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Marvel Universe [MURPG]
Selganor [n/a]:
So... seit gestern habe ich den Guide to the X-Men und muss sagen dass ich durch die pure Anzahl an mehr oder minder bekannten Charakteren und neuen oder modifizierten Actions, Modifiers, ... echt ueberwaeltigt bin.
Ich konnte bisher noch keinen der groesseren Textabschnitte (in denen wohl unter anderem auch die Geschichte der X-Men (und zwar so ziemlich aller Teams) erklaert wird) lesen, aber werde dies wohl demnaechst tun.
Wenn jetzt schon Fragen sind...
zu MURPG allgemein:
Ich bin echt überrascht.
Okay, es ist ein wenig buggig, teilweise schlecht organsiert und leicht fehlerhaft, aber es sieht sehr hoffnungsvoll aus.
Also ich war erst extrem skeptisch und habe es mir hauptsächlich "for old times sake" zugelegt (wobei ich auch immer die Meinung vertreten habe, Superkräfte können in einem Rollenspiel nicht comicgerecht gargestellt werden) aber mittlerweile gefällt es mit wirklich gut (nicht als das ultimative Rollenspiel sonder als das was es ist) und ein paar Testrunden wird es auf jeden Fall geben ;).
Selganor [n/a]:
Schoen zu sehen, dass wir jetzt mal mindestens 3 MURPG-SLs haben ;D
Selganor [n/a]:
Gute Nachrichten von Marvel:
While Marvel Comics' first entry in the Young Adult prose fiction
market has produced a crossover media hit in the best-selling MARY
JANE novel, Marvel's other recent new publishing category launch has
been a quieter, more grassroots success. Marvel is pleased to
announce that the Marvel Universe Roleplaying GAME Guide Hardcover
($19.99) - the publisher's first in-house foray into the RPG market -
has gone into its third printing since its initial release in April
2003 and the RPG's first supplement, May's RPG Guide to the X-Men
Hardcover ($19.99) has just been approved for a 2nd printing.
Although the game's success is due in part to its wide, crossover
appeal to Marvel Comics readers who enjoy the character profiles and
adventure briefings, along with players of previous Marvel RPGs, even
more surprising has been the positive reception by not only current
hardcore gamers, but also the even harder-to-please GameMasters.
"From all of the feedback we've gotten from the gaming community -
emails, Internet discussion groups, and personal contacts - people of
all types are loving the Marvel Universe Roleplaying Game," said Jeff
Simons, who along with his partners at Q.E.D. Games, Inc. helped
Marvel develop the game. "There is quite a loyal, growing fan base,
some of whom are very surprising for longtime members of the
community like us.
"Most surprising are the GamesMasters. Because the game puts a lot of
storytelling power into their hands, they've become some of its
biggest supporters. Even GMs who never thought they'd like a diceless
game are having fun playing Marvel, and have become the game's most
vocal cheerleaders and more importantly - recruiters, enticing other
long-time gamers who also never thought they'd get hooked on a
diceless game to give it a try.
"We're also especially pleased with the number of female players who
are enjoying the game. Guys who played roleplaying games have always
lamented that there aren't more girls playing, but we're hearing
stories that this isn't the case with the Marvel RPG."
"Here at Marvel we really didn't know what to expect with the release
of this game, as it was a brand new market and community we were
inviting ourselves into," said the project's editor Mark
Beazley. "Plus, by going against the grain and creating our own
system rather than simply putting out a 'D20' game, we placed
ourselves in an underdog position which simply made us all the more
determined to put out the best product possible and prove our worth
to the gaming community.
"We feel with Q.E.D.'s veteran guidance and our rookie enthusiasm
we've found a chemistry that gamers really seem to be responding to,
and we're looking forward to expanding and improving this game to not
only make it a great Marvel gaming experience, but to make it one of
the most satisfying
experiences in the entire market."
Marvel plans to continue publishing supplements to attract new
players and to keep the game fresh and exciting for current players.
The GUIDE TO THE HULK & THE AVENGERS Hardcover, originally solicited
as September release, will be held until November, to allow for more
copies of the third
printing of the main Game Guide (required to play the supplements) to
find their way into player's hands. Future supplements are also in
the planning stages, with a Spider-Man's Guide to New York City -
focusing on Spidey's Universe and more emphasis on NYC-centric heroes
and villains - set for a Spring 2004 release.
Fans and gamers seeking more information or current players can log
onto the Marvel Universe Roleplaying Game's special website on at There they can
find a game FAQ, sample pages and examples of play and combat, along
with an area to send
feedback to and ask question of the game's editors and developers.
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