Autor Thema: Anführer Disziplin mit Hintergrund Scavian  (Gelesen 1224 mal)

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Anführer Disziplin mit Hintergrund Scavian
« am: 27.08.2011 | 21:36 »
Moin erstmal,

Ich und ein paar Freunde haben uns zusammengesetzt und eine Disziplin für den Hintergrund der Scavians zusammengebaut.
Wir haben aber noch einige was das Balancing angeht. Wir sind uns darüber im Klaren, dass die Disziplin in Verbindung mit Versatility zu viel Munchkinpotenzial hat. Also hier der erste Entwurf. Gebt doch bitte mal euren Senf dazu. Sorry ist leider nur auf Englisch, weil wir keine lust auf einen Mischmasch zwischen deutschem Text und englischen Büchern hatten.

Battle Chanter / Schlachtensänger

During the Scourge, Prince Darl Hilloman from the Scavian Empire invented the Battle Chanter's Discipline, to encourage his people to continue fighting the invading Horrors and to strengthen his soldiers in the fight. In those hard times, the Battle Chanter was not only found in the first line of defense, but also in the heart of his community, to help them endure the Scourge.

Later, after the Scourge the Battle Chanter had established itself as the backbone of the Scavian people. Now that the Scourge has passed, the Battle Chanter seeks out to help fend of other threats to his people and to Barsaive.

The Battle Chanter was developed out of the Troubadour Discipline by Prince Hilloman. The dire need for a competent Leader that could boast the morale at the front lines against an army of Horros and  keep up the spirit back at home resulted in this discipline being developed. Being a capable fighter but a much more capable Leader the discipline also became one of the main disciplines in the leading ranks of the Imperial Guard.

Charisma + Stärke

Talent Options:
Etiquette, Impress, Avoid Blow, Parry, Winning Smile

Circle 1:
Karma Ritual
Battle Shout
Melee Weapons
First Impression

Talent Options:
Durability (7/6), Rhetoric, Swift Kick, Anticipate Blow, Throwing Weapons, Unarmed Combat, Fire Blood, Frighten

Circle 2: Heartening Laugh
+1 to Social Defense

Circle 3: Inspire Others

Circle 4: Thread Weaving [Battle Weaving]
May Spend Karma on Charisma-only Tests

Talent Options:
Resist Taunt, Blade Juggle, Crushing Blow, Tiger Spring, Shield Charge, Endure Heat, Momentum Attack, Wound Balance

Circle 5: Battle Bellow

“I've got your back!”: When a companion of the adept is struck down to the ground by either a critical hit or by a wound being caused, the adept may spend 3 Strain and save his companion from being knocked down.
By announcing “I've got your back!” the adept places him back to back with the said companion, after using this action he may not attack the same target as his companion any more. “I've got your back!” may only be used once every round.

Circle 6: Lion Heart
May spend Karma on Willpower-only Tests

Circle 7: Leadership
May spend Karma on Recovery Tests.

Circle 8: Second Attack
+1 Social Defense

Talent Options:
Steel Thought, Lion Spirit, Defense, Resist Pain, Critical Hit, Life Check, Detect Falsehood, Safe Thought

Circle 9: Battle Chant*

Circle 10: Rally
+1 Recovery Test
+1 Social Defense, +1 Physical Defense

Circle 11: Lion Spirit

Circle 12: Detect Influence
+1 Initiative
+1 Social Defense,

Talent Options: Blood Guilt Weapon, Champion Challenge, First Ring of Perfection, Pin, Vitality, Vital Strike

Circle 13: Second Chance
+1 Physical Defense

Circle 14: Aura Armor
+1 Recovery Test
+1 Social Defense

Circle 15: Confront Horror
+1 auf Initiative
+1 Spell Defense, +1 Physical Defense

Battle Chant:
Step: Rank + CHA    Action: Read description
Karma: Yes      Strain: 0 (See text)

The adept inspires his companions and boosts their morale over the time of a battle and possibly even intimidates foes.
He sings an inspirational song, making a Battle Chant Test against the highest Social Defense among the target group +1 for each additional target, targeting everyone in hearing distance.
In the first round of use the character spends his action to initiate the Chant. After that the Chant costs the adept 1 strain per round to sustain it.
If successful, all affected companions add +1 to their Defense Ratings and gain a +1 bonus to their Action Tests for each Result Level achieved. On a excellent result or higher against an enemy's Social Defense this enemy is demoralized a suffers -1 to his Defense Ratings and -1 to his Action Tests, -2 on an extraordinary success.
When the character is knocked down, he has to re-initiate the chant, otherwise the effects will wear off in the next combat round. Battle Shout and Battle Bellow do not interrupt the song, they are merely reflected in the melody and volume of it.

Offline ragbasti

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Re: Anführer Disziplin mit Hintergrund Scavian
« Antwort #1 am: 29.08.2011 | 17:43 »
Ich glaube mal da wurde nach feedback gebeten, hier mal paar sachen, die mich beschäftigen beider Disziplin:

Die Scavians sind ja (fastalle) Menschen und wenn man dann wirklich da noch Versatility einplant, dann wird das ganze doch schon sehr hart.
Zu parry könnte man sich Riposte holen und generell geht auch noch einiges an schadensboostern, und Air Dance gibts ja auch noch, dann wird das ganze doch schon zur echten Kampfsau.
Bei dem Kreis 9 Talent bin ich mir auch noch unsicher, ob das wirklich so funktioniert alles. Es könnte entweder zu stark oder zu schwach sein, ich bin mir da noch nicht so sicher.
Wenn man mal hypotethisch ne 4er Heldengruppe nimmt die mit 5 Gegnern kämpft, dann muss man für den -2 bei den gegnern schon im höheren 30erbereich würfeln.

Ansonsten finde ich die Idee durchaus ausbaufähig und mit ein wenig mehr arbeit könnte das was nettes werden.
Es fehlen auch noch die Kreis 9 und Kreis 13 Spezialfähigkeiten

Bissl mehr Feedback würd wohl auch nicht schaden