Pen & Paper - Spielsysteme > Reign & One-Roll-Engine (ORE)

[REIGN] Tai Pan

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Pah, ich werde dir da schon was schönes Basteln, denn Sachen wie das Karawanen Debakel püassen nicht zu Tai Pan und die 3 Charts muss man auch auf die Story anpassen.

Lass dich überraschen, Belchion ich bin davon überzeugt das Du meine Tabelle besser finden wirst als das Original (nachdem es durch deine Rechtschreibkorrektur gegangen ist)


--- Zitat von: Joerg.D am 17.06.2010 | 16:53 ---Pah, ich werde dir da schon was schönes basteln, denn Sachen wie das Karawanen Debakel püassen nicht zu Tai Pan und die 3 Charts muss man auch auf die Story anpassen.
--- Ende Zitat ---
Ich finde das Karawanendebakel passt hervorragend - nicht wahr, Dr. Livingstone? Da muss man eigentlich nur den Namen ändern… Viel mehr Probleme hätte ich mit Sachen wie Survived Hideous Occult Ritual oder His Majesties Personal Cobbler.

Nun ja, bisher habe ich mir vor allem Gedanken um die britische Armee gemacht - die waren ja mit Brown Bess, Bajonett und Säbel ausgestattet. Und die Martial Path gefallen mir überhaupt nicht, die sind mir zu viel Kung Fu.

So, ich habe mich, fleißig wie ich bin, mal an einer Umsetzung der One-Roll-Charaktere für Engländer gesetzt. Grundlage war die Tabelle im REIGN-Grundregelwerk. Ganz glücklich bin ich damit noch nicht, aber ändern kann ich es ja immer noch. Und wenn Jörgs Tabelle besser ist, nehme ich einfach die.  ;D

×1 (Bettler) – bleibt

×2 (Dieb) – bleibt

×3 (Künstler) – bleibt

×4 (Händler) – bleibt

×5 (Seemann) – 1 Änderung
2×5 (Able Seaman) Statt Student of Sailing lernt er Athletics, da es bei Tai Pan keine speziellen Seefahrer-Fertigkeiten gibt.

×6 (Fußsoldat) – Wird durch Soldat ersetzt
2×6 Schütze: +1 BODY, +2 Weapon: Muskete, +2 Weapon: Bajonett, +1 Endurance
3×6 Veteran: +1+ED Weapon, +2 Run
4×6 Unteroffizier: +2 Tactics, +1 Direction, +1 Sight, +1 Weapon: Säbel
5×6 Offizier: +ED Tactics, +1 Status, +1 Inspire

×7 (Offizier) – Wird durch Wissenschaftler ersetzt
2×7 Student: +1 KNOWLEDGE, +2 Lore, +1 Student of …, +1 Muttersprache, +1 Fremdsprache
3×7 Bakkalaureus: +1 Student of …, +1 Lore, +2 Plead, +1 Scrutinize
4×7 Magister: +ED Student of …, +1 Lore, +1 Lie, +1 Scrutinize
5×7 Doktor: ED Student of … → MD Student of …

×8 (Zauberer) – Wird durch Missionar ersetzt
2×8 Theologiestudent: +3 Lore, +1 Muttersprache, +1 Graces (Europa), +2 Latein, +1 Altgriechisch, +1 Hebräisch, +2 Fascinate
3×8 Wanderprediger: +1 CHARM
4×8 Missionspriester: +1 Graces (China), +2 ostasiatische Sprache, +1 Fascinate
5×8 Apostel: +1+ED Graces (China), +1 Mandarin

×9 (Adeliger) – 1 Änderung
2×10 (Noble Byblow): Statt Sword lernt er natürlich Pistole, damit er sich standesgemäß duellieren kann.

Triads Men:
2x1 +1 BODY, +1 Expert _______, +2 Vigor, +2 Athletics
3x1 Village Troublemaker: +2 Run, +2 Lie, +1 Stealth
4x1 Cunning Rascal: +2 Stealth, +1 Lie, +2 Expert _______
5x1 Local Character: +1 Wealth, +2 Lore, +2 Athletics

2x2 Händler:
+1 COMMAND, +2 Haggle, +1 Possession, +1 Plead, +1 Language
3x2 Shrewd Bargainer: +1 Wealth, +1 Haggle, +2 Ride, +1 Plead
4x2 Envied Dealmaker: +1 Wealth, +ED Haggle, +2 Possession
5x2 Regional Financier: +1 Wealth, +1 Intimidate, +1 Inspire, +2 Direction

2x3 Messenger:
+1 Dodge, +1 Guns, +3 Athletics
3x3 Gentleman’s Companion: +1 Lore, +1 Jest, +1 Lie, +1 Vigor, +1 Language
4x3 Confidential Messenger: +2 Navigation , First level of a Gun technique, +2 Hearing
5x3 Master of See: +1 Dodge, +1 Language, +1 Navigation, +ED Navigation

2x4 Charmer:
+1 CHARM, +2 Perform, +1Lie, +1 Language, +1 Fascinate
3x4 Wit: +ED Perform, +ED Lie, +1 Fascinate
4x4 Backup Entertainer: +1 Graces, +2 Inspire, +1 Dodge, First level of a Performance path
5x4 Lead Entertainer: Levels two and three in the Performance path

2x5 Seeman:
+1 BODY, +1 Expert Sailor,+2 Fight, +1 Parry, +1 Climb
3x5 Rigging Ape: +1 Expert Sailor, +ED Fight, +1 Parry, +1 Endurance
4x5 Pirate/”Marine”: Upgrade Fight ED to MD
5x5 Salt-Crusted Fishbrother: +ED Parry, +ED Climb, Thick Headed

2x6 Court Brat:
+1 CHARM, +2 Lie, +1 Graces, +1 Haggle, +1 Fascinate
3x6 Person of Mild Status: +1 Plead, +1 Stealth, +1 Fascinate, +2 Patron
4x6 Courtier: Beauty 3, +1 Lie, +1 Status
5x6 Court Authority: +ED Fascinate, +2 Language, First level of a Fascinate path

2x7 Foreign Traveler:
+1 KNOWLEDGE, +2 Language, +ED Graces, +1 Lore
3x7 Petty Translator: +1 Language, +2 Listen, +1 Stealth, +1 Lie
4x7 Minor Diplomat: +ED Lie, +ED Intimidate, +1 Inspire
5x7 Ambassador and/or Spy: +ED Stealth, +1 Patron, +2 Sight

2x8 Navy Infantry:
+1 COORDINATION, +2 Sword, +2 Parry, +1 Fight
3x8 Navy Soldier: +2 Athletik, +1 Vigor, +2 Sight
4x8 Veteran: +1 Fight, +1 Sword, First two levels of a Martial path
5x8 Army Officer: +1 Tactics, +1 Inspire, +1+ED Parry

2x9 Warmaker:
+1 BODY, +1 Graces, +2 Parry, +2 Fight
3x9 Battlefield Leader: +2 Tactics, +1 Fight, +1 Parry, +1 Endurance
4x9 Captain: +1 Tactics, +1 Inspire, First two levels of a Parry path
5x9 Commander:+1 Tactics, +1 Inspire, First two levels of a Tactics path

2x10 Of Noble BLood:
+1 COMMAND, +1 Inspire, +1 Tactics, +1 Graces, +2 Possession (typically a sword)
3x10 Favored Child: +1 Wealth, +2 Intimidate, +1 Tactics, First Level of an Esoteric Discipline
4x10 Of the Five Families: First two levels of an Inspire or Tactics path, +1 Tactics,
+1 Possession
5x10 Omened Birth: +2 Followers, +3 Status

1 Trained Athlete. Many English authorities have
an almost cultish devotion to physical excellence, and
it has trickled down to the commoners. Indeed, the
fi eld of sport is the one place where the two classes
are allowed to compete full-strength, as absolute
equals. It is one of the few places a peasant can earn
a lord’s respect. +2 Athletics, First two levels of
an Athletics path

2 Legacy. Gentry of the fi ve families disdain personal
wealth, but very few of them set it aside when they
get it. On the other side, peasants value it very
much, and often make profi t off that aforementioned
disdain. +2 Wealth, +3 Possession
3 Horrendous Initiation. There are secretive cults,
criminal gangs, treasonous movements, political
cabals and selective military academies that all
demand proof of dedication. Just what was yours?

4 Cultured. Perhaps your parents forced you to
practice the nong for hours on end because they
believed it was good for you, or perhaps dance was
your rebellion against their militancy. You could just
as easily be a villager trained to perform, too:
+3 Perform, +2 Languages

5 Center of a Movement. There was a cause, and
you were its leader. What was your cause? Who
followed? Who resisted? Who are your allies and
enemies? Are they secret or is their support overt?:
+3 Followers, +2 Patron

6 Mountain Raised. You’ve spent a lot of time
running up and down hills in the crisp cool air:
+3 Climb, +2 Vigor

7 Sentenced to Hard Labor. What was your crime?
Did you do it, were you framed or were you taking
the fall for someone else? What kind of work did
they make you do? How did people react once you’d
served your sentence and were free?: +1 BODY

8 Sniper. It’s usually the landed
who practice with a rifle , but it’s ordinary
people who use shoting to put fresh meat on the
dinner table. Sometimes, a skilled  sniper
gets inducted into a lord’s private guard:
+2+ED Rifle, First level of a Rifle path

9 Acrimonious Divorce and Family
Feud. Sometimes those dangerous
liaisons go too far and become dangerous
marriages, which lead, in turn, to
dangerous divorces. Or shallow graves, but
that’s not really pertinent. Is it?
+3 Dodge, +2 Fight

10 Saved Lives. Nothing gives confi dence quite like
seizing control during turmoil and making the right
decisions. You trust yourself because you’ve been
proven: +1 COMMAND

Ui, das ist wirklich toll! Bloß die "Triads Men" gefallen mir noch nicht so gut bzw. mir fehlen die europäischen Kleinkriminellen, die es irgendwie nach Ostasien geschafft haben (z.B. über Australien)


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