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Updates und was daraus resultiert - Skillchallenges und DC's
Für die anderen Bücher gibt es auch Updates aber das DMG war mir wegen der DC-Probleme und dem Skill-Challenges wichtig.
Und siehe da:
Actions the Rules Don’t Cover [Revision/Deletion]
Dungeon Master’s Guide, page 42
In the fourth sentence of the Other Checks section, replace “10 (easy), 15
(moderate), or 20 (hard)” with “5 (easy), 10 (moderate), or 15 (hard).”
In the first sentence of the second paragraph of the Example section, replace “an
easy DC” with “a moderate DC” and replace “DC 15” with “DC 14.” Also, remove
“, but it’s a skill check, so make it DC 20” from the same sentence.
Difficulty Class and Damage By Level [Revision/Deletion]
Dungeon Master’s Guide, page 42
In the table, change the Difficulty Class (DC) Values section as follows:
Easy Moderate Hard
5 10 15
7 12 17
8 14 19
10 16 21
11 18 23
13 20 25
14 22 27
16 24 29
17 26 31
19 28 33
Also, below the table, remove both footnotes.
Skill Check Difficulty Class [Revision]
Dungeon Master’s Guide, page 61
In the table, change the DCs as follows:
Easy Moderate Hard
5 10 15
7 12 17
8 14 19
10 16 21
11 18 23
13 20 25
14 22 27
16 24 29
17 26 31
19 28 33
Step 2: Level and Complexity [Revision/Deletion]
Dungeon Master’s Guide, page 72–73
In the table, replace all values in the Failures column with “3”
In the second sentence of the third paragraph, remove “, and how many failures
end the challenge.”
Replace the fifth paragraph of the section, which begins “Set a level...,” with the
following text:
“For an easier or a harder challenge, use DCs from the row that corresponds to a
lower or a higher level, and assign the challenge’s level as the midpoint of that
level range. For example, if designing an easier challenge for an 8th-level party,
you could use the DCs from the “Level 4–6” row. That would adjust the
challenge’s level to 5th.”
Remove the seventh paragraph.
Step 3: Skills [Revision]
Dungeon Master’s Guide, page 73
In the first sentence of the fourth paragraph, replace “When a player’s turn
comes up in a skill challenge” with “When a player participates in a skill
In the third sentence of the fourth paragraph, replace “then the DC for using that
secondary skill is hard” with “then the DC for using that secondary skill is usually
moderate or hard.”
Running a Skill Challenge [Deletion]
Dungeon Master’s Guide, page 74
Remove the second and the third paragraphs.
Group Skill Checks [Addition]
Dungeon Master’s Guide, page 75
Add the following paragraph after the existing paragraph:
“On checks that aren’t described as group checks, consider limiting the number
of characters who can assist another character’s skill check to one or two. The
goal of a skill challenge isn’t for the entire party to line up behind one expert but
for the entire group to contribute in different and meaningful ways.”
Reward Clever Ideas [Revision]
Dungeon Master’s Guide, page 75
In the fourth sentence of the first paragraph, replace “let them make a roll using
the skill but at a hard DC” with “let them make a roll using the skill at an
appropriate DC (usually moderate or hard).”
Was das für Konsequenzen hat muss man sich näher anschauen. Gut finde ich eine so schnelle Reaktion.
--- Zitat ---Gut finde ich eine so schnelle Reaktion.
--- Ende Zitat ---
War das nicht das, was WotC für D&D4 bieten wollte, oder irre ich mich da grad?
Jetzt würde mich nur noch interessieren ob ins DMG wirklich falsche Angaben gelangten oder ob man nachgebessert hat, nachdem man an anderer Stelle (z.B. auf ENworld) vorgerechnet hat, was bei Anwendung der Tabellen so alles rauskommen kann :D
Immerhin hat Wizards geschafft, das die Motzofone jetzt im hauseigenen Forum Amok laufen ~;D
Sollte es jemand interessieren: Das Update zum PHB enthält genug "Vitamin Nerf", um damit den Orcusslayer(eine Rangerbasierte Extrem viel Schaden/Runde-Kampfmaschine) zu reparieren.
Den Kommentaren nach dürfte aber noch genug broken für andere Charaktere übrig sein >;D
heisst das quasi die ganze Tabelle auf S.42. die Grundlage des Leitens, ist nicht zu gebrauchen?!
mir wird schlecht...
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