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Erster Entwurf:
Deep Magic InitiateDeep Magic Initiates start with one extra spell slot at 1st level. You get an additional spell slot at champion tier and epic tier. If your class has no spell casting ability, you get one additional spell slot at 3rd level. The spell slots improve as you get levels.
Every spell of your specialty school is available to you, but you have to prepare to cast them. You can prepare every spell you know by using any spell slot.
You also know 3 cantrips from deep magic or wizard list. You can use them like a wizard (see wizard class features: cantrips).
If you are a ritual caster, you can cast spells that you know from your school as rituals.
Your spell casting ability score: If you are already a spell caster, use the same attribute that you use to cast spells with already: Wizards cast using Intelligence, clerics and druids use Wisdom, bards and sorcerers use Charisma, and so on. If you do not cast spells already, use the highest of your mental ability scores. Whenever a spell description in this book says “attack vs.” Roll a d20, and add your spell-casting ability modifier and your level to the result.
Deep Magic AdeptPrerequisites: Deep Magic Initiate
Double all extra slots from deep magic initiate. You know 6 cantrips instead of 3.
If you are not already a ritual caster, now you are.