Autor Thema: [nWoD] [VtM] Vampire the Masquerade mit nWoD Regeln  (Gelesen 1821 mal)

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VtM mit nWoD Regeln...
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Masqeurade for a Requiem, V:tM conversion to NWoD

So, I've spent my free time over the last few days on this..."project," and let me first say, Thank you to all the people who's work I've incorporated into this, I've used posters from here and the WW board. If you have a problem with your work being used, send me a private message with what I used and I will take it off and do it myself.

Now, I have a bunch done, and it's saved into a Word doc...but I'm a long way from having a complete conversion, and I do wnat a complete conversion. So, I come here to ask any and all of you to suggest rules, Disciplines, and crituque my (and other peoples) work.

without further ado....


Generation Chart

Generation Lowest Effective Blood Potency Maximum Blood Potency
15th-11th 1, 5
10th-9th 1, 6
8th-7th 2, 7
6th 3, 8
5th 4, 8
4th 6, 9
3rd 7, 10
2nd 9, 10

The 13 Clans (and Bloodlines)

The Assamites are known as a clan of assassins largely based in the Middle East. The Assamite clan is close knit in that they don't trust outsiders and they all spend several years as ghouls training in the clan stronghold. If they fail, they become food. If they succeed, they are Embraced into the clan. Thus, Assamites tend to be very highly skilled at what they do - but not all of them are warriors outright
Favored Disciplines: Celerity, Obfuscate, Quietus
Favored Attributes: Dexterity or Composure
Weakness: The Assamite are hopelessly addicted to the vitae of other Kindred, so vampires belonging to this clan become addicted to vitae as per Vitae Addiction.

The Brujah are characterized mostly as anarchists. "The typical Brujah wears a biker jacket, tattered jeans, combat boots...". Brujah childer conduct their political conventions amongst the noise of raves and punk rock concerts. Their Ancilla have long used secret, impromptu, and often violent rants to propel their anarchic culture. In comparison to other vampires, the Brujah are especially violent. Currently the most popular symbol of Brujah is upside-down form of Circle A Red.
Favored Disciplines: Celerity, Majesty, Vigor.
Favored Attributes: Strength or Dexterity
Weakness - Brujah are known for their fiery and often violent tempers, having more trouble than any clan does to keep their homicidal tendencies at bay. They fall to their Beast with disturbing frequency, and tend to get quite agitated if this flaw is ever mentioned in their presence. In game terms they get a -2 dice to frenzy rolls.

The Gangrel are associated with Gypsies, transmogrification, and vagrants. As a symbol, Gangrel often use a wolf's head. The Gangrel clan's magical Discipline, Protean, allows them to assume partial or complete animal forms. Their mastery of Protean is so much greater than any other Clan that Gangrel can assume virtually any animal form, providing it is a scavenger or a predator. [
B]Favored Disciplines[/B]: Animalism, Protean, Resilience.
Favored Attributes: Resolve or Stamina
Weakness - Gangrels have a unique weakness caused by their close connection to the Beast; their animalistic instincts are drawn close to their surface, clouding more reasoned thought. In game terms they do not gain any “again” rolls on tests using resolve or composer.

Followers of Set
The Setites are agents and students of corruption as their dark father was before them. Only when the mask of civility is stripped away can the human soul be seen for what it truly is: selfish, grasping, hungry, and perverse. The natural state of humanity is sin and always has been; to pretend otherwise is to waste precious energy. To embrace the wickedness within is to embrace the truth, to own it, and to find your true purpose in existence. The Setites are not merely decadents nor are they simply degenerates; what makes them so dangerous is that they appeal to the darkest parts of everyone - and everyone has darkness somewhere inside them for the Setites to find.
Favored Disciplines: Majesty, Obfuscate, Serpentis
Favored Attributes: Wits or Presence
Weakness: As Setites find it difficult to adjust to bright light and take two additional damage from sunlight.

The Lasombra have earned their reputation for master manipulation, iron-fisted power, and ingenious political games. They have also brought about their reputation for cruelty and heartless efficiency. The clan decided to rule in a new way and took part in the conception of the most monstrous sect of vampires to date: the Sabbat. Thus, the Lasombra, along with the Tzimisce, make up most of the leadership of the Sabbat and enjoy the bloody fruits of their labor.
Favored Disciplines: Dominate, Obtenebration, Vigor
Favored Attributes: Manipulation or Composure
Weakness: Creatures so entwined with darkness; Lasombra take one additional damage from sunlight. Also, the reflection of the Lasombra never appear in mirrors, and is blurry on electronic recording devices; may not spend a Willpower to make reflection normal.

As with all the vampire clans in the World of Darkness setting, Malkavians suffer from a specific flaw: in this case, they are incurably insane. However, many Malkavians believe their insanity to be a strength rather than a weakness. Exactly why they all suffer from insanity is unknown, According to Malkavian legend, when Malkav was killed, all his childer came to his corpse and drank the blood of their father, thus collectively diablerizing Malkav. He is said to speak inside each and every Malkavian's soul and connects them into one collective consciousness.
Favored Disciplines: Auspex, Dementation, Obfuscate.
Favored Attributes: Wits or Manipulation
Weakness – Every last vampire of Malkav's blood is incurably insane in one form or another. Some kindred call this a curse of the blood, while other Lunatics actually call it a special blessing, a "gift of insight." In game terms they start with 1 Derangement and receive -2 dice for derangement rolls.

They are uniformly hideous as a result of the flaw in their vampiric bloodline, though each individual's physical monstrosity is unique. Nosferatu frequently reside in catacombs, cemeteries, and sewers. The Nosferatu, also referred to as 'Nossies' or 'Sewer Rats,' are highly regarded as information-brokers. Frustrated over their monstrous appearance, many Nosferatu will Embrace the very vain and/or very beautiful out of spite. Vampires Embraced in this way are referred to as Cleopatras
Favored Disciplines: Nightmare, Obfuscate, Vigor.
Favored Attributes: Strength or Composure
Weakness – The most visibly cursed of all Kindred, the Embrace warps each Nosferatu into a hideously deformed creature; In game terms No 10 again on presence or manipulation rolls.

The Ravanos are a clan of Gypsies, they originated in India and have since then spread over the world; becoming one of the most widespread clans. The worst of their ways has shaped their enduring reputation, to the point that every Prince knows that a Ravnos in town means trouble. Why? Because they just can't help themselves - literally. Every Ravnos has crime in their blood due to their clan weakness, but Ravnos tend to sire people who are already involved in thievery and underhandedness of all kinds.
Favored Disciplines: Animalism, Chimerstry, Resilience
Favored Attributes: Dexterity or Manipulation
Weakness: Gain "Delusional Obsession" Flaw focused on a specific type of crime (such as burglary, fraud, pick pocketing etc.).

Once upon a time, the Saniovanni family was a mortal cult interested in death magic. For several hundred years Augustus learned, planned, and spread the blood of Caine to members of his family. The Sangiovanni learned how to manipulate spirits so that when the time was right, they had ghostly messengers to tell them where all of the Cappadocians laired. The Sangiovanni then began to hunt their parent line and the Lamia, a bloodline that also came from the Cappadocians. At some point, the Sangiovanni developed their own clan weakness and clan disciplines apart from the Cappadocians.
Favored Disciplines: Dominate, Necromancy, Vigor
Favored Attributes: Intelligence or Strength
Weakness: When a Sangiovanni bites a living being, they deal one more Lethal damage than normal. This makes it difficult to keep people alive after feeding from them.

In the twentieth century, the Salubri have all but died out, with only seven active. The Salubri, if they are known at all, are reviled for their strange and frightening soul-devouring powers. While, in truth, the powers of the Salubri is a true healing art, all but forgotten in the Modern Nights.
Favored Disciplines: Auspex, Resilience, Obeah.
Favored Attributes: Wits or Composure
Weakness: a Salubri loses a point of Willpower when she feeds on a unwilling target.

The Toreador typically have an obsession with anything artistic, exquisite or (superficially) beautiful. They are hedonists and self-indulgent artists. It is said that the Toreador are the closest of the Kindred to human sensibilities. Their Antediluvian founder was believed to be an artist in the first city.
Favored Disciplines: Celerity, Auspex, Majesty.
Favored Attributes: Presence or Composure
Weakness – The Toreador portray themselves as the vampires closest to the living breathing pulse of the humans around them. They claim that this is what keeps them so vital and modern. Indeed, Clan members are often the first ones to be aware of what mortals are wearing, eating, buying and sleeping with. Having this close contact with mortals causes even greater loss in Toreador when they commit a crime. In game terms -2 dice for humanity and derangement rolls

It is told that the Tremere were a cabal of human alchemists and Mages who attempted to gain the immortality and powers of the vampires. During the Dark Ages, they were considered an upstart, and had already made enemies as a result of their experiments. By the peak of the Renaissance, however through clever alliances and the forging of new, strange powers, they took a place in the highest council of the Camarilla. The Tremere are generally mistrusted, and are frequently referred to with the sobriquet, "Usurpers."
Favored Disciplines: Auspex, Dominate, Thaumaturgy.
Favored Attributes: Intelligence or Manipulation
Weakness – Tremere were made not cursed therefore there power over the minds of other Vampires is limited. They also are more likely to be more effected when doing crimes against humanity. In game terms the humanity trait limits social tests for vampires as well as mortals. -1 die for humanity rolls

-Need good summary for them-
Favored Disciplines: Animalism, Auspex, Vicissitude
Favored Attributes: Stamina or Presence
Weakness: must sleep in at least one handful of earth from her homeland; failure to do so decreases the Tzimisce's dice pools by one die each night, to a minimum of one

The Ventrue are the rulers, leaders and politicos of the Camarilla. In Ancient Rome, they were generals and warlords of the Empire, and in the Dark Ages, they were knights and barons, leading crusades and conquests. In modern times the Ventrue still have great ambition and see themselves as conquerors, but their ways have changed, using courts and companies instead of feifdoms and mighty armies. They tend to be politicians, businessmen, military officers, and crime lords.
Favored Disciplines: Dominate, Animalism, Resilience.
Favored Attributes: Resolve or Presence
Weakness: Power corrupts and with the power of the Ventrue they are more easily corrupted than other Kindred. The Ventrue are also considered to be especially particular about whose blood they drink. In fact, any given Ventrue can only drink blood from a mortal of high status. In game terms -1 die for derangement rolls, a -2 resolve roll must be made in order to drink from a non-high status mortal.


  • Gast
Re: [nWoD] [VtM] Vampire the Masquerade mit nWoD Regeln
« Antwort #1 am: 18.06.2010 | 21:07 »

-the extra health levels granted by Resilience are permanent and always in effect. At level 3, the vampire may downgrade lethal damage to bashing while Resilience is active. At level 5, the vampire may ignore bashing damage by 'downgrading' it to nothing. Note that the total number of health levels of any type which a vampire may downgrade per scene is still capped at his rating in Resilience.

-at level 3, Vigor, when activated, allows the vampire possessing it to gain the 9-again rule on any Strength rolls. At level 5, the vampire gains the 8-again rule.

Celerity lets you use the "autofire" rules; it cost you your Defense and count as medium autofire at Celerity 3 and full autofire at Celerity 5, producing +2 or +3 dice. At Celerity 2 it's no better than a normal all-out attack...except you can choose to target up to three people within range of you simultaneously, taking a penalty to each attack roll equal to the number of targets. With Celerity 5 you can target a clustered group of people, zipping around everywhere and flaying all of them.

Necromancy is the signature discipline of the Sangiovanni but is also practiced by the Samedi bloodline as well as the mysterious Harbringers of Skulls. The power of this discipline is all about death and control and understanding of undead both corporeal and non corporeal.
When learning the first level of Necromancy the vampire need to state which type of undead the powers can be used on. Either Ghosts or Walking Dead (zombies) can be chosen. For an expenditure of 6 XP each power can be converted to function for the other type of undead as well. Write ups will cover both Ghosts and Walking Dead.
Commune with the Dead, •
The basis for some form of understanding and cooperation is communication. It can be argued whether or not the Sangiovanni are actually cooperating with the restless dead that they are so in tune with but before flying one must first learn how to walk.
Cost: N/A
Dice: Wits + Academics + Necromancy (- Resolve for detection if undead does not want to be seen)
Action: Instant
This power is actually twofold. First the necromancer can detect undead (not vampires) in their presence and second he can communicate with them.
To detect an undead the necromancer rolls Wits + Academics + Necromancy – target Resolve (Resistance for Ghosts and Walking Dead). If there are several undead in the vicinity of the necromancer use the highest Resolve.
Dramatic Failure: Not only does the necromancer fail to see any undead but he will stand out to them like a beacon in the dark.
Failure: No undead are detected.
Success: Any undead in the vicinity of the necromancer become visible (both Ghosts and Walking Dead).
Exceptional Success: No additional effects.
To communicate (both hear and talk) with the undead Wits + Academics + Necromancy is rolled. Usually the necromancer is the only one that can see and hear these creatures so talking out into thin air can be discomforting to other, apply -1 penalty to social rolls in that case (not with the ghosts or walking dead).
Dramatic Failure: The necromancer fails to communicate successfully but not before managing to insult the undead he is talking to.
Failure: Fail to communicate with the undead.
Success: Communication is possible with undead for the duration of one scene.
Exceptional Success: Communication with undead possible for one scene and the necromancer receive +1 to all social rolls while interacting with the undead.
The effect of this power lasts for one scene.
Command Beyond the Grave, ••
Being able to see and talk to undead is all well and fine but does not confer any real power over the undead. And if it is something the Giovanni wants it is power. Once they can make their voices heard to the undead they can start to influence them. This power is no gentle touch or slight manipulation, it is like a sledgehammer forcing the undead to do the bidding of the necromancer. But beware once the control wears off or the angry undead might turn upon the necromancer.
Cost: 1 Vitae
Dice: Intelligence + Expression + Necromancy versus Resolve.
Action: Contested
The command issued by the necromancers must be complied by the Ghost or Walking Dead. It is not unlike a command issued by Dominate and can be placed like a hypnotic suggestion, taking effect under certain circumstances. But most commonly the command is for a specific quest or an immediate action to help or aid the necromancer and then the Ghost or Walking Dead is released to his own devices.
It is somewhat more dangerous or risky to command Ghosts since they usually are more sentient than Walking Dead and can be quite offended (and sometimes outraged) by a necromancer blatantly forcing it to do things against its will.
Only one command may have effect on a given Ghost or Walking Dead at a time. If trying to command a Ghost or Walking Dead already under the command of another necromancer (or other type of control) you need more successes than the existing command.
Several mindless Walking Dead can be commanded with a single roll. Modifiers for this are given below.
Dramatic Failure: The command fails and it is obvious to the undead what the necromancer tried to do. The necromancer can not command the undead again until the next night.
Failure: Command failed.
Success: The command succeeded and the undead will perform it to the best of its ability.
Exceptional Success: The command is a resounding success and the undead is at -1 to try to break free from the command if given a second chance.
Commands that will directly harm the undead will automatically fail and commands that require the undead (very uncommon for mindless Walking Dead) to do things contrary to their beliefs will render the undead an extra roll to cancel the command. Usually these rolls are made with +2 for the undead trying to break free.
Suggested Modifiers
Modifier Situation
-1 Commanding 2 mindless Walking dead
-2 Commanding 5 mindless Walking dead.
-3 Commanding 10 mindless Walking dead.
-4 Commanding 25 mindless Walking dead.
-5 Commanding all mindless Walking dead in vicinity of necromancer.
Eldritch Beacon, •••
In their apprentice years many Sangiovanni live or frequent places of death such as graveyards, morgues, mortuaries, locations known for great battles and the like. This is not only for a morbid fascination of death but also for practical matters for obtaining the material they need, meaning fresh bodies or fresh souls not yet departed, to perform their art. As the necromancer grows in power the need to frequent these places lessen as he can summon the undead and use already known power to control them.
Cost: 1 Willpower
Dice: Presence + Persuasion + Necromancy
Action: Extended
If trying to summon a specific Ghost or Walking Dead something associated with it must be in possession of the necromancer and the necromancer must get as many successes as the target has Willpower with one roll being made each hour.
Summoning a general Ghost from the area still requires some trappings such as candles, a pentagram, something associated to death (a sacrifice, the bones of a dead person or the like). The amount of successes needed is always 6 and the Ghost that appears is (usually) an ordinary Ghost of mediocre power.
Summoning Walking Dead is a bit different when summoning them in general. Trappings as above is needed and the amount of successes needed are equal to the amount of Walking Dead trying to be summoned. The necromancer will stand out as a beacon in the night for the Walking Dead and they will be drawn to him like moths to a flame. If there are not any Walking Dead within the area (usually city since that is where most Kindred live) the power automatically fails. If the Walking Dead are in a too decomposed state this power can be very damaging to the Masquerade.
There is a third use of this power and that is to create a Walking Dead. This Walking Dead will be a mindless one of mediocre power. Added to the cost is one Vitae that is usually spilled over the body to be reanimated. There is no limit to the amount of Walking Dead that can be created by this power but they will decompose over time and become useless and also it is quite taxing Vitae vise.
Also make note that this power only summons the creature. The necromancer still has to be able to command the arriving undead.
Outcome of dice roll.
Dramatic Failure: The summoning does not fail but the arriving undead is hostile towards the necromancers and hard to control. The necromancer receives -3 to command attempts.
Failure: Summoning failed.
Success: Summoning is a success and the undead appears as fast as they can travel to the necromancer. Ghosts usually appear very quickly since they have modes of transportation not limited by physical law such as Walking Dead has.
Exceptional Success: The summoned entity is friendly towards the summoner and any attempts to command or socialize with the creature receive +2 modifier.
Suggested Modifiers
Modifier Situation
+2 Summoning of Ghost performed in an area closely associated with death (morgue, cemetery, etc.)
Touch of the Grave, ••••
Even though being able to communicate, command and summon undead the Ghosts are still intangible for the Sangiovanni and Walking Dead are hard to keep in pristine condition when they become damaged. This versatile power give the necromancer power over the body of a Walking Dead allowing him to preserve it, heal it or wound it if need be. As for Ghosts they become tangible to the necromancer and also allow him to heal or wound a Ghost as he sees fit. This power is used (or abused if you were to talk to some of Ghosts manhandled by) Sangiovanni Elders to keep their minions in check.
Cost: 1 Vitae
Dice: Intelligence + Occult + Necromancy (-Defence for touch attacks)
Action: Instant
A necromancer may always touch or physically handle a Walking Dead but Ghosts are intangible. With this power Ghosts become tangible for the duration of the power (1 round) and can be touched by the necromancer.
Beside the tangibility of the Ghosts the touch of the necromancer becomes harmful or healing for an undead.
Dramatic Failure: The attempt fails and this power can not be invoked again for the duration of the scene.
Failure: Heal or harm attempt failed.
Success: If used to heal an undead it will be healed for one point.
If used to harm an undead it will receive an amount of Lethal damage equal to successes rolled.
If used to preserve a Walking Dead it will be preserved for an amount of days equal to successes scored.
Exceptional Success: If used to heal an undead it will be healed for two points.
If used to harm an undead it will receive an amount of Lethal damage equal to successes rolled.
If the undead does not want to be touched the rules for “Touching an Opponent” on page 156 in World of Darkness is applied.
Sleep of Ages, •••••
Sangiovanni Elders are said to have stolen this power from an ancient clan of vampires that was eradicated by the Sangiovanni when they first became vampires. The clan is long since forgotten but their legacy lives on in this power that affects something that is most enigmatic to Kindred, Torpor. The story goes that the clan of Vampires where scholars in death on a more spiritual level than the Sangiovanni and that they found a way to overcome the little death.
Cost: 1 Willpower
Dice: Intelligence + Medicine + Necromancy versus Resolve + Humanity (when forced into Torpor/Blood Potency (when being forced out of Torpor).
Action: Contested and Extended; resistance is reflexive.
This power is the same for all necromancers and no type of other undead is affected. This power affects Kindred, either the necromancer himself or other Kindred.
There are three ways to use this power:
• Force other into Torpor.
• Relieve other from Torpor.
• Relieve self from Torpor.
All three are handled in similar manner. To affect another Kindred touch is required and for an unwilling victim the rules for “Touching an Opponent” on page 156 in World of Darkness are used.
The necromancer gets to roll once every round and need to accumulate an amount of successes equal to the targets’ Humanity. Resistance is reflexive and will always be rolled, there is an unconscious resistance for this even though the target might think he wants to be put to sleep. Bear in mind that the target of this power can be the necromancer using this power and if so he will roll versus himself.
Dramatic Failure: The attempt failed and this power can not be used on the target until the next night.
Failure: Attempt failed.
Success: Headway is made to either force someone into or relieve from Torpor.
Exceptional Success: Extra successes are their own reward.
Suggested Modifiers
Modifier Situation
-2 Used under stressful circumstances (in combat for example).
-4 Used by necromancer in torpor on himself.


  • Gast
Re: [nWoD] [VtM] Vampire the Masquerade mit nWoD Regeln
« Antwort #2 am: 18.06.2010 | 21:07 »
This Discipline was first practiced by Saulot, who refined the raw art of healing. Many in the Modern Nights forget about the Salubri’s healing power. This Discipline is never taught to outsiders as it requires rigorous demands of its users, and the Salubri wish to remain useful.
The Third Eye appears around the time the user learns the second dot of this discipline, any time a Salubri uses a Obeah discipline above the first dot the eye manifests.

Sense Vitality, •
The Salubri can “see” the ebb and flow of the subject’s life force (though this does not open the third eye) after touching the subject. It determines how much Health a subject has; provided, of course, if she can touch them. (Use rules for “Touching an Opponent” on page 156 in World of Darkness)
Cost: None
Dice Pool: Wits + Empathy – Resolve + Blood Potency
Action: Instant
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: You get the opposite reading instead of what truly is, (I.E. some one with full Health reads as nearly dead.)
Failure: You can not determine the state of the target.
Success: You sense how many Health Boxes the target has, and can tell their wound penalties. When used on a vampire it also tells how much Vitae is in their system.
Exceptional Success: In addition to telling how ‘Vital’ the target is, you can sense any blood-Bourne Illnesses or poisons in the body of the target.

Anesthetic Touch, ••
This power can be used to block a voluntary subject’s from wounds, or disease, or put a Mortal to sleep. As with Sense Vitality, for this power to work you need to touch someone. (Use “Touching an Opponent” on page 156 of World of Darkness for a Involuntary subject.)
Cost: 1 Vitae
Roll: Wits + Empathy
Action: Instant
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The Subject takes an addition -1 to all action for 3 turns as the Power backfires and causes excruciating pain.
Failure: The Anesthetic power fails to take hold and the target is still subject to wound penalties
Success: For every success rolled the target ignores Wound Penalties for a round. (I.E. 2 success rolled is 2 turns without wound penalties.) It can also put a mortal into a deep, restive sleep; they sleep for their normal rest cycle. If Unwilling, a mortal can spend a Willpower point reflexively to negate the effect.
Exceptional Success: Extra successes are their own reward.

Healing Touch, •••
The touch of a skilled Salubri can heal the most grievous of wounds. In Ancient times the Salubri were known for this power, unfortunately that is all but forgotten. The Salubri simply places her hand over the wound or wounded area and expends her own life energy to heal the target.
Cost: 1 Vitae per wound; 2 vitae per aggravated
Roll: None
Action: Variable
The Salubri spends one turn and a vitae (or 2 for Agg) and heals the target one health level.

Shepherd’s Watch, ••••
Powerful Salubri turn their mastery of the third eye. With this power, the Salubri can repel unwelcome creatures and create an area of refuge around himself. Unwelcome subjects, whether mortal or supernatural, must overcome the Third Eye’s fearsome spiritual might to enter this area of refuge.
Cost: 1 Willpower per scene
Dice Pool: This power requires two rolls on behalf of the Salubri: an invocation roll that defines the area of refuge, and an effect roll that opposes those who attempt to enter the area. The dice pool for the invocation roll is Composure + Occult + Obeah. The dice pool for the effect roll is the same, opposed by the subject’s Resolve + Blood Potency.
Action: Instant and contested; all contested actions
are reflexive.
Roll Results
The result of the invocation roll determines the size of the area that subjects can be forbidden to enter. The more successes scored, the larger the area of refuge. (To be sure an area of a certain size is achieved with the invocation roll, subtract one die per step up the area of effect table; then even a single success indicates the desired amount of space becomes the Salubri’s area of refuge.) The exact shape of the area of refuge is determined by the character, who must stay within it to make use of this power. If the Salubri leaves the area of refuge and returns to it in the same scene, he may resume his use of the same area.
Successes Space
1 success 5 sq. yards
2 successes 10 sq. yards
3 successes 50 sq. yards
4 successes 250 sq. yards
5 successes 1000 sq. yards
Once the area of refuge has been successfully determined and invoked, the Salubri makes an effect roll. The successes achieved on the effect roll become the defensive score of the area of refuge. Unwelcome subjects flee the area of refuge when it is invoked unless they achieve more successes on an immediate, reflexive Resolve + Blood Potency roll than were scored on the effect roll. As long as the Salubri is within the area of refuge, no creature may enter the area of refuge (or cause an object to enter it) without first winning a similar contested action. Unwelcome subjects who manage to enter the area of refuge suffer two points of bashing damage for each success the Salubri achieved on the effect roll. The Salubri can allow any subjects he wishes to enter without attempting the contested action, but once a subject is granted admittance, she can no longer be repelled from the area of refuge. At the Storyteller’s discretion, the Salubri may maintain an existing area of refuge over multiple scenes (without making a new invocation roll) by paying the Willpower cost again in the next scene. No Salubri can maintain more than one area of refuge at a time.
Suggested Modifiers
Modifier Situation
+2 The area to be defined is a part of the
user’s haven.
+2 The area to be defined is an enclosed space,
like a room or shed.
+1 The area to be defined is Orthodox holy ground.
— The area to be defined has some sort of clear
perimeter, such as a hedgerow or a line of
columns, but is not truly enclosed.
-2 The area to be defined has no physical edgemarkers.
It is a field, a portion of a larger
space or a shapeless stretch of forest.
-2 The area to be defined is the site of current
fighting or combat.

Exorcism of the Bestial Soul, •••••
Masters of Obeah are able to exert a degree of control over the Beast residing in all Kindred, much as an exorcist exerts control over a possessing demon. According to the
philosophy of Saulot, this power is meant to be used to alleviate the suffering of a vampire at the claws of his own Beast. The Salubri seldom reveal the second application of this power, but it can also be used to stir the Beast from its lair within a vampire’s will. With the power of the Third Eye, the Salubri can exorcise a vampire’s Beast, driving it out from the hollows of the will into the empty spaces of the undead soul (thereby separating it from the flesh) or luring it out into the vampire’s body (and provoking frenzy). The subject of this power must be able to clearly see the Salubri’s Third Eye, and hear his voice, so that his own Beast is able to hear it. The words the Salubri uses to admonish or provoke the Beast clearly reflect the Unicorn’s intent (“Don’t stand for that, Andrew. Kill him!”) but might not be recognized as the medium of a supernatural power until it is too late.
Cost: 1 Willpower per roll
Dice Pool: Wits + Empathy + Obeah – subject’s Resolve
Action: Extended. Each roll represents one turn of vocal rebuking or provocation. One Willpower point must be spent on each roll, to convey the user’s voice into the subject’s soul, to the Beast itself. Damage done to the user during this extended action does not penalize future rolls (though wound penalties apply as normal) disciplines If the Salubri attempts to activate this power subtly, so that his subject doesn’t realize the source of the influence angering or soothing her Beast, the subject and
any onlookers may make a reflexive Wits + Occult roll, opposed by a reflexive Manipulation + Occult roll on behalf of the Salubri. By winning this contested action,
the subject or onlooker sees that the Salubri is the source of the Beast’s influence. Otherwise, she may continue to suspect, but cannot be sure. This power makes extensive use of the standard frenzy rules on p. 178 – 181 of Vampire: The Requiem.

Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The Salubri’s own Beast is roused by the attention focused on another’s. The Salubri must resist frenzy as though he had been betrayed by a partner in a deal (5 successes).
Failure: The Salubri fails to generate any successes his turn, but may try again next turn.
Success: To soothe or stymie a vampire’s Beast Within, the Salubri adds the successes on his activation roll to any the subject achieves on her next Resolve + Composure roll to resist frenzy. The Salubri may continue to accrue successes for the subject on subsequent turns with additional rolls. If the Salubri achieves enough successes,
the subject may not even need to roll to avoid potential frenzy. For example, if the user generates five successes for his subject, even a starving subject can automatically resist Wassail when tasting blood (see Vampire: The Requiem, p. 179). A soothed subject even finds it more difficult to rouse her own Beast: the Salubri’s successes are added to the five successes that must normally be accumulated in the event that a soothed subject attempts to “ride the wave.” To draw out a Beast, the Salubri pits the successes accumulated on his extended action against the subject. These successes become the target number of successes the subject must accumulate with an extended Resolve + Composure roll to resist frenzy. All frenzy-related dice penalties (e.g., for hunger or fire) apply to the subject’s rolls as usual. Unless stopped, the Salubri can continue to “raise the bar” for the subject, generating more successes on subsequent rolls to increase the subject’s target number even further. If the subject is already attempting to resist frenzy when this power is activated, the Salubri’s successes add to those of other provocative sources (such as an endangered loved one or a bonfire). When the Salubri first attempts to stir the Beast, he defines what its target will be in the event of frenzy. He may do this plainly (“Diana betrayed you, Andrew. Make her pay.”) or with subtler cues (“Is that Diana’s blood, Andrew? Diana’s blood, Andrew.”)
Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward, as the Salubri makes exceptional progress towards calming or goading the subject’s Beast.
Suggested Modifiers
Modifier Situation
+2 Power is turned on a vampire with whom
the user has a blood tie.
+/-1 Each derangement the subject has makes the Beast harder to soothe and easier to goadwith this power.
+/-2 A subject of Humanity 7 or higher is easier to soothe and harder to goad.

The sorcery of the Tremere is a potent form of blood magic with roots in the Hermetic practices they employed in life. This Discipline now consists only of several rituals. The character must always spend a point of Vitae and roll Intelligence + Occult + Thaumaturgy. This is an extended action, with each roll representing one turn of casting. The number of successes required equals the level of the ritual.

The following rituals from Cruac, Theban Sorcery, and Veneficia are all Thaumaturgy rituals. If the ritual is from Theban Sorcery, it no longer requires the Offering. Each ritual is accompanied by a short summary and the supplement and page number in which it appears.

In addition to rituals from other Disciplines, several new rituals are included in the lists. You can also take a Second Sight merit equal to you’re Thaumaturgy rating, using Vitae instead of Willpower to power the effect. These are detailed below.

[Core - Vampire: the Requiem, CotC - The Circle of the Crone, RfR - Requiem for Rome, LS - Lancea Sanctum]

Level One Rituals
Defense of the Sacred Haven - protects the ritualist's haven from sunligh (new, see below)
Drops of Destiny - gives the ritualist prophetic knowledge through blood (CotC, 204)
Rigor Mortis - causes a Kindred's limbs to stiffen (Core, 143)
Sign of the Sorcerer (Theban Inscription) - leaves a mark on any surface (LS, 196)
Vitae Reliquary - allows the ritualist to store Vitae for later use (Core, 146)
Wake with Evening's Freshness - negates the penalty for acting during the day for a short time (new, see below)
Blood Scourge - creates whips of Vitae (Core, 146)

Level Two Rituals
Frosty Breath of the Spoken Lie (Liar's Plague) - curses a subject so that, if they lie, their breath becomes frosty (Core, 147) [note that this changes the effect of the ritual slightly from that presented in the original Theban Sorcery version]
The Hydra's Vitae - poisons the ritualist's Vitae (Core, 143)
Imperious Call - causes a single spirit to manifest physically (CotC, 201)

Level Three Rituals
Blade of Virulent Thirst (Beloved Deodand) - causes a weapon to drain Vitae (CotC, 206)
Clouds of Rain and Thunder (Rain) - controls the weather (CotC, 207)
Deflection of Wooden Doom - protects the ritualist from stakes (Core, 144)
Final Service of the Slave - sacrifices a Retainer to increase the power of the ritualist (CotC, 206)
Magus' Friend (Tiamat's Offspring) - creates a homunculus (CotC, 207)
Servant from the Hidden Realms - causes a spirit to perform a single task (CotC, 201)
Shield of Vitae (The Blessing of Antaeus) - provides armor (RfR, 116)
Theft of Vitae - steals blood from a single target (new, see below)

Level Four Rituals
Blood Price - steals blood from a feeding Kindred (Core, 144)
Mirror Sight (Eye of the Norn) - divination through a mirror (CotC, 208)
Ward of the Haven (Mark of the Damned) - protects the ritualist's haven (LS, 200)

Level Five Rituals
Cauldron of Blood (Wrathful Judgement) - turns a Ghoul's or Kindred's blood to fire in his veins, causing great damage (Core, 148)
A Child from the Stones - creates a gargoyle (CotC, 209)
Sanctum (Roving Hut) - adds magical bonuses to ritualist's Haven (CotC, 211)
Slow the Blood (Crone's Renewel) - creates a BP 2 childe and decreases the ritualist's BP by 1 (CotC 211)

Defense of the Sacred Haven¬ - Level One Thaumaturgy Ritual
This ritual protects one enclosed room so that sunlight may not enter it. The ritualist must spend a full hour preparing the area, tracing sigils and runes on the windows and doorways with his own Vitae. Once this is completed and the ritual is successfully cast, the room is cloaked in total darkness and no sunlight may pass through any opening in the room. The ritual has an indefinite duration, but ends as soon as the caster leaves the area.

Wake with Evening's Freshness - Level One Thaumaturgy Ritual
Some wary Kindred perform this ritual every night just before dawn. The caster simply marks his own flesh with a bit of Vitae and is, thereafter, able to act during the day better than most of his kind. Should something disturb the ritualist's sleep, he double's his Humanity score before rolling to determine how many turns he is able to stay awake and act.

Theft of Vitae - Level Three Thaumaturgy Ritual
The vampire draws Vitae from one victim into himself, often in horrific and obvious fashion. The target must be in sight of the caster. A number of Vitae is drained from the victim and gained by the caster equal to the Activation Roll. The blood travels directly to the ritualist's left hand. Vampires targeted by this ritual simply lose points of Vitae, though mortals take a point of lethal damage for every point drained.

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Re: [nWoD] [VtM] Vampire the Masquerade mit nWoD Regeln
« Antwort #3 am: 24.06.2010 | 22:27 »
Habe den Thread erst jetzt gesehen und wollte mich bedanken und ihn hiermit einmal bookmarken :)
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Re: [nWoD] [VtM] Vampire the Masquerade mit nWoD Regeln
« Antwort #4 am: 24.06.2010 | 22:35 »
Gern geschehen.