[Evil Beagle Games] Shaintar One-Sheet: A Darkness Comes to StormwallAuthor: Rob Davis
Pages: 4
Prices: €0,75 PDF;
€3,75 €2,07 Bundle with Map;
€23,28 €11,74 Shaintar Six Times Epic Adventures (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A Savage Worlds One Sheet by Rob Davis
An Epic High Fantasy Shaintar adventure, using the Castle Ruins map set by DramaScape.
The ruins of Stormwall Keep have sat silent for over two hundred years. Its crumbling walls no longer shelter anyone from danger. But on this night, darkness has come to the ruins and it is up to a group of unsuspecting Rangers to put a stop to it.
Note - This product is also part of a bundle with its map set, as well as the Six Times Epic Bundle.
[Evil Beagle Games] Shaintar One-Sheet: A Quiet Drink With EnemiesAuthor: Eddy Webb
Pages: 4
Prices: €0,75 PDF;
€3,75 €2,07 Bundle with Map;
€23,28 €11,74 Shaintar Six Times Epic Adventures (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A Savage Worlds One Sheet by Eddy Webb
An Epic High Fantasy Shaintar adventure, using the Hillside Tavern map set by DramaScape.
Ah, the Flickering Flame Tavern, a pub carved into the side of a mountain. It’s a nice, quiet place to unwind after a long adventure, until a heated argument leads to a surprising revelation.
Note - This product is also part of a bundle with its map set, as well as the Six Times Epic Bundle.
[Evil Beagle Games] Shaintar One-Sheet: Fire in the DarknessAuthor: Sean Patrick Fannon
Pages: 4
Prices: €0,75 PDF;
€3,75 €2,07 Bundle with Map;
€23,28 €11,74 Shaintar Six Times Epic Adventures (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A Savage Worlds One Sheet by Sean Patrick Fannon
An Epic High Fantasy Shaintar adventure, using the Crypts map set by DramaScape.
Somewhere in the bowls of the earth, an ancient complex of crypts has become disturbed. Filled with the remains of beings dedicated to Darkness, it is the forces of Flame that now occupy the place and seek to make use of its inherent power. The Heroes must make their way into the tunnels below, enter the Crypts of Jazhak Val, and wrest control of a powerful Locus from a minor demon seeking to gain greater power for himself in the Abyss.
Note - This product is also part of a bundle with its map set, as well as the Six Times Epic Bundle.
[Evil Beagle Games] Shaintar One-Sheet: Only the WorthyAuthor: Scott Corum
Pages: 4
Prices: €0,75 PDF;
€3,75 €2,07 Bundle with Map;
€23,28 €11,74 Shaintar Six Times Epic Adventures (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A Savage Worlds One Sheet by Scott Corum
An Epic High Fantasy Shaintar adventure, using the Dragon Throne map set by DramaScape.
It has lain dormant for almost a millennium, but its legend has not. Who shall find the Dragon Throne, and who shall be worthy to be its Master?
Note - This product is also part of a bundle with its map set, as well as the Six Times Epic Bundle.
[Evil Beagle Games] Shaintar One-Sheet: Pass to DangerAuthor: Steve Perrin
Pages: 4
Prices: €0,75 PDF;
€3,75 €2,07 Bundle with Map;
€23,28 €11,74 Shaintar Six Times Epic Adventures (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A Savage Worlds One Sheet by Steve Perrin
An Epic High Fantasy Shaintar adventure, using the Mountain Pass map set by DramaScape.
In the Malakar Dominion, on the trade road between the towns of Kol and Tragor that sit between the Longtree Forest and the Black Mountains, there is a fork on the road that leads toward the mountains. This road is little used between the months of Raining Leaves and Falling Ice. There are no settlements or farms along the road, and between the aforementioned months the Mountains are choked with snow. Landslides and deceptively deep snowdrifts are common.
With the thaw comes a return of traffic through the area... and there also comes a new, unprecedented danger.
Note - This product is also part of a bundle with its map set, as well as the Six Times Epic Bundle.
[Evil Beagle Games] Shaintar One-Sheet: The Coming StormAuthor: Miles M. Kantir
Pages: 4
Prices: €0,75 PDF;
€3,75 €2,07 Bundle with Map;
€23,28 €11,74 Shaintar Six Times Epic Adventures (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A Savage Worlds One Sheet by Miles M. Kantir
An Epic High Fantasy Shaintar adventure, using the Western Keep map set by DramaScape.
After a tranquil night’s rest, it’s early morning and the Rangers are traveling a wide valley alongside a lazy river, when they stop short and double check their charts. There’s no mention if it, yet there’s an old-style keep overlooking the river, with sturdy stone walls, towers, and a full moat. This is not a structure that got built over night.
Note - This product is also part of a bundle with its map set, as well as the Six Times Epic Bundle.
[Evil Beagle Games] Shaintar Six Times Epic AdventuresAuthors: Eddy Webb, Miles M. Kantir, Rob Davis, Sean Patrick Fannon, Scott Corum, Simon Powell, Steve Perrin, Steven J Black, Vidar Edland
Pages: 4 each plus maps
Price: €23,28 €11,74 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)