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[PDQ#] Schwertkämpfer und Gelehrte: Wuxia-Adaption für PDQ#

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Na klar. :) Was ist denn "Mist-Robed Gates"?

Das hier... ein Indie-Wuxia-Game. Spielbericht von mir folgt. Sehr erzählerisch, nutzt keine Würfel, dafür ein komplexes "Knife Ritual", bei der ein Messer-Prop in der Mitte des Tisches, gezogen, weggesteckt, etc. wird.

Ich hab's mir auch mal als PDF gegönnt, selbst wenn mich die hässliche Kalligraphie auf dem Cover etwas abgeschreckt hat. Das fehlt aber beim PDF sowieso  :P Ich bin dann auf dein Diary gespannt. (Und das nennen die eine ausführliche Filmliste?)

Hier erstmal Waffen zur inspiration. In Wuxia kann man da ja aus dem vollen Schöpfen und ist nicht auf Degen beschränkt  ;)

Techniques: Weapons:

There are many, many weapons in the Wuxia world. A lot of them exist in the real world and were used, even if they were never as popular as in the Wuxia stories (as the Jian, the favourite Wuxia weapon). Besides those, Wuxia weapons can be as strange as you like: thin swords that bend like paper and still cut deep, maces that rotate and find a weapons weak point to break it, swords with a blade that can be moved from left to right, and so on. Such special weapons might be better represented by the Named Weapon Forte.
Some Wuxia heroes prefer less obvious weapons like fans, flutes, silk sleeves, writing brushes, chopsticks, prayer beads, hairpins or gourds. Those might be normal, everyday objects or they might be specifically manufactured for battle like a bladed steel fan or jade beads on an iron wire.

Below is a list of Chinese weapons for your inspiration. Of course, ranged weapons like bows or crossbows exist, but they don’t get much love in Wuxia.

Jiàn (剑): A double-edged, straight sword. Often features a tassel at the pommel. Favourite Wuxia weapon.

Dāo (刀): A kurved, single edged sabre. Heavier than the Jian.

Qiāng (枪): Spear, often features a tassel beneath the blade.

Gùn (棍): A quarterstaff, made from wood or iron.

Fēidāo (flying knife 飞刀): Small throwing knifes. Darts are also possible.

Éméicì (峨嵋刺): Short arrows mounted on a ring. Can rotate.

Biān (鞭): A whip, sometimes made from metal.

Jĭujiébiān (Nine sections whip 九节鞭): Metal whip with nine sections, with a blade on one end.

Shéngbiāo (绳镖): A rope dart.

Fŭ (斧): A long-handled axe.

Gŏu (Hook-Sword钩): A weapon featuring a hook on one end, a curved blade on the other.

Jiăn (锏): A mace, looking similar to the other Jian, but without a blade.

Chuí (锤): A heavy, round hammer.

Líuxīngchuí (Meteor Hammer 流星錘): Heavy spheres on a chain. Occasionally filled with fuel and used burning.

Bāzhăndāo (八斬刀): Two single bladed knifes, also known as „Butterfly Knives“.

Sānjié Gùn (Three-part-staff 三节棍): Add one more part to the Nunchucks and you are there.

Guăi (拐): A baton with a handle.

Shémáo (蛇矛): A spear, the blade formed like a snake.

Sānjiān Dāo (三尖刀): A three-pronged polearm with a wide, double edged blade.

Jĭ (戟): Polearm with a straight tip and two crescent-shaped blades on the sides.

Guāndāo (关刀): A long, curved blade with a long handle. Often features hooks or rings to catch the opponent’s blade.

Yuèyáchăn (Monk’s Spade 月牙铲): A flat, broad blade on one end, a crescent shaped blade at the other. Also usable as a spade.

Lángyábàng (狼牙棒): A spiked club.

nette Sammlung. Erinnert mich akut an diese hier.

Ich bin ehrlich gesagt einen chinesischen Wikipedia-Klon durchgegangen ;) Aber auf der anderen Seite sind noch ein paar schöne Sachen dabei - ich habe nicht von allen Waffen gute Bilder gefunden.

Ansonsten hier noch ein paar neue Beispiel-Techniken. "Idioms" und "Weapons and Tools" hatte ich ja schon.


Most Techniques featured in PDQ# and S7S are usable for an Wuxia setting. More examples for Techniques especially keyed to Wuxia can be found below.

New example Locations/Situations:

In Chang’an, After an Insult, While Protecting Someone, In the Imperial Palace, On/in Rivers and Lakes, In the Air, In the Mountains, In a Scholar’s Study, On the Stage, In Opera Outfit, After you Lost Face, On the Rooftops, While Balancing (e.g. on Bamboo Stalks/ Pillars/ Your Enemy’s Sword), In a Monastery.

New example Maneuvers:

Additionally to the broader maneuvers mentioned in PDQ#, you can think about special moves fitting your character’s fighting style. Just add a cool name and use them as a Maneuver.

A Special Move (the Plum Blossom Fist, the Swiping Tiger Tail, the Spitting Toad), Acupressure Attacks, Blinding the Opponent with a Reflection on the Blade, Creating a Dust Cloud, Quoting the Classics, Quoting the Sutras, Quoting Daoist Texts, Composing Poems, Writing Calligraphy.

New example Foes:

vs. Bandits, vs. Imperial Soldiers, vs. Monks, vs. Members of the Five Poisons Clan, vs. Masters, vs. Several Enemies, vs. Xiake, vs. Corrupt Officials, vs. Non-Han.


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