Pen & Paper - Spielsysteme > Reign & One-Roll-Engine (ORE)

[REIGN] Tai Pan

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2x2 Bag Snatcher: Did you steal from
need, or just the need to alleviate some
boredom? +1 COORDINATION, +2
Stealth, +2 Dodge, +1 Run
3x2 Home Breaker: What led you up from
crimes of opportunity to premeditated
thefts? +1+ED Stealth, +2 Climb
4x2 Cat Burglar: Successful criminals aren’t
terribly common. How have you evaded
the clutches of the law? (Or, if you didn’t,
how did you survive, escape or talk your
way out of it?) +1+ED Climb,
+1 Stealth, +1 Wealth
5x2 Commissioned Retriever: Instead of
bothering with the uncertainties of going
into a house, seeing what’s there and
later seeing what you can get paid for
it, you now get hired, half in advance,
to remove items of particular value to
your clients. Of course, you may still see
something else of interest while you’re on
the job… +2 Patron, +3 Possession

oder eher

2x2 Truant: +1 COORDINATION, +1 Lie,
+3 Stealth, +1 Climb
3x2 Roguish: First Level of a Stealth Esoteric
Discipline, +1 Lie, +1 Climb,
+2 Hearing
4x2 Lawbreaker: Second and Third Levels of
the Stealth Discipline
5x2 Convicted Criminal: Fourth Level of the
Stealth Discipline, upgrade one Stealth
die to an ED

oder so:

2x7 Mildly Dishonest: +1 COORDINATION,
+1 Graces, +2 Stealth, +1 Lie, +1
3x7 Successful Burglar:+ED Stealth, +2
Climb, First level of a Stealth path
4x7 Spy: Upgrade Stealth ED to MD
5x7 Conspirator: +2 Run, +1 Dodge,
Second level of Stealth path

Der erste gefällt mir am besten (vor allem wegen dem Patron), obwohl das dritte auch OK ist. Der zweite ist mir zu sehr auf Heimlichkeit spezialisiert.

Sind alle aus dem First Year of our Reign.

Kommt noch ein Life Path für Chinesen und eine Tabelle mit etwas "verrückteren" Erlebnissen? (Also Punkt B und C?) Leute mit sehr wirren Geschichtsläufen waren unter den Abenteurer-Händlern in Hongkong ja nicht gerade ungewöhnlich.

2x1 Traveld throug China:
+1 BODY, +1 Athletics, +2 Vigor, +2 Endurance
3x1 Have Relatives in China +1 Graces, +2 Vigor, +1 Athletics, +1 Endurance
4x1 Competed at Hong Kong: +1 Fight, +1 Athletics, First two levels of an Athletics path
5x1 Chinise, Born and Raised: +1 Fight, +1 Run, +1 Expert: Throw, +ED Endurance

2x2 Toured the Provinces:
+1 CHARM, +1 Graces, +2 Listen, +1 Lie, +1 Stealth
3x2 Guest of the Shaolin: +1 Listen, +3 Weapon, First level of a Martial path
4x2 Lengthy and Entangling Plains History: +1 SENSE
5x2 Native of the Shaolin: Second and third levels of Martial path

2x3 Have Been Seen at forbidden Town:
+1 SENSE, +1 Graces, +1 Lie, +1 Lore, +1 Haggle, +1 Dodge
3x3 Business Trips to the Palace: First two levels of a Haggle path, +2 Haggle
4x3 Bejing is a Second Home:+1 Haggle,+1 Lie, Third level of Haggle path
5x3 You Are Bejing: +1 Lie, Fourth level of Haggle path

2x4 English Guest: +1 KNOWLEDGE, +1 Graces (English), +2 Inspire, +2 Jest
3x4 Student of English Culture: +4 Language (English), +1 Lore
4x4 English Resident (or Former Resident): +1 Graces (English), +1 ED Language, +2 Lore
5x4 Of Pure Engslish Descent: +2 Haggle, +1Plead, +1 Lore, Change Language ED in MD.

2x5 Gone Hunting in the Woods:
+1 COORDINATION, +1 Graces, +1 Athletics, +1 Direction, +2 Student: Wilderness
3x5 Barkwater Connoisseur: +1 Lore, +1 Run, +1 Ride, +1 Rifel, +1 Direction
4x5 Comfortable Naked: +2 Sight, +1 Language, +1 Direction, Upgrade Student die to Expert
5x5 Loyal to Deerwood: Upgrade Student ED to Master

2x6 Shaolin Monk: +1 Body, +1 Graces, +2 Fight, +1 Lore, +1 Pleade
3x6 Concerted Student: +ED Fight, +1 Lore, +2 Athletiks
4x6 Serious Adept: Upgrade Fight ED to MD
5x6 Retired Master: +1 Athletik, +1 Graces, + First two Levels of a matirial Path

2x7 Mildly Dishonest: +1 COORDINATION, +1 Graces, +2 Stealth, +1 Lie, +1 Climb
3x7 Successful Burglar:+ED Stealth, +2 Climb, First level of a Stealth path
4x7 Spy: Upgrade Stealth ED to MD
5x7 Conspirator: +2 Run, +1 Dodge, Second level of Stealth path

2x8 Courtisane: +1 CHARM, +2 Graces (Chinise), +1 Fascinate, +2 Beauty
3x8 Ne’er Do Well: Promote Graces 1 die to an ED, +2 Plead, +2 Fascinate
4x8 Court Courtisanne: +1 Language, +1 Lore, +2 Wealth, +1 Status
5x8 Imperial Courtisane: First two levels of a Graces path, +2 Patron

2x9 Warmaker:
+1 BODY, +1 Graces, +2 Parry, +2 Fight
3x9 Battlefield Leader: +2 Tactics, +1 Fight, +1 Parry, +1 Endurance
4x9 Captain: +1 Tactics, +1 Inspire, First two levels of a Parry path
5x9 Commander:+1 Tactics, +1 Inspire, First two levels of a Tactics path

2x10 Minor Functionary: +1 COMMAND, +1 Graces, +3 Inspire, +1 Intimidate
3x10 Bureaucrat: +1 Intimidate, First two levels of an Inspire path, +1 Status
4x10 Instrument of the Apparatus: +2 Followers, Third level of Inspire path
5x10 Imperial Offi cial: +1 Followers, Fourth level of Inspire path

1 Peculiar Diet Regimen: They told you it
was good for you. They were right, extreme
though it was. Now, other food doesn’t
even taste right. Just what is it you eat so
+4 Vigor, +1 Endurance

2 Targeted by an Assassin: What
did you do to merit the attentions of a
professional? Do you even know? Did
they ever catch the guy? Did you kill him?
If not, how’d you escape?

3 Partook in Merchant Endeavor: Did
you set up the deal, stumble onto it by luck,
or were you brought in by a friend as a
favor? What were you selling, or buying, or
facilitating the transacting of?
+3 Haggle, +1 Wealth, +1 Possession

4 Underwent Religious Conversion:
What religion did you start to follow? Is
it a big one or a tiny sect? Are you still
faithful, or have you become disillusioned?
What were you before and how did they
take it when you left the church?

5 Attended Elite Athletic Academy:
Morning runs, hourlong stretching sessions,
tightly monitored behavior to prevent
‘impure acts’ – all to make you a superior
competitor. Did it succeed? Did you make
any particular friends or enemies at school?

6 Joined an Conspiracy: Certainly
The Empire is ripe with them. What’s yours
called? What are its goals? How much do
you really know? Does they survive,
or has it fallen apart? If it’s gone, what
destroyed it?
+3 Inspire, +2 Facinate

7 Dangerous Liaison: What made the
romance so perilous? What made it worth
risking the danger?
+4 Stealth, +1 Listen

8 Lengthy Foreign Journey: You’ve spent
a lot of time somewhere else, somewhere
distant and interesting. Where was it? Why
were you there? What stories do you have
to recount?
+3 Fascinate, +2 Languages

9 Acrimonious Divorce and Family
Feud. Sometimes those dangerous
liaisons go too far and become dangerous
marriages, which lead, in turn, to
dangerous divorces. Or shallow graves, but
that’s not really pertinent. Is it?
+3 Dodge, +2 Fight

10 Successful Political Agitator: What
was your cause? How’d you rally people to
your banner? Are you popular, despised, or
some combination of the two?
+3 Followers, +2 Inspire


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