Autor Thema: GURPS - Neuigkeiten (Diskussion im Smalltalk-Thread)  (Gelesen 123665 mal)

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Offline Imion

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If the internet has shown us anything... anything... it has shown us that there is no such thing as "too batshit crazy to operate a computer."

Everybody's a book of blood. Wherever we're opened, we're red.

Außerirdische sind nicht rechtsfähige, bewegliche, herrenlose Sachen. Wer sie findet und mitnimmt darf sie behalten.

Offline Woodman

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Re: GURPS - Neuigkeiten (Diskussion im Smalltalk-Thread)
« Antwort #327 am: 11.10.2021 | 20:06 »
Good News, everyone: GURPS Girl Genius Kickstarter - Next Week

“GURPS Girl Genius” is short for the Girl Genius Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game, based on the award-winning “gaslight fantasy” webcomic by Phil and Kaja Foglio. Both of them are long-time gamers . . . they get this stuff, and were fun to work with.

Now you can adventure in the world of Europa, your faithful Jägermonsters by your side . . . skewering spiders, ray-gunning revenants, and avoiding the odious but unkillable Othar Tryggvassen. All while trying to save the world from . . . Agatha’s mother?

This project will come to Kickstarter . . . next week! The book is done – you’re just going to tell us whether to print it in hardcopy, and how many. As a stretch goal, there is an 8-page canon comic by Phil and Kaja that will be added to the book if we reach a certain level.

You, the fans, have already helped perfect the book by sending us your comments and nitpicks on the PDF version already released. Thank you! And yes, we will take those sales into account when setting the goal numbers!

If you haven’t already signed up to hear as soon as the project opens, do it now! The landing page is at

-- Steve Jackson
Hinweis: Nein, ich will dir nicht verbieten, X, Y oder Z in deinem Rollenspiel zu tun. Nein, ich habe dich keinen Rassisten genannt. Ja, du darfst X, Y oder Z auch weiterhin tun (außer es ist illegal, dann ist es aber auch nicht mein Problem). Wenn du denkst, es gibt eine einflussreiche oder auch nur mäßig große Gruppe hier im Forum oder in der dt. Szene, die dir dein Rollenspiel verbieten will, liegst du sehr wahrscheinlich falsch, insb. weil es idR keinen interessiert, was du so tust.

Offline Woodman

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Re: GURPS - Neuigkeiten (Diskussion im Smalltalk-Thread)
« Antwort #328 am: 16.10.2021 | 12:33 »
Das erste PDF aus der 2020er PDF Challenge ist als Einzelprodukt erhältlich

GURPS Action 6: Tricked-Out Rides

Offline Irian

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Re: GURPS - Neuigkeiten (Diskussion im Smalltalk-Thread)
« Antwort #329 am: 20.10.2021 | 09:30 »
Sieht nach heute aus laut Girl Genius Homepage...


Steve Jackson Games is gearing up to launch their long-awaited Girl Genius GURPS roleplaying game! I’m not sure I can overstate my excitement about this one. It’s a project we’ve been trying to get done for over 18 years. (Yikes!) It looks like it will be going live on October 20, and you can sign up to be notified on launch on their Kickstarter campagin landing page!
Hinweis: Nein, ich will dir nicht verbieten, X, Y oder Z in deinem Rollenspiel zu tun. Nein, ich habe dich keinen Rassisten genannt. Ja, du darfst X, Y oder Z auch weiterhin tun (außer es ist illegal, dann ist es aber auch nicht mein Problem). Wenn du denkst, es gibt eine einflussreiche oder auch nur mäßig große Gruppe hier im Forum oder in der dt. Szene, die dir dein Rollenspiel verbieten will, liegst du sehr wahrscheinlich falsch, insb. weil es idR keinen interessiert, was du so tust.

Offline Imion

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Re: GURPS - Neuigkeiten (Diskussion im Smalltalk-Thread)
« Antwort #330 am: 20.10.2021 | 20:35 »
Und der GURPS Girls Genius Kickstarter hat begonnen.

$50 fürs Buch und geschätzte $30 Versand (aus UK).
« Letzte Änderung: 20.10.2021 | 20:37 von Imion »
If the internet has shown us anything... anything... it has shown us that there is no such thing as "too batshit crazy to operate a computer."

Everybody's a book of blood. Wherever we're opened, we're red.

Außerirdische sind nicht rechtsfähige, bewegliche, herrenlose Sachen. Wer sie findet und mitnimmt darf sie behalten.

Offline Woodman

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Offline Imion

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Re: GURPS - Neuigkeiten (Diskussion im Smalltalk-Thread)
« Antwort #332 am: 23.10.2021 | 16:31 »
With the stretch goal unlocked, we've submitted the files to the printer and started the process of turning our digital files into your hardcover book. This means that we'll already be two weeks into the manufacturing process when this campaign comes to a close!
If the internet has shown us anything... anything... it has shown us that there is no such thing as "too batshit crazy to operate a computer."

Everybody's a book of blood. Wherever we're opened, we're red.

Außerirdische sind nicht rechtsfähige, bewegliche, herrenlose Sachen. Wer sie findet und mitnimmt darf sie behalten.

Online schneeland

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Re: GURPS - Neuigkeiten (Diskussion im Smalltalk-Thread)
« Antwort #333 am: 23.10.2021 | 16:46 »
Ich habe einen Beitrag nach GURPS - Smalltalk verschoben - Diskussionen zu den hier geposteten Neuigkeiten bitte generell dorthin.
All good things come to those who wait! ... like beer and dual flamethrowers.

Offline Imion

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Re: GURPS - Neuigkeiten (Diskussion im Smalltalk-Thread)
« Antwort #334 am: 23.10.2021 | 18:51 »
Phil gets credit for this next idea: A very easy "thank you, everyone" bonus would be the Steampunk issue of Pyramid as a free PDF for all $35 and higher backers. How is that easy compared to other PDFs? It is only easy if we specify the bonus as only available to download in BackerKit. Then we can simply upload the file once and assign it to all paid reward levels, and we move on with other work. Where things get complicated and messy is when we also say "and in your Warehouse 23 library." That is where we have to collect email addresses and do all the extra work.

So that’s going to happen!
If the internet has shown us anything... anything... it has shown us that there is no such thing as "too batshit crazy to operate a computer."

Everybody's a book of blood. Wherever we're opened, we're red.

Außerirdische sind nicht rechtsfähige, bewegliche, herrenlose Sachen. Wer sie findet und mitnimmt darf sie behalten.

Offline Woodman

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Re: GURPS - Neuigkeiten (Diskussion im Smalltalk-Thread)
« Antwort #335 am: 4.11.2021 | 20:57 »
Und es geht weiter mit den PDF Challenge Beiträgen im normalen Vertrieb

GURPS Template Toolkit 3: Starship Crew

Offline Woodman

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Re: GURPS - Neuigkeiten (Diskussion im Smalltalk-Thread)
« Antwort #336 am: 6.11.2021 | 12:40 »

Our last Pyramid Scheme project did so well that we're going to run another one in the near future! It's not ready to launch, but you can follow the campaign for notification using the link below. Get your GURPS fix! #FnordCon4 -HS

Coming early next year, the 2022 GURPS Pyramid Scheme brings three new issues of Pyramid to your tablets, phones, and computers.

« Letzte Änderung: 8.11.2021 | 20:08 von Woodman »

Offline Woodman

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Re: GURPS - Neuigkeiten (Diskussion im Smalltalk-Thread)
« Antwort #337 am: 18.11.2021 | 22:58 »
Und noch ein PDF Challenge Beitrag im regulären Vertrieb

GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Adventure 3: Deep Night and the Star

Und der Kickstarter für Nordlond Bestiary and Enemies Book ist gestartet, für alle, die mehr Wesen zum draufhauen haben wollen

Offline Imion

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If the internet has shown us anything... anything... it has shown us that there is no such thing as "too batshit crazy to operate a computer."

Everybody's a book of blood. Wherever we're opened, we're red.

Außerirdische sind nicht rechtsfähige, bewegliche, herrenlose Sachen. Wer sie findet und mitnimmt darf sie behalten.

Offline Woodman

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Re: GURPS - Neuigkeiten (Diskussion im Smalltalk-Thread)
« Antwort #339 am: 3.12.2021 | 17:48 »
How to Be a GURPS GM: Ritual Path Magic

Aus der PDF Challenge 2020

Offline Woodman

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Re: GURPS - Neuigkeiten (Diskussion im Smalltalk-Thread)
« Antwort #340 am: 17.12.2021 | 22:15 »
GURPS Steampunk Setting: The Broken Clockwork World

Aus der PDF Challenge 2020

Offline Imion

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Re: GURPS - Neuigkeiten (Diskussion im Smalltalk-Thread)
« Antwort #341 am: 23.12.2021 | 19:05 »
The Girl Genius Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game has been updated with the final version, which includes the stretch-goal comic. All those who ordered the Prerelease Edition can now download the final one.
If the internet has shown us anything... anything... it has shown us that there is no such thing as "too batshit crazy to operate a computer."

Everybody's a book of blood. Wherever we're opened, we're red.

Außerirdische sind nicht rechtsfähige, bewegliche, herrenlose Sachen. Wer sie findet und mitnimmt darf sie behalten.

Offline Imion

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Re: GURPS - Neuigkeiten (Diskussion im Smalltalk-Thread)
« Antwort #342 am: 23.12.2021 | 19:09 »
Great news! The hardcover printing is complete and the books are ready to leave the factory and head to our fulfillment sites in the UK and the US. It looks possible that the UK facility will receive books in January, meaning that we expect UK and EU fulfillment to happen first, with the US fulfillment coming along once the printed hardcovers reach the US fulfillment warehouse.
If the internet has shown us anything... anything... it has shown us that there is no such thing as "too batshit crazy to operate a computer."

Everybody's a book of blood. Wherever we're opened, we're red.

Außerirdische sind nicht rechtsfähige, bewegliche, herrenlose Sachen. Wer sie findet und mitnimmt darf sie behalten.

Offline Imion

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Re: GURPS - Neuigkeiten (Diskussion im Smalltalk-Thread)
« Antwort #343 am: 23.12.2021 | 20:44 »
Und ein drittes Mal:

GURPS Hot Spots: Sriwijaya
If the internet has shown us anything... anything... it has shown us that there is no such thing as "too batshit crazy to operate a computer."

Everybody's a book of blood. Wherever we're opened, we're red.

Außerirdische sind nicht rechtsfähige, bewegliche, herrenlose Sachen. Wer sie findet und mitnimmt darf sie behalten.

Offline Woodman

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Re: GURPS - Neuigkeiten (Diskussion im Smalltalk-Thread)
« Antwort #344 am: 8.01.2022 | 21:33 »
GURPS Reign of Steel: Read the Sky

Aus der PDF Challenge 2020
« Letzte Änderung: 13.01.2022 | 23:19 von Woodman »

Offline Woodman

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Re: GURPS - Neuigkeiten (Diskussion im Smalltalk-Thread)
« Antwort #345 am: 13.01.2022 | 23:19 »
GURPS Monster Hunters Encounters 1

Aus der PDF Challenge 2020

Edit: Ich habe mal ne Liste der 2020er Challenge PDFs gemacht und die bereits im normalen Vertrieb erhältlichen rausgestrichen für den Überblick
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« Letzte Änderung: 10.02.2022 | 22:07 von Woodman »

Offline Imion

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Re: GURPS - Neuigkeiten (Diskussion im Smalltalk-Thread)
« Antwort #346 am: 27.01.2022 | 14:53 »
Most of you know Warrren "Mook" Wilson... the ever present figure on the Unofficial GURPS Discord and SJG Forums and co-author of "How to be a GURPS GM".
Unfortunately, Mook isn't doing well. He passed out in his apartment in early January and was taken to the hospital. They removed 600cc of liquid from below his lungs so that he could breath better... and for a while, he seemed stable, but he was unable to walk or sit up.
Mook passed today (Jan 26) at 3:35pm PST in the company of his sister and sister-in-law, Chris and Valerie.
If the internet has shown us anything... anything... it has shown us that there is no such thing as "too batshit crazy to operate a computer."

Everybody's a book of blood. Wherever we're opened, we're red.

Außerirdische sind nicht rechtsfähige, bewegliche, herrenlose Sachen. Wer sie findet und mitnimmt darf sie behalten.

Offline Woodman

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Re: GURPS - Neuigkeiten (Diskussion im Smalltalk-Thread)
« Antwort #347 am: 27.01.2022 | 20:20 »
GURPS Action 7: Mercenaries

damit fehlen noch 3/12 aus der 2020er PDF Challenge
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« Letzte Änderung: 10.02.2022 | 22:08 von Woodman »

Offline Imion

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Re: GURPS - Neuigkeiten (Diskussion im Smalltalk-Thread)
« Antwort #348 am: 8.02.2022 | 12:46 »
The incredibly popular GURPS Character Assistant has been updated to Version 5.

If you have purchased this software previously via Warehouse 23, you can download the new version at no additional cost from your Warehouse 23 download library.

IMPORTANT: The new GURPS Character Assistant does not support the old (GURPS Character Assistant 4) character sheets or exporters. We're sorry about that, but there was no way to maintain backward compatibility using the new framework. All versions of GURPS Character Assistant prior to this version are unsupported and should only be used for "legacy" purposes. If you purchased the software prior to February 7 via Warehouse 23, the old version of the software (4.0) will be added to your Warehouse 23 account before the end of the month.

What's New

Here's what's new with this 5.0 version of GURPS Character Assistant, compared to the previous 4.0 version:

• It's been rebuilt on a more modern framework, GCA now runs more smoothly and reliably on modern Windows.

• Faster! This version is much faster, across the board.

• It features improved data handling. Each character is now loaded with the library of data that they rely on; no longer is one library applied across the entire program.

• GCA includes additional way to view your character data, called the Unified View, which puts everything onto a panel you can drag around to see the different types of information without having to change tabs or windows. This view can be expanded through plugins in the future.

• Improved loadout support. It's easier than ever to build and manage loadouts.

• All new support for transforms, allowing for different racial templates or other sets of traits that aren't meant to be all applicable at one time, allowing you to apply just the ones that are meant to be used at the moment.

• Better armor and protection handling, with added support for those of you that need to track armor by the layer.

• Added a package manager for Updates and Optional packages. This helps alert you to program updates and allows you to install optional extras, such as new character sheets, extra symbol icons, or data for the 3rd Edition books.

• Random characters! GCA includes a new tool that lets you build random characters based on character templates.

• Improved editors, plus a new editor for attack modes which makes updating, adding, and removing attack/weapon modes much easier.

• Many smaller, simpler, but nice-to-have improvements, such as highlighting important traits with different colors, collapsing and expanding parents, indicating capacity for containers, letting you build different kinds of bonuses, tracking uses in multi-use traits, the ability to save to PDF directly from the Print Preview window, and more.

More information about this program – including screenshots and the User Reference Guide – can be found here:

Whether you're a long-time user or a new GURPS gamer, GURPS Character Assistant will make your games faster and easier than ever. Download it today from Warehouse 23!
If the internet has shown us anything... anything... it has shown us that there is no such thing as "too batshit crazy to operate a computer."

Everybody's a book of blood. Wherever we're opened, we're red.

Außerirdische sind nicht rechtsfähige, bewegliche, herrenlose Sachen. Wer sie findet und mitnimmt darf sie behalten.

Offline Woodman

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Re: GURPS - Neuigkeiten (Diskussion im Smalltalk-Thread)
« Antwort #349 am: 10.02.2022 | 22:07 »
GURPS Boardroom and Curia: Tomorrow Rides

damit fehlen noch 2/12 aus der 2020er PDF Challenge
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