Pen & Paper - Spielsysteme > Reign & One-Roll-Engine (ORE)

Reign Sammeln fürs Supplyment 7



Ich freue mich schon auf das Supplyment, die angekündigten Sachen sind echt Prima:

Once again, I'm holding material for ransom. If you're new to REIGN and my methods of financial brinskmanship, here's how it works: Once contributors (any number of 'em) give me a thousand bucks, I release 10,000 words of cool REIGN stuff, which becomes free, for everyone, forever. This particular batch is over 10,000 and contains some hotly anticipated material, including...

-Die, Men! The rules for combat engagements in that tricky gap between face to face ambuscade and vast, abstract clashes of cultures.
-One Roll Ulds. 11d10 gets you the life story of one of everyone's favorite enchanted trade unionists.
-One Roll Truils. As above, only for sexually-uptight cannibal nomads.

Monkey McPants:
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