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Vandal Savage:
Friday October 31, 2003
UN Authorizes World Advisory Council to Fight Terrorist ‘Nine’
NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK—The United Nations Security Council today granted extraterritorial law-enforcement powers to the World Advisory Council. Staffed by members of the international intelligence, military and scientific communities, the Council’s expertise will be used to dismantle the infrastructure of The Nine, a terrorist organization credited with attacks worldwide. Advisors will assist global military and law enforcement as well as manage member nations’ detention camps. The demand for outside assistance comes in the wake of the deaths of 54 FBI agents who attempted to apprehend members of the so-called “Akashic Brotherhood.” The cult is one of many fringe cells that US State Department officials accuse of using psychotropic chemicals and biological weapons to fulfill The Nine’s anarchist, apocalyptic agenda.

Es scheint mir, als ob die Technokraten unter dem Deckmantel des FBI gegen den Rat der Neun vorgehen. Doch sie stoßen natürlich auf Widerstand von seiten den Bruderschaft.
Der letzte Satz dürfte sich wohl auf Anschläge der Traditionen beziehen, die man der Öffentlichkeit nur durch Drogen und Biologische Waffen erklären kann.

Vandal Savage:
Monday November 3, 2003
Unexplained Solar Eclipse Baffles Astronomers
CAIRO, EGYPT—International authorities were today baffled by what they could only call an “unexplained phenomenon” involving a total solar eclipse seen in the Middle East. No eclipse was expected, since the moon’s orbit does not bring it directly in front of the sun for another two months, when an eclipse is expected to occur across parts of North America. Nonetheless, the event appeared exactly like a solar eclipse and obscured the face of the sun as visible in Cairo, Alexandria and parts of Palestine, Syria and Saudi Arabia. The “eclipse” lasted for just over 20 minutes, and was filmed by numerous media outlets in the region, as well as by members of the Ashuki Corporation. Though explanations have been offered, ranging from orbiting space debris to a close pass by a “rogue” asteroid, experts have dismissed these theories as “highly unlikely.”

öhhh, jemand ne Idee?

Hm ham die Technokraten nicht sowas ähnliches wie ne Orbitalstation? Zumindest hab ich mir das mal sagen lassen. Kann aber auch nur Gelabber sein...

Vandal Savage:
Hmm, achso, könnten sie ihre Spiegel im Orbit auf Ägypten gerichtet haben? Wäre sehr vorausschauend.

Vandal Savage:
Tuesday November 4, 2003
Atlanta Billboards Warn of Doomsday
ATLANTA, GEORGIA—Atlanta citizens woke this morning to find billboards across their city bearing the message, “The end of the world is nigh.” All these billboards were leased by a man who simply goes by the name “Violin,” but sources say that the checks paying for their rental were signed by a William Hannon.

Violin99 ist ein Hunter, der hier seine Apokryphen verbreitet.


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