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Rolemaster - News

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Mal wieder neues Zeug für RM:

--- Zitat ---Tales from the Green Gryphon Inn
Tales from the Green Gryphon Inn adventure module for Shadow WorldThis is the long-awaited Shadow World adventure module by Terry Amthor. Set in the heart of northern Rhakhaan on the continent of Jaiman, the Green Gryphon Inn is a welcome rest for travellers upon the highways and byways, vying with the enchanted bridge of Gryphonburgh for most notable location in the area. Gryphonburgh is beset with dangers and intrigues that may reward adventurers who tarry with opportunities to gain fortune and defeat hidden evils or doom them to an early grave.
Replete with nine full adventures, maps, NPC and monster stats (RMClassic and RMSS/FRP), and more, this brand-new Shadow World adventure module is now available in pdf and is available to buy at and other OneBookShelf sites. The normal price is $9.99 USD but if you use this link you can buy it at $7.99 USD. This special discount expires on 30th April, so don’t delay.
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Via Mail:

--- Zitat ---Rolemaster Beta 2 - Out now!

Welcome to the forty-ninth Briefing and the first unscheduled Briefing of 2015.
Rolemaster Beta 1

Rolemaster Beta 1 is now over. We have locked the first beta playtesting boards on the ICE forums and these are now read-only.

Rolemaster Beta 2

It has arrived.

Spell Law and Creature Law now have new discussion boards on the ICE forums. You will find a playtester legal agreement post on each board and if you agree to abide by the playtester agreement, then you can proceed to download the relevant pdf.

As indicated in the June Briefing, these pdfs have not had the benefit of the layout gurus, so please no comments or criticisms on the layout. We want your comments on the content only and we want you playtesting the revised rules as written. If you are currently running a Beta 1 playtest, please upgrade to Beta 2 asap.

Sign-in threads to capture playtester names for the roll of honour have been established as have typo capture threads for the inevitable spelling errors and linguistic infelicities.

Arms & Character Law will be appearing in the next day or two once final assembly into pdf has been accomplished. The complete draft of Treasure Law has arrived, has already received an editing pass, has been returned to Dan for his corrections, has received those corrections and now just needs final assembly into a pdf. I expect it will be available next week.

Now get reading and playtesting!

Until next time

Expect a scheduled Briefing around the start of July.

Best wishes,

Director, Guild Companion Publications Ltd
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D. M_Athair:
... bin sehr gespannt. Bist du in den Playtest involviert?
Wenn ja, kannst du was über die groben Design-Ziele sagen?

Ich würde mir ja eine (alternative) halbwegs schnelle Charaktergenerierung wünschen.

Zum Thema "Erweiterung Mentalismus" auf deutsch.
Das könnte scheinbar doch noch kommen.
Was auch immer "Layout-Zeiten angefragt" konkret bedeutet...

Aus dem Director's Briefing (Mail):

--- Zitat ---September 2015

I have had to scrap my previous introduction to give you some breaking news. The beginning of next month will see the release of the new Eidolon source book from Terry K. Amthor. I don't have the specifics on precisely when it will be released but we will e-mail you the second it is available. [...]
--- Ende Zitat ---

Und wer mag, kann sich zu S/W oder buntig als Option für die neuen Regelwerke äußern. Oder sich auf Bladestorm freuen.

Mehr hier:
Iron Crown Enterprises Blog
Forum -  Director's Briefing - September 2015


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