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Re: World of Darkness MMOPRG
« Antwort #50 am: 4.04.2012 | 13:50 »
Ich weiß jetzt nicht wieviel davon neu ist aber posten kann mans ja so oder so:
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Re: World of Darkness MMOPRG
« Antwort #51 am: 26.09.2012 | 14:53 »
Aktuell sucht CCP einen Senior Lighting Artist fuer das WoDMMO.
Es geht wohl scheinbar weiter ^^
Meldung gab's vor etwa ~16 Stunden per Twitter.
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Re: World of Darkness MMOPRG
« Antwort #52 am: 26.09.2012 | 16:39 »
Gottchen, wenn schon Stellenausschreibungen als Erfolgsmeldungen bejubelt werden....

Das Projekt ist auf dem Weg zur Vaporware, oder?

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Re: World of Darkness MMOPRG
« Antwort #53 am: 26.09.2012 | 16:45 »
Nicht als Erfolgsmeldung als einfach mal ein Muckser ist der ueber die Monday Meetings (.. Eddy is working on it ..) hinaus geht.
Was richtige Meldungen gibt hoffe ich das sie a bissel was bei Atlanta by Night verraten.
Wobei ich mit dem Spiel eh nicht vor 2014 / 2015 rechne.
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Re: World of Darkness MMOPRG
« Antwort #54 am: 3.01.2013 | 02:53 »
Tot gedachte leben länger, es tut sich wieder was!
So verkündete V20 Europe per fB:

Good news for those waiting for the WoD MMO: Martin Ericsson --known as the Tzimisce stereotype on the V20 book-- will be moving from Europe to Atlanta later this month to join Eddy Webb, Teemu Vilen and Bill Bridges to work as a Senior Storyteller on the video game!
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Re: World of Darkness MMOPRG
« Antwort #55 am: 11.01.2013 | 16:38 »
Derzeit läuft ein Inhouse Test des WoD MMO.
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Re: World of Darkness MMOPRG
« Antwort #56 am: 30.01.2013 | 22:41 »

Live-Stream von 16.01.2013

Episode #0 of the WoDCast! Bringing you a taste of what's to come.

Check out the show's curating website:

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Re: World of Darkness MMOPRG
« Antwort #57 am: 30.01.2013 | 22:54 »
Es gibt hier: einen zweiten Teil.
Halt ohne Video.
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Re: World of Darkness MMOPRG
« Antwort #58 am: 31.01.2013 | 11:32 »
Es wäre mal langsam wieder schön, ein paar bewegte Bilder zu sehen und nicht nur Typen mit einem grässlichen amerikanischen Akzent über das große Potential des Dings sprechen zu hören, wovon ich bisher nur Standbilder bewundern durfte.

Ernsthaft, um diese Projekte wird ein Hype generiert... bei anderen, richtigen AAA Titeln rücken die Entwickler nicht eher mit Informationen raus, bis sie was Handfestes und Zeigbares bei der Hand haben. Sowas macht das Warten doch nur noch schlimmer.

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Re: World of Darkness MMOPRG
« Antwort #59 am: 31.01.2013 | 11:50 »
Hinsichtlich der bewegten Bilder gab es immerhin die Tech Demo auf dem Fanfest im letzten Jahr.
Ansonsten fand ich die PoDCasts betreffend den von WodNews.Net durchaus interessant. Gerade die Informationen zu der Charakter-Rendering Engine fand ich ganz nett und die Aussagen zu dem Umgang von CCP hinsichtlich einer neuen Grand Masquerade sogar regelrecht spannend.

Was die Informationen betrifft. Mir würden sie das warten weniger schlimmer als aufregender gestalten.
Nun und da die Entwickler schon am Beta-Testen sind sollte es doch eigentlich vielleicht auch möglich sein irgendwas  handfesteres raus zurücken ^^

Ein Hype, naja, außerhalb der WoD Community denke ich nicht das es allzuviele Leute beschäftigt ^^
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Re: World of Darkness MMOPRG
« Antwort #60 am: 31.01.2013 | 11:57 »
Ja, Hype ist vielleicht zu viel gesagt. Aber Podcasts und Zeug .. ganz ehrlich, reden können die viel wenn der Tag lang ist. Meist ist doch 70 - 80% der Versprechungen und Lobpreisungen der Entwickler hohles Gewäsch, dass nur der Vermarktung dient. Dabei fühl ich mich immer, als würde ich mir ne Stunde lang einen Werbeklappentext durchlesen. Klar, bei diesem ursprünglichen Pressekonferenz-Interviewding wurden ein paar nette Sachen gesagt, wie sie das umsetzen wollen ist mir allerdings immer noch schleierhaft.

Und wie du schon richtig sagst, wenn sie schon bei der internen Beta sind (angeblich), dann müsste da deutlich mehr bewegtes Material zu sehen sein. Wenn ein Entwickler sowas zurückhält, dann meisten (ich sprech jetzt mehr aus persönlicher Erfahrung mit anderen Releases) weil er sich über das Produkt noch nicht recht sicher ist und möglicherweise noch ziemlich viel umgeworfen wird, bis zum Ende, oder weil er schlichtweg Mist erzählt und die Produktion noch nicht halb so weit ist, wie behauptet.

Ich mecker ja eh nur, weil ich auf das Spiel mehr als gespannt bin.

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Re: World of Darkness MMOPRG
« Antwort #61 am: 31.01.2013 | 12:12 »
Das interne ist eine Alpha, nach der Aussage der Entwickler die zu dieser durchaus munter getwittert haben und die in knapp einer Woche abgeschlossen sein soll. Wobei man nicht weiß ob es eine früher, eine später oder was auch immer für eine Alpha ist.

Nun und stimmt schon, die allgemeinen Lobpreisungen können nerven.
Wobei das ja keine Entwickler sind sondern nur gelangweilte Fans. ^^
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Re: World of Darkness MMOPRG
« Antwort #62 am: 28.04.2013 | 00:23 »
Neues FanFest das heißt auch neue Infos.
Theorethisch auch ein neuer, doch nichts genaues zeigt man nicht. Damit keine falschen Erwartungen geweckt werden und weil man kein Gameplay bot hat man den Leuten das abfilmen des gezeigten Material verboten. Aber es gab wohl welches und es soll viel versprechend ausgesehen haben.
World of Darkness development shown at EVE Fanfest 2013
by Brendan Drain on Apr 26th 2013 9:00AM
Fantasy, Events (Real-World), MMO Industry, New Titles, Previews, News Items, Opinion, Events (Massively's Coverage), World of Darkness, Dev Diaries, Sandbox, Crafting
When the World of Darkness MMO was first announced in November 2006, it was just an idea and we knew that it wouldn't be released any time soon. The chance to play a sandbox game set in the Vampire: The Masquerade universe nevertheless made fans of the series go nuts, but now over six years later we haven't seen much progress on the game. At EVE Fanfest 2013 today, CCP laid the current state of development bare for all to see and showed some plans for the coming year. There are now 70 people on the WoD team, and they've spent the past week working on everything from art tools and server infrastructure to vampire powers and social options.
"You're a powerful, immortal lord of the night. You don't want to stitch a shirt."
Development plans for 2013 include working on out-of-game web-based social tools, clothing systems, and PvE game environments. There are also plans to work on item creation, but direct crafting is probably not on the cards. As the presenter put it, "You're a powerful, immortal lord of the night. You don't want to stitch a shirt." Though the game is still in the pre-production stage, CCP was keen to show off the tools it's made to speed up the development process. "Some of these videos are a bit dry and technical," joked the presenter, but it came across as more real and honest than another trailer or musings on theoretical gameplay.
CCP showed some interesting tools that it will use to rapidly develop procedural content like buildings and cityscapes. It's not the gameplay fans were eager to see, but it was an honest look at the state of the game and it shows that development really is still ongoing. We saw a building going through the entire development system from basic block shapes to the graphically impressive final results, with plenty of eye candy to go around. As an indie game developer who specialises in shader programming, I can say that the video they showed of shader tech was genuinely impressive. Whenever World of Darkness finally does release, it's going to look amazing.
Developers also showed video footage of their own internal visual targets running in the WoD engine but were adamant that we not film it since it's not actual gameplay footage and may give a false impression of how far along development is. The animations were clearly unfinished and much of the graphical detail was added in post-processing, but the video clearly showed the direction the game is heading and it looks like it'll be worth the wait.
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Re: World of Darkness MMOPRG
« Antwort #63 am: 28.04.2013 | 00:25 »
Da ein Artikel zu der Preview den ich überaus witzig fand.
Das heißt gelesen habe ich ihn noch nicht, aber allein die Bilder welche den Trailer nachstellen sind imho Gold wert :D
Eve Fanfest 2013: World of Darkness video shows hunting, parties and parkour – “you can’t make your vampire sparkle”
11 Comments Tom Senior at 05:18pm April 27 2013

CCP’s vampire MMO World of Darkness has been hiding from the light for the last twelve months, but behind the scenes a gear has shifted. The 70 strong team that formerly split its time between World of Darkness, Eve and Dust are now pursuing World of Darkness full-time.
It’s nowhere near finished, however. Today’s World of Darkness presentation at the Eve Fanfest in Reykjavik focused closely on the level design tools and shaders that CCP are using to build their next big sandbox MMO, but they did show a video. Built from World of Darkness assets, the “target footage” was designed by CCP artists to illustrate what life as an urban vampire will hopefully look and feel like in the finished game. Filming was strictly prohibited, the session wasn’t part of the Fanfest livestream and CCP aren’t likely to show it publicly any time soon, so instead I will use words to try and paint pictures in your head. I will also use actual pictures drawn with my hands. Here’s what happened.
The video opens in a dim alleyway in the middle of a dark, wet city. The player character is an impossibly slender female. The dark, skintight trousers and splayed, spiked cuffs of her short, dark jacket are ostentatious enough to immediately mark her as a vampire, even before she approaches a man loitering in the alleyway and – after a seductive exchange – bites his throat out.

These drawings in no way reflect the styles and fashions of World of Darkness. Obviously.
As she snacks bloodily on her victim (an NPC, McDonough confirmed later), a dozen vampires bound past the window lights of a distant rooftop, the player character tracks them for a moment as they vault over rooftops and vanish into the darkness, and then darts sideways and mounts a 12 foot brick wall with the speed and ferocity of a turbo-charged Ezio.
She quickly scales another rooftop and suddenly finds herself in an open bar. Dozens of other players mill about, chatting and drinking, dressed in sumptuous outfits. This is a representation of what CCP call the “paper doll” aspect of World of Darkness. They want fashion to be an important part of vampire society, one that could provide plenty of incentive for trade. Earlier in the presentation, McDonough suggested that vampire players will be able to hire or “manipulate” others into creating items for them.
Beyond the warm glow of the party, the troupe of vampires sail back into view. They’re just silhouettes on the skyline, but their movements are quick and feral. The player character walks slowly through the party, keeping an eye on the hunting pack from afar. There’s a strong gothic urban wilderness vibe to this bit. When I mention this to McDonough later he says that the scenes showing vampires leaping across rooftops from afar are inspired by scenes from CCP’s internal quarterly playtests. He says that staying constantly alert to the environment outside safe zones is wise. 3360 kills were recorded during CCP’s January test.

Anyone caught filming was threatened with Final Death, so we’re stuck with these.
The player reaches the rail at the edge of the party, hopes over and then leaps the street beyond in one go. She clambers up onto the roof, cloaks and then makes her way through a mass of hissing air conditioning units. Emerging, crouched into an open stretch of rooftop she sees another vampire standing on the edge of the drop. The vampire spots her translucent form and adopts a fighting stance. As he spreads his arms a strange golden dust distortion appears around him. Before he has a chance to cast whatever spell he’s weaving the player dashes forward twelve feet and punches him off the roof. She leaps after him and lands perfectly near his body (there’s an obligatory CRASH of thunder here). Then she steps forward, opens his throat with a back-handed swipe and then drinks the blood from the wound. CCP aren’t shying away from the violence of the vampire underworld. As she drinks, three other vampires drop down from the rooftops. She stands up to face her aggressors and the video ends.
The footage was rendered in the World of Darkness engine. McDonough admits that the working client doesn’t run at the video’s framerates, and postprocessing has been used to add additional lighting effects that they’re planning to implement as they unlock DirectX11 features further into development. I wasn’t taken with the spindly early character models, but the city – dark, brooding, soaking wet – was detailed and evocative. The window shaders CCP are building show interiors that shift depending on your perspective, giving depth to the multi-storey facades. Fans whirr in their sockets, steam rises from the drains. Everything glistens. I want to put on a trench coat, tip my hat against the rain and explore.
That wouldn’t be smart. Players in World of Darkness start out mortal, but will be quickly tuned. Or so CCP expect. There will be players who try to last as long as they can in human form. Initially, it won’t be a fully fleshed out way to exist. “We’re not putting a huge amount of functionality into the mortal game,” McDonough says. The other races that fill the World of Darkness universe like werewolves and mages won’t be in at launch either, but CCP “consider this to be future expansions.”

No I don’t know why his arms are like that.
You can be permanently killed in World of Darkness, but it will be a difficult process. Being slain in combat won’t do it, for example. McDonough said that a handful of players were perma-killed during the January CCP playtest, but wouldn’t be drawn on exactly how. In the World of Darkness pen and paper RPG (the game is very much based on the pre-2004 classic World of Darkness setting) “final death” occurs when you run out of blood points. Interestingly, in the RPG, executions can be ordered by the Prince (a lordly mega vampire who rules the city). CCP have already confirmed that there will be player-elected Princes in the MMO. Will they have the power to single out enemies for complete destruction?
It’s impossible to say at this stage because CCP are reluctant to give any specifics on systems they’re in the middle of designing. They do mention that World of Darkness will run on one “shard” that will likely be supported by multiple server clusters to handle the added load of all that free-running. There will be multiple cities to travel between. Your character’s movement is tied to the WASD keys. CCP also mentioned that they’re planning to reflect the Masquerade – the pact that requires vampires to hide their existence from humans, though how is a mystery. In the video vampires were jumping freely around the city, visible to anyone who happens to look up.

Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry.
The World of Darkness team are also wrestling with a desire to maintain the grim, gothic tone of the classic World of Darkness settings. “We’ve banned the names Edward and Bella and you can’t make your vampire sparkle,” McDonough joked, crushing the dreams of a million Twilight fans. I’m curious to see how CCP will stop players from voting in a brutal vampire Prince called Joe McLovelyface55. They’ve already made important tweaks to preserve the seriousness of the setting. “In the first internal playtest you could loot clothes. everyone was always naked, all the time. it was fun and beautiful.”
World of Darkness isn’t coming out this year. It’s not coming out next year. It may take longer than that. CCP have held back from showing too much in case people start expecting with years of development left to run. The cat is out of the bag, however. The cat has crossed the sea. The cat has an apartment in New York and is trying to make it as an artist. I can’t wait to see more in the years to come.
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Re: World of Darkness MMOPRG
« Antwort #64 am: 28.04.2013 | 23:16 » hat eine Fotos von dem Fanfest aufgetrieben: Chella Ranier>World of Darkness

Besonders faszinierend finde ich ja dieses hier:

Respektive abschreckend. ^^;
Ich bin noch unsicher ob es der 80er-Jahre-Faktor ist, die High-Heel Parade oder der Aspekt das die fast allesamt leicht bis schwer nuttig auf mich wirken. (Müßte ich daraus welche wählen würde es wohl entweder 9 oder 10 vielleicht 7 oder 3)
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Re: World of Darkness MMOPRG
« Antwort #65 am: 29.04.2013 | 00:06 »
Ich dachte, nuttige Outfits wären sowohl für VtM als auch für MMORPGs ein genredefinierendes Topos.

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Re: World of Darkness MMOPRG
« Antwort #66 am: 29.04.2013 | 00:40 »
Also bisher fand ich die Darstellung bei VtM besser.
Das heißt da gab es zumindest soweit bisher doch einen gewissen Mix. Also auch weibl. Vampire ohne Highheels, in Jeans, mit T-Shirts, die normal aussahen, punkig, im Anzug oder wenn sie schon ein Kleid an hatten so als hätten sie Stil und nicht n Gothic-Shop ausgeraubt (auch wenn es davon auch welche gab).
Ich find's da schade wenn sie beim WoD-MMO so in die Klischee Kiste langen.
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Re: World of Darkness MMOPRG
« Antwort #67 am: 29.04.2013 | 14:15 »
Ich fürchte, dass werden sie MÜSSEN, wenn sie auf dem großen Markt bestehen wollen. Die kleine Pen & Paper Gemeinde kann ein MMO sicherlich nicht alleine stemmen...da sind die "R0xx0r Kiddies" leider nötig ;) Und die stehen auf Klischees dieser Art.

"Boooah! Guck ma die Titten, 41d4!"

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Re: World of Darkness MMOPRG
« Antwort #68 am: 29.04.2013 | 14:38 »
brummelt als ich das letzte mal EVE spielte war meine weibliche Figur net nuttig angezogen brummelt
Wobei ich den Fotos von By Night Studios zum Thema Larp auf dem Schiff angeschaut habe, ... das könnte sogar so gewünscht sein. Von anderen weiblichen LARPern @.@;

Naja, aber ist eh eine Weile hin.
Vielleicht gibts später akzeptable Klamotten ^^;
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Re: World of Darkness MMOPRG
« Antwort #69 am: 10.05.2013 | 10:20 »
Ein kleiner Teil der WoDMMO Präsentation ist geleaked:
World Of Darkness - Eve Fanfest 2013
Es handelt sich dabei nicht um die "Spieldemo" sondern es werden mehr die Werkzeuge präsentiert.
Das ganze kam über rein.
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Re: World of Darkness MMOPRG
« Antwort #70 am: 10.05.2013 | 20:34 »
Ich fürchte, dass werden sie MÜSSEN, wenn sie auf dem großen Markt bestehen wollen. Die kleine Pen & Paper Gemeinde kann ein MMO sicherlich nicht alleine stemmen...da sind die "R0xx0r Kiddies" leider nötig ;) Und die stehen auf Klischees dieser Art.

"Boooah! Guck ma die Titten, 41d4!"

Stimmt. Die sind ähnlich primitiv (und ungewaschen) wie der durchschnittliche Pen n' Paper Autist. Widerlich.

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Re: World of Darkness MMOPRG
« Antwort #71 am: 23.05.2013 | 20:09 »
EVE Fanfest 2013: World of Darkness
Das Video zum Fanfest,.. allerdings ohne DAS Video,..
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Re: World of Darkness MMOPRG
« Antwort #72 am: 12.12.2013 | 08:06 »
Keine erfreulichen Neuigkeiten:
Layoffs at CCP's Atlanta office confirmed: World of Darkness development affected
by Brendan Drain on Dec 11th 2013 4:25PM
Fantasy, Culture, Events (Real-World), MMO Industry, News Items, World of Darkness, Miscellaneous, Sandbox, MMORPG
Rumours began circulating just a few hours ago about layoffs at CCP Games' Atlanta office. It was reported that an unknown number of staff working on the World of Darkness MMO had been unexpectedly laid off right before the Christmas holidays. The originally unconfirmed tipoff came from several posts on Twitter, and GameBreaker later reported that an anonymous source named the layoffs as Level Designers and various other Producers and Designers on World of Darkness.
Massively reached CCP Games for comment and received the official statement below confirming that the layoffs are real and that they are from the World of Darkness team:
"CCP today made strategic adjustments to the staffing on the team working on the World of Darkness project in Atlanta that resulted in the elimination of approximately 15 positions at the company. The change was due to our evaluation of the game's design and ongoing development needs. While this was a difficult decision, CCP remains committed to the franchise and our promise to make a compelling, rich, and deep World of Darkness experience."
Official EVE website

Einerseits schon bitter die Leute so kurz vor Weihnachten zu feuern.
Andererseits erstaunlich das CCP überhaupt noch Leute am WoDMMO zum feuern hat. 15 Mann sind schließlich schon ein ganzer Batzen.
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Re: World of Darkness MMOPRG
« Antwort #73 am: 12.12.2013 | 08:11 »
Ich seh schon, wenn das dann doch noch erscheint wird das so ein F2P Rohrkrepierer.
The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree... yeah, makes perfect sense.

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Re: World of Darkness MMOPRG
« Antwort #74 am: 12.12.2013 | 08:15 »
Ich wäre überrascht wenn es vor 2016 veröffentlicht wird.
Und wahrscheinlich ist es dann technisch an allem hinten dran.
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