Autor Thema: [3.5 -> PF] Schnellkonvertierung von Abenteuern  (Gelesen 745 mal)

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Offline Lollie

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habe mich ein wenig in Pathfinder eingelesen und möchte bald eine Runde damit leiten. Das Abenteuer, das ich anbieten möchte (The Tearing of the Weave) ist allerdings noch in 3.5, also folgende Fragen:
Wie kann ich es möglichst schnell konvertieren, ohne jeden Nicht-Standard-Gegner neu im PF erstellen zu müssen?
Wie stellt man am besten SGs und HGs um?
BTW: Hat jemand Erfahrungen mit dem Abenteuer oder kennt Stolpersteine?

Liebe Grüße und danke im Voraus, Lollie
Die meisten Menschen sind bereit zu lernen, aber nur die wenigsten, sich belehren zu lassen. (Winston Churchill)


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Re: [3.5 -> PF] Schnellkonvertierung von Abenteuern
« Antwort #1 am: 29.02.2012 | 07:27 »
Wenn es den entsprechenden Gegner in einem der PF Bestiary gibt, hast du natürlich Glück.

Ansonsten gibt es Empfehlungen seitens Paizo für eine "quick and dirty" Konversion.

Converting existing monsters to the Pathfinder RPG
is a relatively simple task. Most monsters work just fine
after converting their skills and calculating their CMB
and CMD. In addition, the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Bestiary converts most of the widely used monsters for you.
That said, if you are using a 3.5 monster that is not in the
Bestiary, the following rules will help you use the monster
with little effort.

•    Monster Hit Dice types are linked to their base attack
progression, just as with characters. This means
that monstrous humanoids and outsiders receive
+1 hit point per Hit Die they possess. Oozes, which
dropped down to d8 Hit Dice, lose 1 hit point per Hit
Die. Undead, which dropped down to d8 Hit Dice,
lose 2 hit points per Hit Die, but they now use their
Charisma modif ier in place of their Constitution
modif ier when calculating hit points and Fortitude
saves. Mindless undead typically have a Charisma
score of 10, whereas intelligent undead tend to have a
higher Charisma score.
•    Instead of altering the Hit Dice of constructs, their base
attack bonuses have been increased from the medium
progression to the fast progression. This means that
all constructs receive a +1 bonus on attack rolls, and to
their CMB and CMD. This bonus increases by +2 at 5 Hit
Dice and by an additional +1 for every 4 Hit Dice they
possess beyond 5. Undead, which increase from a slow
progression to a medium progression, receive a +1 bonus
on attack rolls and to their CMB and CMD at 3 Hit Dice,
the bonus increasing by +1 for every 4 Hit Dice after 3 that
they possess.
•    Calculate the monster’s CMB and CMD using the same
method used for characters. Note that if a monster has
improved grab, or a similar ability, it receives a +4 bonus
on CMB checks made to grapple.
•    Check the monster’s skills for any changes, using Table
C–2 to update them to the new lists. Generally you can
disregard any leftover skill ranks, although you should
probably shift them to the Fly skill if the creature has a
f ly speed. Note that Fly is a class skill for any creature
with a f ly speed. Generally speaking, you can treat
any skill that the monster has ranks in as a class skill.
Although this is not the case in the new rules, in which
creatures have set lists of class skills based on type, it is    
close enough for a quick conversion.                              
 •    Creatures that drained levels now bestow permanent                
         negative levels. The DC to resist or remove these levels
         is unchanged.                                                    
•    Constructs, plants, and most undead are no longer immune            
         to sneak attacks or critical hits. Elementals, incorporeal          
         undead, and oozes are still immune to such attacks.          

Ich persönlich habe NSCs aus 3.5 Quellen aber immer komplett neu gebaut, weil sich die Klassen doch stark unterscheiden.

Offline Talim

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Re: [3.5 -> PF] Schnellkonvertierung von Abenteuern
« Antwort #2 am: 4.03.2012 | 21:23 »
Oder einfach drauf los spielen und die Mechanik von Pf nehmen.
