Autor Thema: [Hellfrost] Errata: Hamper Movement Power  (Gelesen 829 mal)

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[Hellfrost] Errata: Hamper Movement Power
« am: 5.05.2011 | 19:09 »
Errata für Rassilon Expansion, Region Guide #14 - Veermark (Centaur Wild Lord) bzw. Region Guide #19 - Unclaimed Lands (Finnar Wind Lord):

Rank: Seasoned
Range: Smarts
Duration: Maintained
Trappings: Entangling plants, deep mud, buffeting winds, ice, grasping skeletal limbs, rip tide.

Hamper movement creates an area equal in size to a Medium Burst Template. All movement through the temple is treated as difficult ground. With a –2 penalty on the arcane skill roll, the template can be increased to a Large Burst Template. For a similar penalty, the area can be made especially difficult, preventing all creatures from running within the template. With a –4 penalty, both modifiers can be implemented simultaneously.

Add to Magic Lists: Druidism, Elementalism (Air, Earth, and Water), and Hrimwisardry.
Add to Deity Lists: Eostre, Ertha, Freo, Hela, Neorthe, Thrym, Thunor, and The Unknowable One.
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
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Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon