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[Gerüchte] zu matrix 3
Eye Of Gruumsh:
--- Zitat von: Luni am 19.10.2003 | 23:13 ---ich hab den Architekten eher so verstanden, dass er die linke wählen wird und zwar aus leibe zu einer einzelnen statt das ganze zu retten.
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Das ist das, was Neo getan hat, und was zur Vernichtung von Zion und der gesamten Menschheit führen wird.
Neo hatte die Wahl.
Hier die Textstelle aus dem Skript (du wolltest es so ;D):
--- Zitat ---Architect: The function of the One is now to return to the Source, allowing a temporary dissemination of the code you carry, reinserting the prime program. After which, you will be required to select from the Matrix 23 individuals - 16 female, 7 male - to rebuild Zion. Failure to comply with this process will result in a cataclysmic system crash, killing everyone connected to the Matrix, which, coupled with the extermination of Zion, will ultimately result in the extinction of the entire human race.
Neo: You won't let it happen. You can't. You need human beings to survive.
Architect: There are levels of survival we are prepared to accept. However, the relevant issue is whether or not you are ready to accept the responsibility of the death of every human being on this world. It is interesting, reading your reactions. Your 5 predecessors were, by design, based on a similar predication - a contingent affirmation that was meant to create a profound attachment to the rest of your species, facilitating the function of the One. While the others experienced this in a very general way, your experience is far more specific - vis a vis love.
Neo: Trinity.
Architect: Apropos, she entered the Matrix to save your life, at the cost of her own.
Neo: No.
Architect: Which brings us at last to the moment of truth, wherein the fundamental flaw is ultimately expressed, and the anomaly revealed as both beginning and end. There are two doors. The door to your right leads to the Source, and the salvation of Zion. The door to your left leads back to the Matrix, to her and to the end of your species. As you adequately put, the problem is choice. But we already know what you are going to do, don't we? Already, I can see the chain reaction - the chemical precursors that signal the onset of an emotion, designed specifically to overwhelm logic and reason - an emotion that is already blinding you from the simple and obvious truth. She is going to die, and there is nothing you can do to stop it.
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kannst mir die auch auf deutsch geben?
Dummerweise fehlt in den Skript genau die Stelle, wo aus den Äüßerungen das Architekten deutlich wird, dass er in der Tat erwartet hat, das Neo die linke Tür wählt.
Der Satz "There is nothing you can do...." sieht eher wie ein letzter verzweifelter Versuch des Architekten aus Neo doch noch zu überzeugen die linke tür zu nehmen.
Ich seh das also ähnlich wie Luni.
Und seit wann ist das Orakel auf der Seite der Rebellen?
Also ich finde, im zweiten Teil siehts eher so aus, als ob sie auf der Seite der Maschinen steht. Immerhin lotst sie Neo genau dahin wo ihn die Maschinen haben wollen. Was er dann da tut unterliegt ja nicht ihrer Kontrolle.......
"Already, I can see the chain reaction - the chemical precursors that signal the onset of an emotion, designed specifically to overwhelm logic and reason "
So, dieser Satz (im übrigen der vorletzte der gelieferten) Ist doch genau das was ich sagte, Neo bekommt voraus gesagt, dass er eh auf seine Emotionen statt auf die Logik hört. (also linke Tür ;) )
Eye Of Gruumsh:
Ja, mir ist schon klar, dass sie damit gerechnet haben, dass Neo die linke Tür wählen würde.
Mir ging es darum, dass es entgegen seiner Funktion ist, wie der erste Satz sagt:
--- Zitat ---The function of the One is now to return to the Source, allowing a temporary dissemination of the code you carry, reinserting the prime program. After which, you will be required to select from the Matrix 23 individuals - 16 female, 7 male - to rebuild Zion. Failure to comply with this process will result in a cataclysmic system crash, killing everyone connected to the Matrix, which, coupled with the extermination of Zion, will ultimately result in the extinction of the entire human race.
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