovative layout design. We hope you enjoy using our products as much as we enjoy making them, and that you’ll keep coming back again and again to Make Your Game Legendary!
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1527 am: 9.07.2019 | 17:56 »
[BPB Games] Savage Tokusatsu: Savage Worlds Playing Cards
Author:  Kyle Carty, BPB Games
Pages: 54
Prices: €10,69 (Premium US Poker Card(s))

Transform and Fight, Heroes!

Savage Tokusatsu is a game built from the ground up specifically for the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition roleplaying game. This beautiful deck of cards allows you to admire the art of Savage Tokusatsu while utilizing them during gameplay!

You can be the transforming team of heroes working together to control a giant mech simultaniously. You can play the desperate humans trying to halt the advance of an unstoppable kaiju that towers above skyscrapers. All this and more is possible with Savage Tokusatsu!

What's In the Deck?

54 easy to read cards, including Jokers, for use with Savage Tokusatsu or any card game!

What Are You Waiting For? The World Needs You!
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1528 am: 9.07.2019 | 17:58 »
[SWAG][Chad Ward] Essence: A Savage Worlds investigative horror one-shot
Author:  Chad Ward
Pages: 7
Prices: PWYW, suggested price $2.00 (PDF)

A master perfumer has created a fragrance that truly captures your essence.

A master perfumer has created a fragrance that steals the life force of all who wear it. Samples distributed at the VIP tent of a recent street fair hospitalized several people. At least three have died. He is bottling 400 bottles of the perfume for distribution to exclusive boutiques worldwide. Two college students are missing. The truck leaves in the morning. No one but your investigators will help. But can they?

Essence is a Savage Worlds investigative horror adventure for four to six heroes of Novice to Seasoned Rank. It can be played as a standalone one-shot or dropped into a modern horror, Gothic horror, noir, or weird pulp campaign, or any setting with an investigative slant.

The adventure includes seven customizable, gender-neutral Investigator Archetypes (and one rabbit). The Archetypes are Novice with 2 Advances.
« Letzte Änderung: 10.07.2019 | 10:38 von ManuFS »
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1529 am: 10.07.2019 | 10:41 »
[Plain Brown Wrapper Games] Bad Day in Bedlam
Author:  James Thomson
Pages: 212
Prices: €4,42 €7,09 (Watermarked PDF)

It's winter in Bedlam.  Dirty snow lies in heaps on every street corner, toasted black with exhaust fumes.
The whole city is buried under the worst snow in years and none of the poor neighborhoods have gotten plowed.  The slums are on the brink of rioting and things are about to get worse. For a series of vicious crimes is about to shake the city to its core.  And the cover-up is going to set the frozen streets on fire.  And twelve rampaging supervillains are threatening to give Bedlam City a two-fisted Christmas (and a violent new year?)  It's up to you to stop them, and it's going to be a bad day in Bedlam if you can't.

Ah, the Bronze Age of comics! When racism, poverty and injustice could be solved with a bash in the chops!

In the spirit of these violently well-meaning comics from the days of yore, we bring you Bad Day in Bedlam.  This giant-sized, 212 page adventure gives us an unflinching look at racism, political corruption and their effects on ordinary people.  And it lets your players fix them with their fists!

It gives you ten scenes, thirteen dastardly supervillains, dozens of supporting npcs from every walk of life!  Eleven knock-down, drag-out superbattles, enough to slake your players' bloodthirst for months!  Plus trash-littered alleys, tormented angst, moral gray zones and at least two vigilantes who dress in black and brood in rooftops in the dark!  Are you ready to sock social injustice in the jaw and zap the Man with your laser-eyes?
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1530 am: 12.07.2019 | 18:02 »
[Happy Monster Press] Savage Worlds Rural Chase Deck
Author:  Scott Marchand Davis
Pages: 16
Prices: $3.99 (Watermarked PDF), $6.99 (Cards), $6.99 $10.98 (Watermarked PDF + Cards)

Enhance your Savage Worlds Adventure Edition Chases with the custom Rural Chase Deck! Each card has a custom Complication to add flavor and excitement to Chase scenes. Fall in a pond, dodge a bear trap, or shortcut through a barn as you pursue or evade your enemies across the countryside!

Useable in any fantasy or modern setting in rural environments. Requires the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition to use.

How to use the Chase Deck: Using the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition Chase rules, deal the Chase Deck cards instead of the Action Deck cards in a row on the table. When a Complication arises, read and follow the text on the card instead of the standard Club/Spade/Heart/Diamond/Joker Complications in the book.
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1531 am: 13.07.2019 | 14:34 »
[Misfit Studios] Monster Brief: Oddities
Author:  Steven Trustrum
Pages: 6
Prices: €1.76 (PDF)

Create some trouble in your Savage Worlds game by including some encounters with new creatures that are a bit out of the ordinary and offer up the unexpected in Monster Brief: Oddities. In this product you will find:

- The Aglebemu resembles a horse-sized, monstrous frog that likes to bait its prey before moving in for the kill
- The avok is a deadly predator possessing a wide maw for draining blood and a howl that incapacitates
- The Suchose may be short, but these isolationistic crocodilemen make any trip to the swamp dangerous (includes race stats)
- The Vinbohl are humanoid plant life that protect their woodlands against invaders with determination
- Includes the Druid Professional Edge

Both a color and print-friendly version of the product are included.
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1532 am: 13.07.2019 | 14:37 »
[BPB Games] StarStreamers: l33t h4x One Sheet
Author: October Falls, Kyle Carty, BPB Games
Pages: 2
Prices: PWYW (Suggested Price €0,89) (Watermarked PDF)

Good Thing You've Got a Smurf Account

In a far flung galaxy filled with magic and incredible technology, influencers and clout reigns supreme. Holo-Net streamers do whatever it takes to bring in viewers while broadcasting their adventures for all to see. The mundane is surreal and the fantastic is bland as the tastes of the people flicker from streamer to streamer, subject to subject.

StarStreamers: l33t hax is a One Sheet adventure by BPB Games, the creators of Savage Tokusatsu. This Pay-What-You-Want adventure has the streamers assisting long time viewer and edgelord xXBl00dM00nRisesXx in reclaiming her hacked Warriors of the Grid account from a mysterious rival. The streamers will have to grind of account XP in the long-standing tradition of Team Deathmatch in order to earn the right to challenge the imposter who is using xXBl00dM00nRisesXx's account!

StarStreamers: l33t h4x is designed from the ground up for use with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. With a bevy of new ideas and a fresh take on science fantasy, StarStreamers is perfect for groups looking for something out of the ordinary.

StarStreamers is also a livestreamed campaign that you, the viewer, can interact with on Twitch! Check out the BestPalBrigade as they explore this setting and release new material for it each and every game!
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1533 am: 15.07.2019 | 13:48 »
[Up to Four Players] Crystal Heart
Author:  Eran Aviram, Aviv Or
Pages: 216
Prices: $20.00 (PDF)

In the world of Crystal Heart, people's hearts are literally made of stone. Agents of the mysterious organization Syn scour the world in search of Crystals, powerful relics of a bygone age.
These Agents replace their hearts with Crystals, which grant incredible powers... but also affect the bearer’s personality in unpredictable ways.
Inspired by the styles and sensibilities of anime and superhero media, the Crystal Heart setting was developed in the webcomic Up to Four Players as the characters were playing it. Now you too can become a Syn Agent, explore ancient ruins and hunt down powerful Crystals!

Become an Agent of Syn, replace your heart with a Crystal and gain superpowers!
(also lose your mind, but just a little)

The book includes:

- Rules for using and misusing Crystals
- Dozens of Crystals for your players to find
- Guidelines for creating new Crystals
- Everything you need to know about Syn (and a few things you shouldn’t know)
- Full details on each of the Five Lands
- A full Plot Point campaign spanning 8 adventures
- Adversaries worthy of your antagonism, whether human, animal or Crystal-touched
- And all the Edges, Hindrances, weapons and setting rules needed to create the coolest Crystal Heart experience possible

Crystal Heart is a setting for the popular roleplaying game Savage Worlds (Adventure Edition). Head on to to read the webcomic which inspired the game, and download the Crystal Heart Starter Set—for free!
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1534 am: 15.07.2019 | 13:50 »
[Up to Four Players] Crystal Heart Action and Adventure Decks
Author:  Eran Aviram, Aviv Or
Pages: 106
Prices: €6,20 (Watermarked PDF)

Play Crystal Heart With Style!

The 54-card Action Deck features the Twelve Heroic Agents, as designed with our Heroic Tier Kickstarter backers, drawn by Aviv (and two Jokers from the webcomic!)

The 52-card Adventure Deck features dozens of unique cards which give the players the ability to enhance, twist, or complicate the story, all customised to the world of Crystal Heart!

Print and bring to your table, or wait until we get the Print on Demand feature working (coming late 2019).

Get Playing
« Letzte Änderung: 15.07.2019 | 14:35 von ManuFS »
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1535 am: 17.07.2019 | 16:30 »
[SpaceOrange42] Gold&Glory: Seven Deadly Dungeons (Savage Worlds Adventure Edition)
Author: Giuseppe Rotondo
Pages: 129
Prices: €8,82 (Watermarked PDF)

Welcome to a world of legendary heroes and daring feats or, more probably, to a dishonorable story of ill-fated treasure hunters who’ll soon bite off more than they can chew… unless they manage to return home with enough gold to carouse wildly until their next expedition!

Gold & Glory is a method, and a toolbox, to enjoy the Fast, Furious and Fun rules of Savage Worlds in a game of classic dungeon exploration, in the spirit of the Old School Renaissance, with no other book needed besides Savage Worlds Deluxe.
It is ideal to play one night games as well as longer campaigns and allows you to play with no preparation at all.

Gold & Glory: Seven Deadly Dungeons includes:
- A random character generation system to start playing in no time
- New equipment for dungeon delvers
- Magic and Miracles Arcane Backgrounds to create classic arcane characters in the FFF spirit of Savage Worlds
- Downtime activities such as Carousing and Magic Research, tied to the Experience system, to keep your heroes busy between one expedition and the next
- The Dungeon Deck system to generate your dungeons while you play
- Seven deadly self-generating dungeons for your heroes to explore!
- More than 30 new monsters to face and a heap of magic items to loot!

NOTE: This version is for Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SWADE)
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1536 am: 18.07.2019 | 13:13 »
[Third Eye Games] H. P. Lovecraft Preparatory Academy: Savage Worlds Edition
Author:  Mark Hall, Jeff Zitomer
Pages: 200
Prices: $15.00 $20.00 (Watermarked PDF)

A Roleplaying Game of Students in a School of Monsters and Mad Scientists

As a student at the prestigious H.P. Lovecraft Preparatory Academy, you’ll uncover conspiracies, deal with bullies and uncaring professors, explore dangerous steam tunnels, study for exams, escape from horrible monstrosities that humanity was never meant to see, and try to avoid an extended stay at Arkham Sanitarium. And that's just orientation week!

- A semi-humorous RPG in the tradition of Saturday morning cartoons featuring mystery-busting kids…only the monsters are real.
- Features a detailed sandbox environment on the campus of a haunted New England boarding school.
- New Edges, Hindrances, and more to create a variety of students to create a diverse and interesting campus.
- Design your own faculty! Want Dr. Frankenstein to be the new Biology professor? No problem!
- Thanks to the medical breakthroughs developed by Dr. West in the school infirmary, your character can’t die…but sanity is another matter entirely.
- A section for Headmasters (the GM) with advice and mechanics for creating a variety of strange and exciting mysteries on school grounds.

This book contains an alternate Savage Worlds edition of the game. Everything you need to play the game using our own Pip System can be found in this book.
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1537 am: 18.07.2019 | 16:12 »

Als Teil des Christmas in July Sales ist Savage Worlds Adventure Edition aktuell 25% reduziert (€6,68), ebenso wie viele weitere Savage Worlds Titel:
« Letzte Änderung: 18.07.2019 | 16:15 von ManuFS »
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1538 am: 20.07.2019 | 17:15 »
[Chimera Press] Mythic SWADE Edition
Author:  Michael Edwards
Pages: 117
Prices: $18.00 (Watermarked PDF)

The Mythic setting, designed for the Savage Worlds rules system, takes inspiration from real world history and modern movies and tv shows to create a unique view of Earth’s ancient history, it’s cultures, and it’s mythologies.

Unlike most other settings that deal with the ancient world, Mythic doesn’t just focus on one culture and it’s mythology. Instead, several cultures and mythologies have all been brought together to exist side by side in the same setting. Five cultures and their mythologies form the Known World in Mythic. Pridith is based on Celtic culture and mythology, Illosia is based on Greek, Niserri is based on Egyptian, Ennam is based on Mesopotamia, and Saduri is based on India.

The core setting book is broken into five sections. The first section provides additional information for character creation, including Edges, Hindrances, gear, Powers, and setting rules. The next three sections deal with each of the three cultures that make up the Known World, including background information and information on the gods and goddesses that form the pantheons of each culture. The final section is a bestiary with stats and descriptions of over 90 creatures, animals, and npcs pulled from all three core cultures and mythologies.
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1539 am: 20.07.2019 | 17:17 »
[The Rune^Forge] Threat To Alpha Dawn - Ether Marines Expedition #1
Author:  Scott Welker
Pages: 10
Prices: $2.00 (Watermarked PDF)


     Three days ago, the Republic lost all contact with ALPHA DAWN, a secret research post located on Asteroid NEO-1923. The mission is for the team of commandos to sky-shoot to the asteroid, discover what the situation is, and take all necessary actions. Weapons free. The Republic Special Engagements Department believes the Kaiser’s forces are at work here.

The Great Solar War of 1911

     The characters belong to the Ether Marine Corps of the Republic of Allied States. The year is 1911 and Ether Space is now colonized to the coronal rings of Saturn, with the entire cosmology divided into 6 factions: The Republic of Allied States (USA, UK, Nordlandia), The Slavic Confederation (Russia, The Balkan Republic), The Hunnic Empire (Germany, Baltic States), The Grand Caliphate (Islamic Empire), The Holy Roman Empire (Italy, Albania, Romania, North Africa), and The Supreme Junta (Spain, Portugal, Central and South America). The cosmos is on the brink of the first Galactic War.

Included here is a full adventure designed to take 2-3 sessions on average and six pre-generated ether marines.
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1540 am: 20.07.2019 | 17:31 »
[Gallant Knight Games] Sagas & Six-Guns
Author: Robert Buckey
Pages: 168
Prices: $14.99 (PDF), $24.99 (Softcover, B&W Book), $29.99 (PDF + Softcover, B&W Book), $34.99 (Hardcover, B&W Book), $39.99 (PDF + Hardcover, B&W Book)

Sagas & Six-Guns is a Savage Worlds Adventure Edition setting and rulebook about a mythical and uninhabited frontier settled by Scandinavian cultures. A mash-up of the Old West and the Old Norse, Sagas & Six-Guns is what happens when Beowulf takes on Grendel with a pair of six-shooters and his trusty axe.

The setting and rule-book is written by Robert Buckey, who has teamed up with GALLANT KNIGHT GAMES. The game utilizes the Savage World: Adventure Edition ruleset.

You do need the Savage World: Adventure Edition rulebook to play this game.

We aim to give you the tools you need to tell fantastic stories of shootists wielding pistols while shouting oaths to the Aesir in Valhalla.  Your heroes will battle everything from cattle rustlers and train robbers, to trolls and maybe even a dragon.  You can be anything from a mundane pistolero or gunmaiden, to a runecasting seer, to a Valkyrie cut off from Asgard.

Sagas and Six Guns makes use of the highly adaptable Savage Worlds rules to play out the adventures of your heroes in Western Midgard.  It also introduces some exciting setting specific rules to enhance the experience, to represent both the gritty Western and Viking tropes.  Pistol dueling, or Holmgang, will be represented, allowing your characters to face down other steely eyed gunslingers.

In keeping with the Norse traditions of Saga telling, and to represent the renown your character will accrue over the course of their adventures, rules are included to represent the spread of your personal Saga, and the benefits that affords you.

Lastly, social rules are included for Ring Giving, to represent your characters gathering a large posse of warriors to their cause.
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1541 am: 21.07.2019 | 19:23 »
[BPB Games] StarStreamers: Rescue Mission One Sheet
Author: Kyle Carty, Gauntes, BPB Games
Pages: 2
Prices: PWYW, Suggested Price €0,89 (Watermarked PDF)

A Fairly Serious One

In a far flung galaxy filled with magic and incredible technology, influencers and clout reigns supreme. Holo-Net streamers do whatever it takes to bring in viewers while broadcasting their adventures for all to see. The mundane is surreal and the fantastic is bland as the tastes of the people flicker from streamer to streamer, subject to subject.

StarStreamers: Rescue Mission is a One Sheet adventure by BPB Games, the creators of Savage Tokusatsu. This Pay-What-You-Want adventure puts players into the role of streamers who receive a message from long time fan and Dullahan, Steel Ronin. A group of Dullahan warriors have been pinned down by the Kushin Faction, a rogue group of former Dullahans who ignore the spirtuality of ascension and force others to undergo it. Several Kushin Reapers, massive walkers with surface-to-orbit weaponry, patrol the planet while the Dullahans are hunted. Can the streamers pull off a daring rescue mission?

StarStreamers: Rescue Mission is designed from the ground up for use with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. With a bevy of new ideas and a fresh take on science fantasy, StarStreamers is perfect for groups looking for something out of the ordinary.
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1542 am: 22.07.2019 | 16:20 »
[Happy Monster Press] Savage Worlds Urban Chase Deck
Author:  Scott Marchand Davis
Pages: 16
Prices: $5.99 (Premium US Poker Cards)

Enhance your Savage Worlds Adventure Edition Chases with the custom Urban Chase Deck! Each card has a custom Complication to add flavor and excitement to Chase scenes. Dodge a beer truck, bounce off scaffolding, or push through a tavern brawl as you pursue or evade your enemies through a medieval, Renaissance, or early modern city!

Useable in any fantasy or modern setting in Urban environments. Requires the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition to use.

How to use the Chase Deck: Using the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition Chase rules, deal the Chase Deck cards instead of the Action Deck cards in a row on the table. When a Complication arises, read and follow the text on the card instead of the standard Club/Spade/Heart/Diamond/Joker Complications in the book.
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1543 am: 23.07.2019 | 12:54 »
[Legendary Games] Islands of Plunder: Raid on the Emperor's Hand (SWADE)
Author: Matt Goodall with Joshua Root
Pages: 20
Prices: €4,45 (Watermarked PDF)

With a Great Prize Comes Great Peril!

A richly laden imperial merchant ship caught on a sandbar presents a tempting target to a crew of daring pirates. Her hold may be bursting with swag, but it is also laden with soldiers and a cruel captain at the helm. At any moment the sails of her imperial escorts may appear on the horizon, but your scurvy scalawags have found her first (the story assumes you are playing seafarers of a questionable moral bent, pirates or privateers anyone?). A daring assault might bring you more plunder than you've seen in a year, but many pirates greedy for gold have lingered too long over a prize they thought safe, until an enemy fleet sent them to a watery grave. Can the PCs stage a lightning raid on the immobilized ship and get away with their ill-gotten gains? Dare they risk a Raid on the Emperor’s Hand?


Raid on the Emperor's Hand is a SWADE adventure for Veteran characters and is the latest in our series of pirate-themed Islands of Plunder adventures for the new edition of Savage Worlds. This adventure is easily dropped into any ocean voyage or as part of a full-fledged seafaring pirate campaign, and it can be used on its own or with the companion adventures in this series like Spices and Flesh, Tarin’s Crown, and Scourge of the Steaming Isle! Grab this 20-page pirate adventure today and Make Your Game Legendary! 
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1544 am: 24.07.2019 | 00:59 »
Mythic SWADE Update Rabatt!

Wenn ihr das "alte" Mythic auf DTRPG gekauft habt könnt ihr über diesen Link die SWADE Version mit 30% Rabatt kaufen:
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1545 am: 24.07.2019 | 20:58 »
[Battlefield Press] Dramatis Persona #1: Holmes & Watson (Savage Worlds Swade)
Author: Bryan C.P. Steel, Caias Ward, Jonathan M. Thompson
Pages: 5
Prices: $4.99 (Watermarked PDF)

[Battlefield Press] Dramatis Persona #1: Holmes & Watson (Savage Worlds Deluxe)
Author: Bryan C.P. Steel, Caias Ward, Jonathan M. Thompson
Pages: 5
Prices: $4.99 (Watermarked PDF)

Through fifty-six short stories and four novels, Sherlock Holmes is established as the iconic detective in the literary world. Told through the eyes of Dr. John Watson, physician and war veteran, his stories about Holmes present a complex polymath who dives headlong into scandals and dangers with such weapons as reasoning, observation and forensics, along with a strong jab and expertise in singlestick. Augmented with his mastery of disguise, a wide network of agents and a broad knowledge of facts, Holmes takes on an almost mythic role in his ability to solve mysteries.

This is the first in a series of pdfs that will contain background information and stat blocks of characters present in the Gaslight Victorian Fantasy setting.
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1546 am: 26.07.2019 | 12:24 »
[Knight Errant Media] Titan Effect RPG: Tokens
Author: Christian Nommay
Pages: ?
Prices: $1.99 (Watermarked PDF)

Titan Effect RPG: Tokens contain 44 tokens (NPCs, bennies and playing cards back) for Titan Effect RPG. The tokens can be used with most virtual tabletops like Roll20 and Fantasy Grounds.
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1547 am: 26.07.2019 | 14:54 »
[The Rune^Forge] The Great Solar War of 1911 - Ether Marines Expedition #1: Threat To Alpha Dawn
Author: Scott Welker
Pages: 10
Prices: €1,79 (Watermarked PDF)


     Three days ago, the Republic lost all contact with ALPHA DAWN, a secret research post located on Asteroid NEO-1923. The mission is for the team of commandos to sky-shoot to the asteroid, discover what the situation is, and take all necessary actions. Weapons free. The Republic Special Engagements Department believes the Kaiser’s forces are at work here.

The Great Solar War of 1911

     The Ether Marine Expeditions belong to what we term a micro-setting, in this case the Great Solar War of 1911.  There is not a setting book (yet), but rather a series of limited session scenarios designed to facilitate imagination at the table among players and GMs.  We give you templates, portals to adventure, and allow you to run wild with ideas and concepts.

     The characters belong to the Ether Marine Corps of the Republic of Allied States. The year is 1911 and Ether Space is now colonized to the coronal rings of Saturn, with the entire cosmology divided into 6 factions: The Republic of Allied States (USA, UK, Nordlandia), The Slavic Confederation (Russia, The Balkan Republic), The Hunnic Empire (Germany, Baltic States), The Grand Caliphate (Islamic Empire), The Holy Roman Empire (Italy, Albania, Romania, North Africa), and The Supreme Junta (Spain, Portugal, Central and South America). The cosmos is on the brink of the first Galactic War.

Included here is a full adventure designed to take 2-3 sessions on average and six pre-generated ether marines.
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #1548 am: 2.08.2019 | 13:32 »
[Evil Beagle Games] Freedom Squadron Adventure Manual: All That Glitters
Author: Eddy Webb
Pages: 30
Prices: €2,67 (Watermarked PDF), €6,28 (Softcover, B&W Book), €6,28 (PDF + Softcover, B&W Book)

Freedom Squadron Adventure Manual: All That Glitters
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