Autor Thema: Apocalypse World Playbook Alpha - The Handler  (Gelesen 1421 mal)

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Offline Praion

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Der Handler ist ein Playbook über nen Typen, der ein großes Monster hat und kontrolliert. Gleichzeitig ist er zwar recht heiß, hat aber Probleme damit Leute zu verstehen und hat mehr Werkzeuge in Form nvon Moves um mit Tieren klar zu kommen.


Choose a basic kind of body
* Lizard I instinct : to hoard
* Mammal I instinct : to mate
* Mutated mess I instinct: to shatter sanity
* humanoid I instinct : to get away
* insectoid I instinct : to spawn more of it‘s kind

In battle it counts as a 2 harm small gang
Give it two additional abilities

* Fire breath 3 harm close, area, fire I impulse: To destroy
* Immense strength and claws 3 harm hand, messy I instinct : to show power
* More than animal cunning I instinct : to corrupt
* It’s heavily armored 2 armor I instinct : to rest
* It’s gigantic, it counts as a large gang I instinct : to destroy whole buildings
* It has wings/can burrow or has other unique movement modes I instinct : to get away
* It can camouflage itself I instinct : to scare
* Uses psychic powers to destroy your mind 2 harm ap quiet I instinct :
* Is grows strange, maybe medicinal, fungus on it‘s skin I instinct : to infest
* It’s extreme sleek and agile I instinct : to get away
* Can carry a ton of stuff and act as a mobile weapon platform I instinct : to rest

How do you control it
* With whip, threats and constant oversight I instinct : to get revenge
* A psychic link I instinct : to follow the will of the maelstrom
* Bribes of special food I instinct : to eat
* Sheer luck, you have no idea why it listens to you, and only to you  I instinct : to protect
* You have a team that controls  I instinct : to mate


*noch nicht geschrieben*



Choose one set:

Cool+1 Hard-1 Hot+2 Sharp=0 Weird+1
Cool=0 Hard+1 Hot+2 Sharp=+1 Weird-1
Cool-1 Hard+2 Hot+2 Sharp=0 Weird-1
Cool=0 Hard=0 Hot+2 Sharp=+1 Weird=0



man, woman, ambiguous, transgressing

fur clothes, shredded clothes, leather clothes,
circus animal trainer clothes, showy clothes

Scarred face, animalistic face, tattooed face, 
rugged face, busted face,

hawklike eyes, squinting eyes, weary eyes, mad eyes
hounded eyes

hard body, overbuilt body, scarred body, crooked body



You get:
* oddments worth 2 barter
one animal control weapon

animal control weapon, choose 1
Tranquilizer Gun (s-harm far  reload)
.38 Revolver (2 harm close reload loud)
A whip (1 harm hand  close)
A heavy chain (2 harm hand area)
Machete (3 harm hand messy)
Sawed-off (3 harm close reload messy)



Everyone introduces their characters by name, look and outlook. Take your turn.

List the other characters‘ names.

Go around again for Hx. On your turn

Tell everyone else Hx -1, you don‘t really get people individually.

On the others‘ turns:

Everyone, if they belong to a gang, have followers or something similar, whatever number they tell you, give it +1 and write it next to the character‘s name

*Choose one of them who was with you, when you tamed your monster whatever number  this player tells you, give it +1 and write it next to the character‘s name

*Choose one player who helped you when you lost control of your monster recently, whatever number this player tells you, give it +1 and write it next to the c



A Handler get’s all the basic moves
He get’s Monster Control and  A beast in battle

When you control your monster roll+hot
On a hit it does as you want to but you still have to control it the whole time
On a 7-9 it also follows one of it’s instincts during the time and there is nothing you can do against it
On a miss it will follow all of it’s instincts with little control from you

A beast in battle
When you are in battle with you monster you can go aggro and seize by force using hot

Pack order
When you read a group of people roll+hot
* Who is the pack omega
* Who is the pack omega here
* How can I damage this pack
* Who in this pack is easiest to manipulate
* Who is fighting with the pack alpha for power

Primal Howl
When you howl you get the effects of going aggro on all enemies within earshot with the demand being "flee in terror". If they suck it up they take s-harm.

Animal Speak
You can talk to animals and can use moves on them like on humans

Law of the Jungle
When your monster threatens someone you care about and you let it continue without inferring mark experience

Special Move
If you have sex with somebody they get +1 hold. They can spend this hold to make your monster loose interest in them for a moment


- get +1 hot (+3)
- get +1 hard (+2)
- get +1 cool (+2)
- take another Handler move
- take another Handler move
- take a move from another playbook
- take a move from another playbook
- remove one instinct from your monster
get a breeding pit (workspace, detail) where you can work on animals

Hat jemand Kommentare oder Fragen? Der nächste Schritt ist die Monsterliste noch mal zu überarbeiten (hat jemand noch ne Idee für coole Fähigkeiten?) und die Namenslisten zu schreiben. Dann geht's in den Playtest und einer meiner Spieler wird ein Tri-Fold gestalten.
"Computers! I got two dots in Computers! I go find the bad guy's Computers and I Computers them!!"
Jason Corley

Offline Praion

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Re: Apocalypse World Playbook Alpha - The Handler
« Antwort #1 am: 31.12.2012 | 17:41 »
Ich überlege im Moment den Control Move darauf zu ändern dass

10+ Du wählst einen Instinkt
7-9 Du und der SL wähl jeweils einen Instinkt
6- tjoa Pech

"Computers! I got two dots in Computers! I go find the bad guy's Computers and I Computers them!!"
Jason Corley