« Antwort #327 am: 11.10.2021 | 20:06 »
Good News, everyone: GURPS Girl Genius Kickstarter - Next Week
“GURPS Girl Genius” is short for the Girl Genius Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game, based on the award-winning “gaslight fantasy” webcomic by Phil and Kaja Foglio. Both of them are long-time gamers . . . they get this stuff, and were fun to work with.
Now you can adventure in the world of Europa, your faithful Jägermonsters by your side . . . skewering spiders, ray-gunning revenants, and avoiding the odious but unkillable Othar Tryggvassen. All while trying to save the world from . . . Agatha’s mother?
This project will come to Kickstarter . . . next week! The book is done – you’re just going to tell us whether to print it in hardcopy, and how many. As a stretch goal, there is an 8-page canon comic by Phil and Kaja that will be added to the book if we reach a certain level.
You, the fans, have already helped perfect the book by sending us your comments and nitpicks on the PDF version already released. Thank you! And yes, we will take those sales into account when setting the goal numbers!
If you haven’t already signed up to hear as soon as the project opens, do it now! The landing page is at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/sjgames/gurps-girl-genius-roleplaying-game.
-- Steve Jackson

Hinweis: Nein, ich will dir nicht verbieten, X, Y oder Z in deinem Rollenspiel zu tun. Nein, ich habe dich keinen Rassisten genannt. Ja, du darfst X, Y oder Z auch weiterhin tun (außer es ist illegal, dann ist es aber auch nicht mein Problem). Wenn du denkst, es gibt eine einflussreiche oder auch nur mäßig große Gruppe hier im Forum oder in der dt. Szene, die dir dein Rollenspiel verbieten will, liegst du sehr wahrscheinlich falsch, insb. weil es idR keinen interessiert, was du so tust.