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[HARP] Smalltalk

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Im Fall MERS wurde im Regelband explizit erklärt, dass das dem Setting geschuldet war, in dem Noldor nun einmal den Göttern am nächsten und Orks eben nur niedere Wesen sind.

Ich bin auf Wikipedia auf folgendes gestoßen:

HARP has Professions that determine which sets of skills are favoured or not, many also provide level bonuses to skills, spell spheres and/or talents. The Professions in HARP Revised are: Cleric, Fighter, Harper, Mage, Monk, Ranger, Rogue, Thief, and Warrior Mage. Additional professions are found in other support books and include: Paladin, Beastmaster, Elementalist, Thaumaturge, Necromancer, Vivimancer, Adventurer, Mystic, Shadowblade, & Druid. HARP's Professions are designed to be flexible, with a single level progression chart allowing the player to build the character he or she wants from the base profession.

Wo finde ich denn Adventurer, Druid, Mystic, Paladin und Shadowblade?

D. M_Athair:
Im HARP: The Codex sind die drin.

Ah danke :)

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