Pen & Paper - Spielsysteme > Reign & One-Roll-Engine (ORE)
Interessante Ankündigung von Arc Dream:
Benjamin Baugh has been working on Drachenritter for years. It’s a roleplaying game about knights in grimy armor riding bad-ass dragons to war as they struggle to save their peoples and civilization itself from a looming Dark Age.
You play it out on multiple levels. In the big picture, you build up the kingdom or chapter house that your knights and dragons serve. On a tactical level, your dragons fight it out in the skies against other dragons and against the castles and weapons that the enemy brings to bear. On a character level your knights face conflicts with their enemies and rivals in political, legal and military disputes — and occasionally they track down monsters that still ravage after an ugly supernatural war. The dragon-knights are soldiers, marshals, judges and nobles, and there’s room for every kind of play style.
Drachenritter is high fantasy as told by the boots on the ground and the claws in the air. It’s dirty and muddy. It’s set in a land recovering from war. Villages burn. Families shatter. People die. Bad things happen. It’s up to the players to save their people from the worst of it.
Drachenritter uses a variant of the One Roll Engine that powers Reign and GODLIKE. Watch for playtesting in March, a fundraiser at Kickstarter in April, and a full-color hardback core book in July for a fire-breathing GenCon debut.
Klingt klasse :D
Uh shiny. Frage ist, kann man es auf Tremaire hacken?
Benjamin Baugh, cool.
Der hat auch in "Monsters & other childish Things" gezeigt, daß er die ORE gut hacken kann und ist auch noch ein angenehm zu lesender Autor (Kerberos Club, Don't loose your Mind etc.).
Ich bin dabei.
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